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The Quality of Life I have been pondering lately on the quality of life, not the quantity.  The theme is common in many of my conversations.  Perhaps it’s the season of life I am in, perhaps it’s the influence of my own legacy, perhaps it’s watching my children and grandchildren growing up.  We often define this as legacy, which is important. We think about legacy when we are sitting with our estate attorney, and we begin to think about assets and who owns them now and who should own them later. Sometimes we think about legacy in our charitable giving. […]

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Mr. Rogers Beat Me Up

In the post war 1940’s and 1950’s people sat on front porches and conversed with their neighbors. Today we hide from one another on our back decks, behind pressure treated screens. Families collectively ate something called “dinner” together around a table of some kind. People had something called “verbal conversations” inclusive of complete sentences, body language and eye contact. Back then there were “emoji-less smiles” and something akin to real laughter. If I could time travel, I would visit this era just long enough to enjoy it but not long enough to suffer through the absence of air conditioning. In […]

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Execution – Was Jesus executed?

Christianity is the number one most verifiable (or falsifiable) religion in the world, because Christianity makes truth claims that can be investigated historically and proven to be true or false. Last month I began to present a capsulized version of my study, Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? We took a long look at the first of what I call the Four Easter E’s: Exist – Did Jesus Exist? Executed – Was Jesus Executed? Empty Tomb – Was Jesus’ tomb Empty? Eyewitnesses – Were there Eyewitness accounts?   This month we’ll examine the second E – Was Jesus Executed? Did Jesus really […]

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An Awakening

There is an awakening move of the Spirit happening right now on the earth. At any given point in time and history this phrase has been true. But we, the generation chosen by God to steward His presence on the earth in this day, must realize that we are standing in a specific and appointed time, which is connected to a specific and appointed move of the Spirit in our lifetime.  It is very easy to see that there is a need for a move of God in this hour. This time in history and culture is marked by chaos […]

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Thoughts From Recovery

Last month I had to have a total knee replacement. Being in recovery means I have had a lot of time to think as I anticipate a full return to health and my regular work schedule. One thing I’ve been thinking about is this Twitter thread:   Random Tweet: If you quit your job tomorrow, a month from now your bosses/coworkers will act like you never worked there and not waste a minute thinking about you. My friend’s response: So true. The loyalty mismatch between company and employees damages a lot of employees. Not for me personally, but I see […]

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South Florida’s Faith Is Your Problem Too

From the very beginning, the vision of Church United was beyond any one church, key leader or organization. In order to see South Florida become known as a place of faith, hope and love it will take a movement of the Church, united together for the sake of Kingdom mission. We believe as more and more people are awakened to faith in Jesus, the narrative of our neighborhoods, workplaces and cities will begin to change.  South Florida United Just a little over two years into our Vision 2023 journey, one thing has become abundantly clear: this isn’t pastors united, church staff […]

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Theology of Work

Many organizations I consult for are facing the same struggle. They’ve hit a wall and can’t figure out how to move forward, grow and successfully scale in their current context. Much of the time the barrier is the same: they’re still operating in the old paradigm where the secular is separate and unequal to the sacred. Theologically that’s simply not the case. We must be diligent about removing the veil between the sacred and the secular, and acknowledge that all of life is sacred space. Foundational to successfully operate in this new freedom requires that everyone can fully acknowledge and […]

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Resurrection: Fact or Fiction – Did Jesus Exist?

Christianity is the number one most verifiable (or falsifiable) religion in the world.  Why? Because Christianity makes truth claims that can be investigated historically and proven to be either true or false. Over the next four months, I want to present to you the four proofs supporting the resurrection of Jesus Christ, from both secular and biblical writings, agreed upon by a wide spectrum of New Testament scholars, both Christian and critical. In my study “Resurrection: Fact or Fiction,” I call them my 4 Easter E’s : Exist – did Jesus Exist? Executed – was Jesus Executed? Empty Tomb – […]

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I’ve been thinking of late about the in-betweens in our lives. The more I think about it the more I realize that our lives are littered with in-betweens. I have also begun to understand that there are different types of in-betweens, some more significant than others. Perhaps you have found yourself in some of these. Have you ever been in-between a job, a career or a relationship?  Perhaps you have found yourself traveling and were in-between cities or even continents. In-betweens bring with them a whole set of emotions. I have experienced great excitement, other times paralyzed by great fear. […]

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The Work of Christmas Begins in January

Last month, at the Church United Night of Worship and Celebration we heard story after story of uncommon generosity, church unity and collaborative efforts to spread faith, hope and love across South Florida. Pastors, ministry leaders and congregants came together, putting down their logo and embracing one another as fellow believers: praying together, serving together and giving together. If you missed the service, here are a few highlights of what God did.   Little House Coin Banks Collectively we raised money to bless local schools, nonprofits, ministries and local families. When Broward County government came to us, asking that we […]

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