We Have Lost Something Important!

Today’s family has lost something and it’s a huge loss. Not to worry though. It can be found. The members of today’s typical family have lost their connection to each other. They have little in common other than the same address. Unfortunately, today’s family members have unplugged from each other. Something called connection To meet a natural need to be plugged in somewhere, today’s children are plugging into the outside world and working desperately to stay connected. I don’t even think they know why.  The answer is, however, it’s the only connection they have.    Pull the plug on social […]

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Seasons – Back to School

I love that life comes in seasons, even in South Florida, where the weather doesn’t change much. There is always excitement for change, for fresh beginnings. God reminds us of this every morning with a beautiful, new sunrise. Changing seasons We live our lives in rhythms. When I look at the month of August — especially for parents — a fresh, new, shiny school year is coming. There is excitement (hopefully) over all the new things: new clothes, new supplies, new classrooms, new classes. This fresh start is such a great opportunity to work on new habits, new rhythms in […]

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Helping Your Child with Big Emotions

We have talked about the fact that in parenting the days may feel long but the years go by so quickly. We have but a few summers with our children before they are off to college, 13 or less to be exact, where we can be intentional to pour into our children. We can use these months to give them memories as a family, with intentional fun together and vacations, but we can also use these moments to train. One of these areas we can focus on is handling big emotions. We may have more time to observe these moments […]

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Use Your Summer Wisely

Every time we head into a summer, and a school year, the reality of how short a time we have with our children hits me. We have 13 summers with them at home under our roof, and goodness it goes by so quickly. A wise parent once told me, “The days are long, but the years are short.” That is such a true statement! Because of this, it is imperative that we use our summers wisely.  We need to use them to create memories, for family time but also for training. One of the ways we can use our summertime […]

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How to Respond When Your Child Talks Back

“I know I need to do something when my child is talking back,” a frustrated mother blurted out, “I just don’t know what to do!” Parents and Child That Talks Back  Parents should expect their children to misbehave and rebel. Why? Because they’re children!  Understanding that reality. It should also be expected that parents need to get ready for this misbehavior by developing the best possible parental responses. When my daughter Torrey was a year old, she had her first seizure. I had no idea what to do and didn’t respond very well. In fact, my wife had to deal […]

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Motivating Your Child to Try

As we head toward the fourth quarter of the school year, more times than I can count I have heard a frustrated parent say, “I know my child can do better, but he just doesn’t seem to try!” Parents want to know the answer to the same question: How do you motivate a child to do their best?   There are a few questions parents need to answer before they work on motivating the child.  As a parent, what is my motivation for motivating my child?  Do I want my child to do his best for me (the parent’s self-esteem) […]

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Lose the Bunny; Use the Eggs

The most significant holiday on the Christian calendar is once again upon us. This special day, however, is so clouded by cultural tradition, that many church attendees have forgotten what they are to celebrate. One woman went so far as to say to me, “I can’t possibly imagine getting up at the crack of dawn and coming to a sunrise service at a stadium, park or beach for an Easter service. I would not be able to get dressed up!” Generations of wearing the right clothes have worn down the meaning of Easter in the hearts of many. It is […]

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Teach Your Children About Love

By February, many of our families are back into the swing of the new year and all that entails. We are back into school rhythms, sports, homework, etc. This month offers another great opportunity for teaching and training our children. With so much focus this month on Valentine’s Day, why not seize this time to teach our children more about love. We can focus on sibling love, loving our neighbor, modeling romantic love and setting up some fun family traditions as well.   Speak into their hearts We can use this season to pour into our children emotionally. When our […]

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Avoiding The Ultimate Family Marathon

Have you ever felt like you are on a family reality show? That there are just too many family and parenting responsibilities, and it is impossible to get them all done? There must be a hidden camera somewhere in the house just waiting to film you as you crack under the pressure. In fact, by the way you hear your children talk to each other, it sounds as if they are about to vote each other off the island. “I can’t get my children to talk nicely to each other let alone take care of each other,” one mother confessed. […]

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My Best Christmas

My best Christmas recollection as a child actually began on summer vacation. I was about eight years old, and my dad and I were walking through the tourist village where we were vacationing. I saw a pair of red, knit slippers with fake leather soles and Indian beads on top. They were those ugly slippers that were basically thick socks with a sole sewn on so you could walk outside. I repeat, ugly! My Best Christmas When I saw them, I said to my dad, “I bet mom would like those,” thinking he would spend the eight dollars and get […]

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