
I’m Bored

“I’m bored.” What parent hasn’t heard those words from their children? But sometimes the children aren’t the only ones saying it. Many adults have said the same thing to their spouse or to themselves. Boredom is closely linked to a lack of contentment in life. They are both feelings about the inability to enjoy the moment, the current phase of life. A person like this is constantly looking for the next thrill or adrenaline rush. Happiness is somewhere in the future with the next achievement, accolade, possession or promotion — never now. This person leaves other family and friends wondering, […]

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Passover and Easter Celebrate Freedom from Tyranny

Recognizing the connection between Passover and Easter, many churches of all types of denominations will celebrate both within the same week. In Florida and many other states, there is the unique opportunity to attend both a Passover Seder and a sunrise service in the same church. Churches across the world will use the words of the angel at the tomb in Matthew 28:5-7 as a part of their liturgy. The leader will quote the angel, “He is risen!” and congregants will reply, “He is risen, indeed!” Other churches present a passion play, portraying the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. […]

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Over Spiritualizing Every Conversation is “Juking” Others

I first came across the word “juking” several years ago when my college-aged daughter brought it to my attention. On a visit home she explained the meaning of this interesting term. I was floored when she defined it as Christians “over spiritualizing” every conversation. In fact, juking is just that, somehow turning every piece of communication into a spiritual principle, direction or cliche. When she expounded on the subject further, I realized I myself had been guilty of juking. After all, that was the Christian culture; everybody juked. It was expected, especially from those in leadership. Adding a fitting spiritual platitude […]

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The Prophecy, The Palm and The Prince

This month I would like to sharpen our focus on three things as it relates to Easter season: The Prophecy, The Palm and The Prince! “The next day the great crowd that had come from the Feast heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!’ Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it, as it is written, ‘do not be afraid, O Daughter of Zion; see, your king is […]

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Guinness: This Unbelievable Age Calls for Unshakable Confidence in the Gospel

The times we live in have been referred to as the “Unbelievable Age,” according to Os Guinness, a Christian social critic and author of The Call. Speaking to a Lifework Leadership class in March, Guinness said, “No one would have thought 20 years ago that we would be seeing the things within American and around the world that we’re seeing now,” he said. “It is an incredible challenge for followers of Jesus to live with integrity and effectiveness and really be salt and light in our culture.” Many people are alarmists, filled with discouragement and even doom and gloom. But […]

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The Fourth Man in the Fire

My good friend Doyle Moore died on Sunday February 22nd, one hour after watching me preach on the Coral Ridge Live-stream from a hospital bed in Boston. Doyle was an elder at Coral Ridge, a Liberate board member, and one of my greatest encouragers. He had cancer. And he had been suffering with his cancer for years. I recently had the privilege of preaching at his memorial service. Another good friend, Dan Siedell, spoke as well. Like me, Dan had been on the receiving end of Doyle’s life giving joy and generosity. What Dan said was so moving to me […]

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Enjoy Your Life!

Does Christianity take the fun out of life? There are some people who tend to think so. They have this idea that following Jesus means the end of joy rather than the beginning of joy. In their opinion, the God of Christianity is sort of a harsh cosmic killjoy, just trying to keep people from really enjoying life. This couldn’t be further from the truth.   God wants you to enjoy life Remember where God placed Adam and Eve? God didn’t put them in a barren desert and tell them to endure it; he put them in a garden of […]

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A Word of Thanks to Those Who Volunteer

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23 NIV). In no endeavor is this scripture more true than in volunteer service. When there is no personal gain to be had for work, it is truly an effort unto the Lord that we give. On behalf of HOPE South Florida and many other organizations who depend on volunteers, we would like to deeply and sincerely thank the hundreds of volunteers who make a such an impact in our community. We could not serve the many single mothers in […]

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Are Legalism And Lawlessness Opposites?

“Legalism in the church was a huge problem 7-10 years ago, but I honestly feel that the pendulum has swung in the other extreme full force, to a fault on the other side. Legalism and moralism is not the problem today; licentiousness is.” “It’s a mistake to say that every person needs to be rescued from legalism. I didn’t grow up in a legalistic church culture. I grew up in a liberal church culture where anything and everything was permitted. I didn’t need to be saved from legalism. I needed to be saved from lawlessness.” These are a couple of […]

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Artists in Church: An Untapped Resource

Let’s face it. The creative response to creation that we call art doesn’t play a prominent role in the church. As pastors and Christian leaders, we’re just not quite sure what to make of it. But taking art and the artist seriously can be more than organizing art museum visits, hanging paintings in the sanctuary, hosting an artist in residence or talking about beauty. Through my twenty-year career as an art historian, museum curator and art critic, I am convinced that the artist is an untapped resource. One of the most important needs of the artist is in the conversation […]

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