More than 100,000 Meals Packed for Stop Hunger Now

stop hunger nowFirst Church Coral Springs along with the international hunger relief agency, Stop Hunger Now, packaged 100,572 meals in September to be distributed throughout the global community. In three hours, 590 volunteers from the congregation, ages eight and above, assembled packages of rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and flavoring mix with 21 vitamins and minerals. Even children, ages four to seven, participated in a special setting for their age group.

According to Pastor Alex, senior pastor, “Stop Hunger Now is about bringing people together to package meals for those who need food the most around the world. It was a fun-filled day of connecting with one another and serving the least of these. It is amazing what one quarter per meal and some time serving together can do to feed 100,000 people.”

The meals will be sent to areas of need around the world. Meals packaged by the church last year were sent to families in South America.

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