
His Caring Place: 25 Years of Saving Lives

In 1977, Julie West Sorrelle found herself in a frightening predicament that is faced by many young women in today’s society. At the age of eighteen, she was dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and decided an abortion might be her best option. Days before the event was to take place, and with the support and guidance of her parents, Julie’s future and that of her baby took a radical turn for the better. Julie decided to keep her child. She left South Florida and traveled to Pennsylvania to live in a Christian maternity home run by Jim and Anne Pierson. […]

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Local Skateboarders Spread God’s Good News in South Florida

Which sport ranks in the top three most popular sports for American teenagers, and is not football or baseball? Which sport’s foundational technique was invented in South Florida in the mid-70s? Which sport is legal, contrary to some people’s assumptions?Skateboarding and other extreme sports are among the most effective ways to present the good News of Christ, not only in the United States, but worldwide, as the sport has gone international with a vengeance.About thirty-five years ago, Alan Gelfand invented skateboarding’s essential technique. It came to bear his nickname: the “Ollie.” Now, Skate Conference 2010 is coming back to South […]

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Dr. Ana Steele: Champion of the Dalit

Dr. Ana Steele is equally at home in the halls of Congress and the halls of academia. She has a masters degree from Georgetown University and masters and doctorate degrees from Johns Hopkins University. She has taught at Harvard and lobbied members of Congress for the Dalit people of India. She is intelligent, articulate, and passionate. Her passion is symbolized by a picture on her bookshelf. Among the tomes in Italian, Greek, and Russian is a close-up shot of a young Indian girl whose wide brown eyes demand your attention. What is not immediately apparent is that at the time […]

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White House scrambles to clarify funding of abortions in PA

  The Obama Administration scrambled into “clarification” mode following a revelation that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved $160 million in taxpayer funds going to Pennsylvania that could be used to fund abortions.  In a speech to a joint session of Congress last September, President Obama made the following promise, “Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.” Attempting to assuage fears, HHS responded with a statement on July 14, saying the president’s executive order would prevent taxpayer-funded abortion in Pennsylvania, as well as in other states. However, Mary Harned, staff counsel with […]

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$17,000 tax bill hits South Dakota church

As cash-strapped cities and municipalities try to find creative ways to generate revenue, some are setting a dangerous precedent when they look to churches as a targeted source. Joe Infranco, senior counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), has seen a marked increase in the number of cases handled by ADF’s 1,800 allied attorneys, who represent churches free of charge. “Whether out of ignorance or malice, (municipalities) are slowly chipping away at the Church’s tax exemption when and where they are able,” said Infranco. “This is a very dangerous trend.” Just this week, an ADF-allied attorney filed an appeal in […]

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Missionaries from global South to North face hurdles

While Christianity’s center of gravity has shifted southward in the past century from Europe and North America, missionaries from the global South are still not welcome as full partners in global evangelism, an African missionary to Europe told a recent international gathering of Christians.Fidon Mwombeki, general secretary of United Evangelical Mission, talked about challenges faced by South-to-North missionaries at Edinburgh 2010, the centenary celebration of a historic World Missionary Conference held in the city in 1910.The first conference called together the mission societies of various Protestant denominations under the banner of world evangelization during the 20th century. They left with […]

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What is financial independence?

  The perceived complexity of financial planning often leads to frustration and indecision by many families.  In last month’s column, we explored a simplified approach to financial planning by looking at the five short-term uses of money.  Money can be used in only one of five areas in the short-term: giving, lifestyle, repayment of debt, taxes and cash flow margin.  As you accumulate money from your cash flow margin, you grow your net worth for the purpose of meeting one or more of only six long-term objectives.  As we continue with part two of our look at a simple approach […]

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Millions of Americans may lose their healthcare plans

  One of the major selling points of ObamaCare was the president’s oft-repeated promise that if you liked the coverage you have now, you would be able to keep it. As Obama’s team drafts the regulations for implementing this massive government takeover of the healthcare industry, it’s becoming evident – if not undeniable – that the president and his supporters misled the American people.  As many as 1.5-million Americans may lose their health coverage this year due to ObamaCare regulations. Now, we’re learning that new regulations may force tens of millions of people to lose their employer-provided healthcare plans. Here’s […]

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Global Day of Prayer May 23, 2010

VISIONThe Glory of Christ and the Blessing of the Nations. “For the earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14) MISSIONTo call Christians from all Nations to: Unite in repentance and prayerWork together as God’s servants for the blessing and     healing of the Nations “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7: 14) […]

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400,000 Men make a stand for Jesus

Last weekend, hundreds of thousands of men gathered in South Africa to hear evangelist Angus Buchan’s passionate message on God’s power to transform lives. Now viewers across the globe can tune in and be a part of this mega-event. Four sessions from Buchan’s “Mighty Men” conference will air on GOD TV: April 23 at 8:30 p.m. EDT, April 24 at 6:30 p.m., and April 25 at noon and 6 p.m. With an estimated 350,000 to 450,000 attendees, Mighty Men 2010 was one of the largest men’s gatherings South Africa has ever seen. More than 50 planes and thousands of other […]

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