Create Traditions That Point To The Easter Story

The most significant holiday on the Christian calendar is quickly approaching. This special day, however, is so clouded by cultural tradition that many have forgotten what they are to celebrate. Generations of wearing the right clothes have worn down the meaning of Easter in the hearts of many. It is time for parents to re-think the way they handle this most holy celebration.   Symbols of new life One of the cultural Easter traditions can be used to teach our children about Christ. Eggs can help parents give a visual aid in explaining the Gospel to little children. To start […]

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Dealing with Relationship Cancer: Anger

Some children hear the word “No” and they become frustrated or argue. They are disappointed, but they remain in control. Other children hear the same word and explode into rage. Some adults can discuss differences of opinion and work through conflict. Other adults only need to be inconvenienced the least bit on the highway and they explode into rage. It is all about anger! Anger is arguably the most debilitating relationship cancer there is. When a parent sees rage explode out of their child, there is a feeling of helplessness. When an adult sees rage erupt from their spouse, fear […]

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Great Ways To Teach Civility and Kindness in 2021

Well parents, we officially made it to the end of 2020! It was quite the journey for us all. There were definitely ups and downs, but if we choose to see the positives, we all probably learned many things. Even better, we had the chance to instill in our kids some very powerful life lessons. Our kids learned how to cope with major change. They learned how to manage disappointment. They hopefully learned how to process through emotions like fear and anxiety. This time period forced many of us to streamline our schedules and get a lot more organized as […]

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All I Want for Christmas is…What?

All I want for Christmas is… what? The answer to that question could determine the success or failure of your Christmas experience. As a parent, the question is: What do we really want for Christmas? Don’t we want something that will last on into generations to come? Something powered by more than batteries. I have never heard anyone say, “We have a great family tradition of giving each other video games for Christmas. It’s been an awesome part of our Christmas for generations. It’s what brings us back home each year.” There are many electronic things we could get for […]

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Deserve or Serve?

There is so much going on today in our country. We can use this to teach and train our children.  Everything from healthy debate and disagreement to responsible citizenship. But how do we do it? It seems so overwhelming right now… one place to start is the difference between deserve and serve. Many people like to tout the rights of citizenship and many people go to great lengths to become citizens, but we also must accept the responsibilities of citizenship. What do we deserve? We have raised generations since World War II who ask themselves, “What’s in it for me?” […]

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How And Why To Fit Chores In the Schedule

Many of us will soon be headed back to school. Some of us may still be virtual learning or doing half and half. Whatever we are doing this month, prioritizing a schedule for our kids is so important. Many have not been in a school building since March, so keeping home a place of consistency and “knowing what to expect” will be an imperative piece for easing this transition.     Why chores? Last month, we talked about setting up a wake and bedtime routine as the bookends for the schedule. This month we are going to focus on why adding […]

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Establish A Routine To Help Kids Thrive

We have mentioned that our kids have been the unsung heroes of this time period. Their entire sense of normalcy has been tossed out. Things they have done day in and day out since early childhood have stopped. They can’t go play with friends. They can’t go to church. They can’t even play at playgrounds. The good news for us as parents is that there is one main thing we can do to help them, especially as we head back into the school year. Kids thrive in routine; they feel secure when they know what to expect. Even though school […]

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Our Father Is Still In Control

Wow, parents…we have made it to August!!! For that we should be high fiving and patting ourselves on the back. Next up… the fall! The beginning of school year, or not, or yes, or we don’t know yet. While things may still be seemingly out of our control, we first need to remember they are not out of our Father’s control. We can be still in that. And regardless of what your family decides to do, or the district decides, one thing we can control is what and how we communicate things to our kiddos. What are they seeing in […]

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Refocus Your Family

Usually when we think of July, we think of celebrations, cook outs, fireworks, beach days, maybe even family vacations…but this year is different. These times for our country are so tumultuous, so uncertain. We can’t however, continue living in a state of survival mode in our homes. We are going on month five of living in what seems moment to moment, and February’s normalcy seems like a life time ago. So what can we do? We can try as a family to shift our focus.    Faith The first thing we can focus on as a family is our Faith.  […]

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We Need You Dads

Dads have a lot on their plate right now. So many have had their work disrupted by COVID. Many have been trying to juggle working from home and helping with homeschool. Some have even been furloughed or let go.  One thing we all hope that you realize through this season, and every season, is how much we need you. There are so many things that dads do that have such a big impact on their children. Their leadership and love of their family is so important through this unsettled time. They can be the strength that brings security to their […]

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