
True Freedom

Freedom is a wonderful word. In fact, freedom or liberty is at the heart of what it means to be an American, “where at least I know I’m free.” In the height of any election season, protecting the various American freedoms is rightly at the forefront of the political debates. But have you ever asked yourself, “What is true freedom? Is freedom simply the accumulation of my various civil rights? Is freedom merely an outward experience or more of an inward experience? Am I truly free?” True Freedom There’s a famous scene in the movie Braveheart where William Wallace (played […]

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The Millennial Manifesto

It felt like a scene from the show The Office. The two-day diversity training had just begun in the lobby of the Philadelphia Marriott. It was nice to escape the cubicle for a few days, but as a white male, it was impossible not to feel just a little deficient in the diversity department. Our HR leader (a middle-aged man with the same general lack of charisma as Toby) announced the first topic of discussion: Age Diversity. Age Diversity? A quick glance around the room confirmed that I was the only one under 30 in the group. I was the […]

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The Gospel of Grace

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his “Ninety-five Theses” to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Risking ostracism and excommunication, and later narrowly avoiding execution as a heretic, Luther took a stand against the rampant abuses taking place at the hands of the church of his day; villainous actions based upon a vast departure from the unchanging truths of God’s written Word. At the time, Luther could have no indication of the world-changing implications his single act of public protest would have. The Ninety-five Theses were the spark that ignited the raging fire we now know […]

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People of the Second Chance

People of the Second Chance (POTSC) is a faith-based, non-profit organization fighting against the “Vulture Culture that celebrates personal destruction, humiliation and the division of people.” POTSC is an authentic community where people who are struggling with personal failures can share their hurts and find their own second chance moments. This is accomplished primarily through social media, media campaigns and the leveraging of tools and resources. This recent POTSC Facebook post summarizes their philosophy well: “Love most when people deserve it least because that’s when they need it most.” POTSC was birthed in 2010 from a blog Mike Foster and […]

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Salt and Light

Commentary If you hang around Christian circles long enough, you may hear someone talking about the need for Christians to be “salt and light” in the world. Or, if you’ve been a Christian since early childhood, you probably remember singing “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” But what do these metaphors actually mean? Let’s dig a little deeper. By identifying His disciples as the “salt and light” of the world (Matt.5:13-16), Jesus was saying some pretty strong things about the condition of the world and the Christian in the world. The Condition of the World Let’s […]

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Bible Mythbusters

When it comes to true, authentic, biblical Christianity, sadly there are many who do not have an accurate concept of what that is. Misinformation they’ve picked up along the way, past wounds suffered at the hands of those who called themselves Christians, or simply a wrong view of God cause many people to have dangerous misconceptions about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Sometimes even more damaging are those who do come to saving faith and then enter into their walk with Christ not truly grasping important Bible-based truths about the nature of God, the power of […]

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How Holy Are You?

If you are anything like me, you struggle with holy living. If you are not anything like me, please let me know how you are doing it! As a minister of the Gospel, the reason I don’t mind confessing that I am far less than perfect is because another minister of the Gospel, who was far, far more sanctified than I, confessed the very same thing.  Here the Apostle Paul sets forth the ongoing experience of every Christian: “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate […]

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Do’s and Don’ts of Giving With the Gospel

I saw him all alone by the payphone, pacing back and forth and noticeably upset. I glanced over at him several times as I pumped my gas and noticed what looked like blood on his forehead. He obviously needed help, but whose help? Mine? What could I do? I had a decision to make. Would I drive away and just pray for someone to come by that could help? Or would I walk over and seek to be that someone? I remember praying something like, “God, if you can use me, use me,” and I walked over to him. But […]

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5 Myths about Homeschoolers

As the fifteen passenger van swings into the parking lot, everyone stops to stare. You’ve all seen them – bearing twelve-inch-thick Bibles, library books and math joke shirts, they march up, a mini-herd swelling around you. Dressed from head to toe in pajamas, with the exception of a Yoda-costumed child, Mom strides next to them wearing a “Super Mom” shirt. These are the few, the proud, the homeschooled. Everyone has misconceptions about homeschoolers, both the humorous, the ignorant, and the completely insulting. Regarded as a separate species by many public and private school students, as well as adults, volumes have […]

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A Freshman’s Fresh Start

Your first year of college is an exciting season of life, teeming with changes and new beginnings. Your first semester of college life will be a pivotal transition period leading into the rest of your college career and even beyond. You will be met with not only new challenges and sometimes overwhelming demands, but also with numerous opportunities and tremendous potential for success. If there is one word to describe college, it is this: opportunity. It is the opportunity for a fresh start. It is the opportunity to start over and become whoever you want to be and do whatever […]

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