Resurrection: Embarrassing Evidence

(Scroll down to leave a comment on the  Resurrection) Because Easter is the first Sunday in April, I will focus my March article on the resurrection of Jesus. In sharing the good news of the gospel, I have learned from teachers like Habermas, Licona, Craig, and others, under the heading of “Criteria of Authenticity,” that counter-productive evidence for the resurrection really resonates with the skeptic. In my personal experience as a pastor, this draws the person I am witnessing to deeper into the gospel conversation, and often, it has led to a profession of faith in Jesus. Let’s take a […]

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A Biblical “BE MINE”

February is generally thought of as “The Month of Love” because of “the day of love”—February 14, Valentine’s Day. If you are anything like me, you probably have some memories of grade school (or as a parent of your own child) and the “mandatory” valentine card that was to be given out to each student. You couldn’t miss anyone; everyone in your class had to receive a card, so no one’s feelings would be hurt. When our four children were growing up, Kim and called it “Frantic February 14th” (unless the day fell on the weekend, making it “Frantic Friday”), […]

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THE GREATEST APOLOGETIC – The Deepest Desire of the Human Heart

As we launch out into a brand-new year together, let’s return to our focus on apologetics, which is rooted in the Bible’s command to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15). The greatest apologetic I believe that the most powerful apologetic in the world speaks to the deepest longing of the human heart: To be fully known and completely loved. This makes the Gospel, the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest apologetic […]

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The Promise of Christmas

“For the word of God will never fail” (Luke 1:37 NLT).   For far too many even in the church today, Christmas has declined into little more than “gift-giving” and “get-togethers.” The questions that are foremost in the minds of many are, “What did you get? What did I get?” Well, throughout the month of December, I would like you to consider this question: What is the most glorious promise of Christmas? To be sure, there are many promises that are expressed through the Babe in the manger, but there is one that rises above all the rest, and that […]

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Giving Thanks for the True Bread from Heaven

For the last three months we have been engaged in a new apologetic focus: Surprised by Jesus: Encountering Christ in the Old Testament. I have been preaching this as a sermon series at Cross Community Church, and it is available for you to hear at Because this is the month of Thanksgiving, I thought we should pause to give thanks for the True Bread from Heaven. We will continue with our three-part formula for finding Jesus in the Old Testament by using these three headings: The Problem, The Promise, and The Person. Next month we will have a special […]

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Surprised by Jesus – As The Almighty Ark

I (Scroll down to leave a comment on Jesus being the Almighty Ark) want to thank several of you for your positive and encouraging comments on our new study, “Surprised by Jesus: Encountering Christ in the Old Testament.” As I said previously, when I was first exposed to seeing Jesus in the Old Testament, it changed everything about how I read the Bible. I hope that you too will be delighted to discover Jesus in places you might never have seen Him before not so much to increase your knowledge, but rather, your love for Jesus. You can also go […]

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Surprised by Jesus – As the Seed of the Woman

(Scroll down to leave a comment on Jesus being the seed of the woman) Last month I introduced you to the new apologetic focus we will pursue for the next few months: Surprised By Jesus: Encountering Christ in the Old Testament. I am preaching this as a sermon series, which is available for you to hear on our church website. I want to emphasize that this concept was not invented by the imagination of men, but rather expressed through the revelation of God in the words of Jesus to two downcast disciples on the afternoon of the first Easter as […]

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Surprised by Jesus

Throughout the past few months, I focused on bringing you a word of encouragement related to the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic that we all have been experiencing, and your positive response has been truly heartwarming. Beginning this month, however, we will return to our specific focus on biblical apologetics and the mandate given to us in 1 Peter 3:15 — “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” For the next few months, I would like to share […]

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A Lesson Learned Amid COVID

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2 ESV). The COVID Problem After nearly four months of the most unprecedented world events any of us has ever experienced, we are, Lord willing, continuing to make our way out of this pandemic. I plan to go back to devoting these articles in the Good News to sharing truths that will strengthen our faith and prepare us to give an answer for the hope we have within us. But before I move away from sharing my thoughts on living through all the bizarre events that have taken […]

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He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5 NASB). As we are now in the midst of our third month of the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to take a step back from my usual focus on Christian apologetics and encourage you with a simple COVID acronym that will help us shift our focus and strengthen our resolve during this unprecedented season of shutdowns and social distancing. For too long the word “COVID” has injected fear, confusion, uncertainty, doubt, and perhaps even anger into our hearts.  To be sure, much of the so-called […]

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