
Gospel-Centered Evangelism

Arthur Stace was born in 1884 in Sydney, Australia. Stace was born into a very poor family and had a rough life growing up. He spent some time in jail and was an alcoholic for the majority of his adult life. One day, in 1930, Stace stumbled his way into a church service and heard the words of the gospel preached. The message was entitled, “The Echoes of Eternity.” It was through hearing this message of eternity that Arthur Stace was converted and came to know Jesus. Stace was so inspired by the sermon that, after his conversion, he would […]

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Is Bible Reading Really Important?

I will give one hundred dollars to the first person who can find one of the two following verses in the Bible with these exact words: “The lion shall lay down with the lamb” or “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” However, no matter how hard you look, you will not find either of them in the Bible in this form. They do not exist. Now whether or not you knew that fact, we as Christians ought to be in God’s Word on a daily basis. We have to be in the Word and bind it to our hearts and […]

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Overcoming Sexual Temptation

Sexual temptation is a tremendously difficult trap to overcome, but it is possible to overcome. Did you catch that? It is possible to overcome! Jesus Christ didn’t die on the cross and rise again just to remove the penalty of sin but to remove the power and practice of sin. Jesus died to set you free, and he lives to give you life as it’s meant to be lived. One of the ways he does this is through the life-giving power of his word. God’s word is full of stories, and God recorded every story in the Bible for your […]

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Benevolence & Justice

How do you respond when you see a man walking on the street between waiting cars with a sign stating “will work for food?” Is he seeking a handout to fuel his alcohol abuse or is he sincerely seeking help to change? Or what are your thoughts towards the single mom or widow who comes to church to ask for financial aid? In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, the early apostles, not wanting to be a burden to anyone gave this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” However, in Matthew 5:42, Jesus tells us to “Give to […]

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Churches: Mega, Mini, or Something

You walk into one church and feel like you are at a rock concert. You walk into another church and feel like you are at a funeral. One church makes you anxious because of the crowds, and the other church makes you paranoid because everyone knows you’re new and all eyes are on you. It can be a stressful ordeal finding the right church for you and your family. To help along in your search, here are some points to consider: Mega-churches Pros When looking for a church, many seek the opportunities to get plugged in and use their gifts. […]

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Gender Roles

While in our modern context, we might not immediately recognize Jesus’ attitude towards women as particularly radical or liberating—that is indeed what it was to women trapped in a highly patriarchal system with few legal rights and subjugated to male authority. By giving women places of honor in his life, ministry and legacy, Jesus began a major historical shift in views on gender. As a result, Christianity through the ages has emphatically affirmed the equal value of both men and women as created in God’s image. Since its inception, however, Christianity has widely interpreted the Bible as delineating gender-based roles […]

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Denominations Explained

It is no secret that mainline denominational churches have been on a steady decline for decades. The non-denominational church has been “it” for the last 30 plus years. However, with a recent surge of new denominational-affiliated church plants, as well as a resurgence of reformed theology in recent years, some denominations are beginning to see growth for the first time in years. If you have ever wondered what a particular Christian denomination actually emphasizes and teaches, then you’ve come to the right place. While far from comprehensive, the list below covers the main denominational groups and gives a few highlights […]

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Hope in Failure

Sometimes the prospect of long-term victory over besetting sin seems impossible. The ruts of long-standing habits are furrowed deep. They are easily settled into and difficult to steer out of. Personal commitment to purity may be sincere and earnest, but a track record of repeated failure punches holes in one’s conviction, draining hope out, drip by drip. It can seem inevitable that, in a moment of weakness or a season of gradual drifting, relapse will occur. On the far side of failure, discouragement hangs heavy. In moments like these, a perspective that offers some hope is needed. Here are five […]

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Beauty as Intended

I sat here in complete awe of how beautiful she was. I admired every feature, every curve, and thought to myself, “How is it possible that someone could be that stunning and how do I get like that?! These fashion magazines must have secret places where they breed perfect-looking people.” I went on for years thinking that I just wasn’t fortunate enough to have been born a hybrid beauty like these models were. Growing up, I was always teased because my hair was too curly or my skin not clear enough, so I did everything I could to become like […]

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The Importance of Worship

Worship is one of the most crucial actions of our lives as Christians, so much so that its importance cannot be overemphasized. In discussing why worship plays such a vital role in our faith we need to clarify a few things, as many churches today are not teaching what it means to truly worship. The confusion In recent years, there has been a growing misconception and misrepresentation of what worship actually is. To some within modern day Christianity, the word worship refers to a specific portion of a church service. This generally revolves around singing songs that are meant to […]

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