Franklin Graham: Standing on God’s Truth

Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Seoul, Korea, at the 50th anniversary of my father’s historic 1973 Crusade, where he preached to more than 3 million people. That year, on June 3 alone, a crowd of 1.1 million gathered at Yoido Plaza — a runway used during the Korean war — to hear my father’s message from God’s Word. Franklin Graham’s Crusade At the anniversary event, an overflow crowd of 70,000 came to hear the Gospel at Seoul’s World Cup Stadium. I was joined in Seoul by my sons […]

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Franklin Graham: Preach the Gospel

Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in six different cities in three states during our God Loves You Tidewater Tour. In every town, hundreds of people — young and old — responded to the Gospel invitation to make a decision for Christ and give their hearts fully to our Savior. I have preached at more than 300 evangelistic Crusades and Festivals through the years, and I never grow weary of seeing people respond to the Gospel message. Of course, my father preached around the world for nearly seven […]

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Franklin Graham: Evil Never Has the Last Word

Our nation was shocked on a spring day in March, when a shooter broke into a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, and slaughtered three students and three staff members. The three students at The Covenant School, run by Covenant Presbyterian Church, were just 9 years old, and the three adults who died included the headmaster, a custodian and a substitute teacher. One of the students was the daughter of the church’s pastor. Thanks to the heroic actions of officers from the Metro Nashville Police Department, further bloodshed was avoided. They responded within 13 minutes, swept through classrooms and ran toward […]

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Franklin Graham: Resurrection and Revival

Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of filming an Easter message while standing in front of the famous Colosseum in Rome.  It was the same Colosseum where countless Christians were martyred by a brutal government that persecuted and slaughtered followers of Christ, and the same city where apostles Paul and Peter were both executed for their allegiance to the Lord.  They died in faith, however, trusting in a living Savior who had borne their sins on the cross, was buried in a stone tomb, and was raised to life on the third day. It was the power […]

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Franklin Graham: Turning Back to God is the Only Hope For a Nation That’s Turned its Back on God

A reporter from a national news network recently asked me: “Where do you see America today?” I told him that our nation has turned its back on God. Politicians are looking for what people want and what culture wants instead of what God wants. We need to stand on the absolute authority of God’s Word, and I believe the Bible to be the Word of God. By turning our back on God, our nation is sliding farther and farther away from Him. Instead of becoming a better country, we are becoming more violent, lawless and godless. Our policies are failing, […]

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Franklin Graham: This Present Darkness

Darkness is spreading across the land. As the New Year got underway, I posted this on social media amid the flood of New Year’s resolutions: “As we begin 2023, the world we live in seems to be imploding. A brutal war is bringing suffering and death in Ukraine with every day that passes. Senseless violence is rampant across the United States. Anti-God agendas that once hid in the darkness are now proudly out in the open, demanding acceptance. Developed nations are being overtaken by socialism, removing God from anything and everything in the public square. And if you think things […]

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Franklin Graham: What Can the Righteous Do?

Just a few weeks ago, Congress passed legislation that codified same-sex marriage as the law of the land, certifying the 2015 Supreme Court ruling Obergefell v. Hodges that had already sanctioned same-sex marriages. Joining the Democrats in the Senate were 12 so-called conservative Republican senators whose votes gave the bill the 60 it needed to move it to the House, where it was easily passed by the Democratic majority. This is a watershed moment in the moral state of our rapidly depraving and godless culture. To satisfy the incessant, sinful cries of the incredibly powerful LGBTQ lobby, the halls of […]

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The Government Will Rest on His Shoulders

Tens of millions of Americans flocked to the polls on November 8 to cast their ballots in one of the most crucial midterm elections in our nation’s history. Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives by a narrow margin, while Democrats retained control of the Senate. Changing of the Government Some people may be sad, some may be glad and some may be mad about the election results. One thing’s for sure — our success as a nation depends on God. Our country can’t turn its back on Him and expect His hand of blessing to continue. We need […]

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Franklin Graham: Our Unchanging God

It was a distinct privilege to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ this summer in London, where my father first preached in 1954. Thousands came to hear the Word of God, and His Spirit worked to bring hundreds to saving faith. We praise God! While in England, I was invited to appear on the TV program “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” broadcast by the BBC to a large audience. I have been with Piers in the past when he was with another network, and he certainly can ask some penetrating questions. Among the topics we discussed was a Gallup poll […]

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Franklin Graham: We Can Still Turn Back

On Nov. 8, tens of millions of voters will head to polls across America in the most crucial midterm elections in recent history.  To say that much is at stake is a gross understatement. It isn’t just control of Congress; it may be our last chance to stop the immoral and ungodly policies that have brought our great nation to the moral brink of disaster.   “It may be our last chance to stop the immoral and ungodly policies that have brought our great nation to the moral brink of disaster.” The floodgates of Sodom and Gomorrah have seemingly swung wide […]

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