
God’s Warrior Princess

At 21 years old I heard God speak to me in my dreams. He came to my rescue. It was the night I planned to take my own life. I was ready to end it all. And then, God shouted to me “I love you! I love you!” I was consumed. His love rendered me speechless, and he put a new song in my heart. He replaced the lies my father told me about myself. I was completely redeemed the night I planned to take my life. My addictions, the men, the drugs and alcohol were now replaced with a […]

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Want To Get Into Full-time Ministry?

Every week no matter where I go, I hear business men and women that want to make the jump from full-time work to full-time ministry. What does that really mean? What is full-time ministry? Doesn’t Jesus want us all in full-time ministry? Some say, “I feel called to devote my whole life to telling others about Jesus and can’t wait till I can do it full time.” Others say, “I feel called to be a pastor so I can help others know Christ more.” And the best is “I just want to work at my church. I’ll do anything.” Here […]

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Encountering the Homeless

People frequently ask me, “How should I respond to the homeless I encounter?” If you live in or around South Florida, interacting with a homeless person is almost unavoidable. Gas stations, grocery stores, street corners and medians — just to name a few — are all common places many of us encounter persons experiencing homelessness. Some hold up signs asking for work, money, or food; others appear at park benches, bus stops or outside the doors of your church or business — all looking for some type of help. Do I talk with them? Do I lock my doors? Should […]

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One of God’s Best, Like Peter, Fell.

Why did Peter, of all people, deny Christ? Peter was the leader of the early disciple movement…always at the front. Bring it forward 1975 years later? Why did Bob Coy have a moral failure? More people have come to Christ in South Florida by this man’s ministry than by any other person in South Florida. There is a connection here. It shows us one simple thing, that there are none righteous not even one. So, before you point the finger at brother Bob, realize that all of us are moral failures at one point or another. The tragic thing is […]

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Had A Great Fall: The Recurring Story Of Mega-Pastors And Mega-Sinners

I first met Bob Coy 25 years ago when I was home from seminary on a summer break. He was the guest on my dad’s TV talk show, “FeedBack.” He made quite an impression. The subject was evangelism and this young, fiery, hilarious, transplant from Las Vegas stole the show. In his jeans and T-shirt, he stood out on the panel of clergy wearing their Sunday best. He was whimsical and passionate, and it was no surprise to me how in a few short years he would build the largest congregation in Fort Lauderdale, a city infamous for church plant […]

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Learning to Have Self Control

A question from my radio program, Ask the Counselor: Q: How can I gain the ability to control myself and not make a mess of things by just speaking and acting on impulse? A: Self-control is the most important ability for any human being. Without it, we cannot hope to succeed in any way or have any inner peace. To have self-control, we must increase the gap between something that happens, what we call a stimulus, and our reaction to that event. The smaller the size of that gap, the less self-control; the larger the size of that gap, the […]

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The Marks of a Christian

Christians are meant to live with an assurance of their salvation. It’s God’s desire that all of his children know that they are his children. God doesn’t just want to save a person; he wants that person to know that they’ve been saved. So how do you know that you’re saved? How do you know that you’re among the eternal people of God? What are the marks of a Christian? In John 17, Jesus describes the Christian, and he gives four irreducible marks of every genuine believer. In other words, there are more than these, but there are never less […]

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Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety

Anxiety is a miserable feeling, as anyone who suffers from it well knows. The inability to get control of anxiety and get your life back is what causes the anxiety to often flip into depression. In trying to help clients suffering with anxiety, one goal is to give them tools that help them cure or at least better manage it. An excellent tool often recommended is The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques, by Margaret Wehrenberg. The subtitle, Understanding How Your Brain Makes You Anxious and What You Can Do About It, describes why the book is so helpful. Your Brain […]

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Spiritual Attachment Disorder (SAD)

Once upon a time, there was a loving Parent who walked with his children in peace and security—Paradise. But then something terrible happened: separation. The children were disconnected from their Caregiver. The relationship was severed because of rebellion, because of sin. Now, to this day, those children wander the Earth seeking to fill the void that was created in the loss. But, as they desperately attempt to connect with the world around them, only emptiness is found. Nothing can replace what once was. Nothing can make the children whole again except a reconnection to their life source. This phenomenon of […]

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