Amid COVID – Sow Seeds of Righteousness

“Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousness on you” (Hosea 10:12). As a pastor, it is important for me to keep track of current events, both here in South Florida and throughout the world, so that I may know how best to minister to our congregation and how to pray for all of you and for our world. But as a man whose sinful flesh is stained by sin and selfishness, there are times I’d really rather […]

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Cross Ministry Shifts From Quilts to Masks

As the pastor of Cross Community Church in Deerfield Beach, when we launched in March of 2012, God brought to us our very first ministry of service to Him, The Cross Quilting Ministry. For the past eight years, the Cross quilters have been making and delivering quilts with the Word of God woven into each one, to a variety of different individuals in need, from the sick and dying, to the homebound, homeless and imprisoned. But when this Coronavirus Pandemic hit, all that changed overnight. From Quilts to Masks On March 24th, 2020, Joyce Kauffman asked the leader of the […]

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Was Jesus Really Seen Alive After the Cross?

Christians celebrate the most joyful of days this month: Easter, the day which commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Lamb who was slain for the sins of all who will trust in Him for eternal salvation. I have been presenting the capsulized presentation of my study, Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? We have discussed the first three of the Four Easter E’s:   Exist – Did Jesus Exist? Executed – Was Jesus Executed? Empty Tomb – Was Jesus’ tomb Empty? Eyewitnesses – Were there Eyewitness accounts?  We’ll conclude this series with the fourth and final E – Was Jesus Seen Alive?  […]

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Was The Tomb Really Empty?

Christianity is the most verifiable religion in the world; it makes truth claims that can be investigated and demonstrated to be true. As we move toward our celebration of Easter, I have been presenting a capsulized version of my study, Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? We have already discussed the first two of the Four Easter E’s: Exist – Did Jesus Exist? Executed – Was Jesus Executed? Empty Tomb – Was Jesus’ tomb Empty? Eyewitnesses – Were there Eyewitness accounts?   Let’s examine the third E – Was Jesus’ Tomb Empty? On Good Friday, Jesus Christ died on the cross. Most […]

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Execution – Was Jesus executed?

Christianity is the number one most verifiable (or falsifiable) religion in the world, because Christianity makes truth claims that can be investigated historically and proven to be true or false. Last month I began to present a capsulized version of my study, Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? We took a long look at the first of what I call the Four Easter E’s: Exist – Did Jesus Exist? Executed – Was Jesus Executed? Empty Tomb – Was Jesus’ tomb Empty? Eyewitnesses – Were there Eyewitness accounts?   This month we’ll examine the second E – Was Jesus Executed? Did Jesus really […]

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Resurrection: Fact or Fiction – Did Jesus Exist?

Christianity is the number one most verifiable (or falsifiable) religion in the world.  Why? Because Christianity makes truth claims that can be investigated historically and proven to be either true or false. Over the next four months, I want to present to you the four proofs supporting the resurrection of Jesus Christ, from both secular and biblical writings, agreed upon by a wide spectrum of New Testament scholars, both Christian and critical. In my study “Resurrection: Fact or Fiction,” I call them my 4 Easter E’s : Exist – did Jesus Exist? Executed – was Jesus Executed? Empty Tomb – […]

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Listen to Linus

“That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.” – A Charlie Brown Christmas As a little boy growing up, and still to this day as a husband and father of four, of all the television specials that have aired during the Christmas season, “A Charlie Brown Christmas” is my favorite. When I was a boy, my mom and I would search the TV Guide (younger readers may be surprised to learn that one actually had to consult a magazine or newspaper to see what would be on TV) to see when the Christmas special would air so we would not […]

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Thankful To Whom?

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Last November I wrote about the extent to which America’s Thanksgiving celebration bears wonderful witness to our Christian faith. Our Thanksgiving tradition began with the Pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Known as “Separatists,” they believed they would never be able to reform the Church of England and decided to separate from it. When persecution dogged them at every turn in England, they fled to Holland, and ultimately set sail for America on the Mayflower, landing on the shores of what we know today as Cape […]

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The Credibility of Christianity

My intent in writing this monthly article is to provide you with a reasonable response to the many objections others throw up as reasons for rejecting the Christian faith. This, of course, comes under the heading of Christian apologetics (using evidence and reasons to express why someone should believe the truth claims of Christianity), which is rooted in 1 Peter 3:15 — “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” This month I would like to share a few […]

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A Loving God Must Be A Judging God

Unbelieving skeptics frequently tell me, “I’m OK with your loving God, but I have no interest in following a God who judges!” Those who express this objection simply have not given careful thought to what they are saying. Before we go any further, let me make one thing perfectly clear: In order for the world to have a God of love, this God must also be the God who judges men for their sins. Scripture is quite clear; God is love, to be sure (1 John 4:8), and He is also a judge (Genesis 18:25). Let me explain. The loving […]

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