
Naughty Or Nice?

Do you remember hearing “Santa Claus is coming and he only brings toys to nice boys and girls. If you are naughty all you will get is a lump of coal.” Naughty or nice, does God work like Santa Claus? God or Santa As Christmas approaches how about you, have you been naughty or nice? As adults Santa is no longer the concern. What does God think of you? Does he see you as naughty or nice? Many think God has a negative view of them. Is that true of you? Christmas is such a magical time of the year. […]

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Giving Flows from Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a fitting time to look back and consider our national heritage in the Pilgrims and how this devout group of Christians overcame a harsh first winter, where almost half died of starvation and sickness, only to respond the next season by generously giving thanks and sharing their harvest with their neighbors: the Indians. Despite difficult circumstances, out of gratitude toward God, they gave. Think about it… Less than a year earlier half of their community died of starvation and sickness; a prudent man could argue that a feast would be wasteful and that a wise steward would store […]

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To Vote or Not to Vote?

In polite society, you’re not supposed to talk about politics, sex, or religion. Sorry, but this column will discuss all three, directly or indirectly. In America, we get the kind of government we deserve. Is this the best we can do? There certainly is a big divide in how we approach politics, even among well-meaning Christians. I was asked to speak at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church recently, and the title was given to me: “To vote or not to vote?” Are you serious? How can we not vote? We’re in such a mess because we haven’t been voting our values. […]

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Happy Holidays – Bah Humbug

What’s in your holiday celebrations? For many it’s their favorite time of the year. For others it means nothing but stress, anger or sadness. This process of inner dread may have already started as they have seen the decorations go up in stores and malls. Why are there such extreme views about this time of year? Let’s consider some of the reasons and possible solutions to having a more enjoyable holiday season.   Unrealistic expectations The holidays are about family and pleasant memories of the past. The cultural images, advertising and many programs show warm winter scenes, perfect holiday tables […]

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A Thankful Heart in Difficult Times

  Thanksgiving is drawing near and for many finding reasons to be thankful can be a bit challenging. In fact, trying to come up with just one noteworthy circumstance or event can even be a chore. It doesn’t help that many of us are feeling a loss of the initial heart and zeal that once shaped our spiritual lives. How do we manage when the passion that was constant and fervent becomes fleeting and flat…let alone be thankful? I’m not referring to the normal ebb and flow that is a natural part of the Christian walk but rather the darkened […]

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Leadership is Knowing What You Believe

The 27th Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Vern Clark was conducting a meeting at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 when five hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the building killing 184 men, women and children. In the moments after the crash, Admiral Clark demonstrated how to lead. “In a crisis, we need to know who we are and what we believe, then we know what to do,” said Clark. “We had lost a bunch of people and we needed to make sure someone was wrapping their arms around them.  But our mission was to set up a command […]

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Remembering Seniors with a Crown of Splendor

Our elderly population, which often goes completely unnoticed, is among the least and lost of our society for which Christ teaches us to care. The Agency for Healthcare Administration in Florida reports there are 300 long-term care centers in Broward County with 13,000 residents. These senior citizens often spend their days isolated from the outside world and longing for fellowship. They are left to spend the finality of their years without family, friends or the love of a church. The sad truth reported by the National Care Planning Council is that out of 100 residents in nursing homes, one third […]

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The Struggle With Sin

What do you say to the person who comes to you and tells you, “I believe in Jesus; I know I’m a Christian, but I still find myself struggling with sin. There are times when I see progress, but there are also times when I still make the same mistakes. It can be very discouraging. What do I do? How should I handle this?” When it comes to the Christian life, these are common feelings and common questions. But what are the biblical answers? How can Christians understand the ongoing struggle with sin? And how should they respond to it? […]

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Portraits of Grace: Allison

What do you say to a person who truly believes he or she is unlovable? How do you provide comfort when one’s suffering is like nothing you’ve ever experienced? Life can be so hard. I, too, struggle. There are days when my story, the stories of people I know and those I don’t know wedge the tiniest cracks in my faith. But if I step away and view them through different eyes, I feel hopeful. It’s when I can see even the saddest experiences and stories through the eyes of God and his grace that my wobbly knees of faith […]

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Is Evolution Bad Science?

Evangelical Christians often look to the Bible to defend the creationist view against the theory of evolution; however, to engage in objective discussion with those whose approach is scientific and naturalistic, we must be able to speak their language. Therefore it is important to be able to debunk the evolutionary myth based on its faulty scientific approach. While there are many scientific arguments involving the age of the earth, the time frame of the beginning and the size of the universe, let’s take a look at the theory of evolution based on the validity of its science alone.   What […]

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