
Banning The Bible From Schools

In our own backyard, at Park Lakes Elementary in Broward County, has arisen a disturbing story of a twelve year old boy (Giovanni Rubeo) getting in trouble with his teacher for having the audacity of reading the Bible to himself during free time when the children were free to read whatever they wanted. But his fifth grade teacher, Swornia Thomas, singled out the Bible (a Christmas gift Gio treasures) because it was allegedly inappropriate to read in the school. In her own words, it was “the book he’s reading as opposed to the curriculum for public school.” Again, this was […]

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Six Pillars of Parenting for Fathers

The first Father’s Day in the United States was observed on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington. The day was proposed by Mrs. John B. Dodd, who wanted to honor her father, William Smart, a Civil War veteran who raised six children alone after his wife died in childbirth. Clearly, Mrs. Dodd took seriously the Lord’s instruction, set forth in the fifth commandment, to honor your father.  I understand that not all of us have a father like William Smart, who seemed worthy of honor. But the commandment does not tell us to honor our father if he is honorable; […]

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In 1 John 5:3-4 John makes what seems, on the face of it, to be a ridiculous claim: the commands of God are not burdensome. What? Has John not read the Old Testament with its 613 commandments? Was he not there for the Sermon on the Mount, complete with Jesus’ proclamation that his followers are required to be perfect, just as their father in heaven is perfect? Self-imposed commandments As if those laws weren’t burdensome enough, we could add all of the self-imposed Christian commandments, like the kinds of movies we allow ourselves to watch (maybe a swear word or […]

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Women of Faith™ 2014 Tour Brings Speakers, Musical Line-Up to Church by the Glades June 6-7

Nation’s largest Christian gathering of women hopes to inspire transformation Thousands of women are expected to gather at Church by the Glades in Coral Springs on June 6-7 for a weekend of encouragement and teaching from the Bible – with a line-up of powerful speakers presenting transformative messages designed to help women move “From Survival to Revival.” International speakers and bestselling authors Sheila Walsh and Lisa Harper, along with guest musicians Matthew West and Laura Story are scheduled to headline the event. The Gateway Worship band will lead worship throughout the weekend. The “From Survival to Revival” 2014 theme is […]

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Spring Clean Your Soul

Anyone who has lived in the North has experienced the long cold grey of winter. Your home becomes the warm cocoon sheltering you from the harshness of the outside elements that seem to last forever. Then one day it happens — spring. The warmth of the sunshine parts the grey skies, birds sing, and life returns to the trees and flower gardens. It is the rebirth of a new world. The blue of the sky, green of the grass and bright yellow of the sun all speak of new life, hope, and beginnings. It is with this renewed mental outlook […]

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What is a Classical Christian education?

A Classical Christian education is an approach to schooling in which the curriculum is built upon the pillars of the Bible and the great works of literature that helped form Western thought and civilization. The label “Christian” is easily understood as the Bible along with related writings and teachings from a Judeo-Christian worldview, which play prominent roles in such curricula. “Classical” refers to Greece’s Classical age – the period of time pointed to by many scholars that birthed our formal understanding of education and philosophy. Historical overview As Europe slowly emerged from the devastating effects of perpetual warfare and the […]

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Has Your Family Altar Altered Your Family?

Members of our congregation often ask me about how to have family times of prayer, Bible study, and worship in the home. What they are inquiring about comes under the heading of “family altar,” which is a “spiritual” way of referring to family devotions—Bible study, prayer and worship in the home. As a pastor I would like to tell you that this is a daily practice and routine in our home . . . but I cannot. Oh, we were quite regular when we had our first child all alone for 20 months. When our second child joined the mix, […]

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The Gauntt Family: A Story of Love and Faith

“God doesn’t call the qualified; he qualifies the called.” When we think of doing something as difficult and as life-changing as foster care or adoption, often our immediate reaction is to dissociate — to conceive that only a special type of person could do it, that the qualification is necessarily near perfection and having everything in order. Basically, it takes a saint. But what does it really take, and what does it really mean? Meet the Gauntt family. John Gauntt is a pastor at Calvary Chapel with the Eikon Ministry. His wife, Kate, is a stay-at-home mom. Together, with Kate’s […]

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Finding Hope in the Faithfulness of God

There are times in the lives of all believers when they may face doubts and discouragement. No matter what the reason for one’s disappointment, the Bible offers guidance as well as examples of others who have experienced the same. But today, we can find considerable encouragement not just in the biblical stories of the Israelites of old, but in the story of God’s faithfulness to their descendants today. The faith of our fathers The Puritans were so encouraged by the story of the ancient Israelites that they took from it direction for themselves. They yearned for freedom from their “bondage” […]

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Finding Wisdom in Calamity

 Easter is a reminder for us all that even when darkness seems to be winning, light will prevail. When we make a big mistake or we see our leaders losing their personal battles, we are reminded that God is ever-present and bigger than our mistakes, misgivings or moral failures.  In John 16:33, after sharing with his disciples that he would soon be leaving them, Jesus said, “I have told you these things so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows, but take heart, because I have overcome the world” (NLT). […]

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