
Does Science Disprove God?

A Pew Research Poll released last week reports that fifty-nine percent of Americans see science and religion in conflict. But they also found that, “highly religious Americans are less likely than others to see conflict between faith and science.” I’m not a scientist, and I don’t play one on TV. But it’s amazing to me to see how some scientists like to claim that somehow science has disproven God.   The wonder of science On Bill Maher’s television program in October (10/2/15), he and guest Richard Dawkins essentially declared that science has disproved God. Bill Maher: “You talk about the […]

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“You have decided the length of our lives. You know how many months we will live, and we are not given a minute longer” (Job 14:5, NLT). As Christians, we know that God has appointed our days. However, it is fascinating to study cultures such as the Okinawans, inhabitants of a coral ringed island south of Japan and north of Taiwan. Once an independent kingdom, Okinawa was forcibly assimilated into Japan in the late 1800s during one of the worst battles of World War II. Today it is the poorest of all Japan’s provinces, but Okinawa’s health figures are impressive. […]

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Governor Scott Signs Pastor Protection Act into Law

Churches, religious organizations and individuals may not be required to perform any marriages that would violate their conscience or be compelled to use church property for such ceremonies if they would violate their sincerely held religious beliefs now that Florida’s Pastor Protection Act has passed and been signed into law by Governor Rick Scott on March 10. The law also prohibits certain legal actions, penalties, or governmental sanctions against such individuals or entities. The move was made in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court Decision of Obergefell v. Hodges that legalized same-sex marriages nationwide. Since the Supreme Court decision […]

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Agnostic Christianity

When unexpected tragedy happens in your life, what do you do? When in the words of Fantine in Les Miserables, “Life kills the dream you dreamed,” where do you turn? What can happen to many people is that great uncertainties, doubts and suspicions towards God suddenly arise in their hearts. Suddenly, all the Sunday school stories you learned as a kid can seem so fake. What can happen is not a direct move into atheism — denying the existence of God, but a slow and subtle move into a silent agnosticism — denying that truth about God can be known, […]

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Consequences of Porn on Our Culture

A recent study by The Barna Group titled, “The Porn Phenomenon: A Comprehensive New Survey on Americans and Pornography” was released recently and it revealed what is stated to be a “cavalier” attitude towards pornography and pornography use particularly among teens and young adults.  I would not disagree with these findings based on my years of pastoral work and my marriage and family therapy work with couples and families.  We could argue all day about the merits and findings of such a study, who is to blame, etc. but I would rather think that in the end of those discussions, […]

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The Passover Lamb

Passover is known as the Festival of Redemption because it commemorates the children of Israel’s freedom from slavery in Egypt some 3,500 years ago. We know the story in Exodus well: God chose Moses and sent him to tell Pharaoh to “let My people go.” Pharaoh refused and Egypt was visited with ten different plagues that practically destroy the nation. The last plague was the death of the firstborn male of every family. The Lord used this plague to teach the children of Israel the principal of redemption through a substitute. He instructed them to choose a young male lamb […]

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African Children’s Lives Changed Through Music

It’s amazing how a simple act of kindness could inspire a lifelong ministry that helps thousands of children. Very often we meet people in our day to day life and activities. Some lead to long term friendships, business opportunities, jobs and in Ray Barnett’s case it led to more ministry.  Ray Barnett, founder of African Children’s Choir, had a very unique experience. “Ray affectionately called Daddy Ray had visited Uganda some years before on a humanitarian trip to assist persecuted Christians in the time of Idi Amin’s brutal rule. While on this trip he and his traveling companions gave a […]

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“God’s Not Dead 2” Kicks Off a New Phase of Faith-based Films

On April 1 Pure Flix Entertainment will premiere the second installment of its growing franchise with “God’s Not Dead 2.” Along with the release of this film, Pure Flix will be one of the first Christian film groups to do several things: (1) produce a highly anticipated sequel, (2) host a user-friendly digital streaming service, and (3) yes, stick around a few minutes after the movie because there is an after-credits scene/preview! Not to take away from the movie, but to be honest I am more intrigued and excited about Pure Flix’s online service that they now offer. Pure Flix […]

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Sugar’s Sweet Deception

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the mountainous health advice we receive every day? It sometimes seems as if everything is going to send us to an early grave. The sad truth is that our food chain is contaminated, and perhaps one of the most destructive and harmful substances to the human body is sugar. Sugar is considered by many to be more damaging than alcohol or tobacco, and yet we allow our children to consume it on a daily basis. Sugar has been found to be more addicting than cocaine and heroin. Our bodies do their best to metabolize […]

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God As A Kid in The Young Messiah

So what was it like to raise the Son of God? When He was learning to walk, did He know He had made the flowers his feet crushed? Was He popular? Did He make childhood friends? Is it at all telling that no one ever steps forward claiming to be His best friend after His public ministry is launched? What did being fully man and fully God look like in the body and life of a seven-year-old Jesus? “The Young Messiah” in theaters around the country on March 11, begins with these words: Inspired by Scripture and rooted in history, […]

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