Franklin Graham: They Did the Right Thing

Remember this date: June 24, 2022.  This is the day that the United States Supreme Court made the historic decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Finally, after 49 years of prayer from millions of people, and the unceasing work of the pro-life movement, the court voted to strike down one of the most horrific and egregious rulings in the history of our nation.  In so doing, the high court upheld a Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization), and then went on to overturn the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. With the decisiveness […]

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Franklin Graham: Triumphing Over Evil

The tragic shooting deaths of 19 young school children and two teachers in the south Texas town of Uvalde left us all heartbroken. The gunman was an 18-year-old troubled teen who shot his own grandmother before entering Robb Elementary School and killing innocent fourth graders who were only two days away from the end of the school year. Not surprisingly, the conversation in the media and in the political realm quickly turned to gun control. Ban certain weapons, is the thinking, and these kinds of tragedies can be averted. Sadly, they’re looking in the wrong place. “The closer we get […]

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Franklin Graham: The Eternal Peril of Progressive Christianity

For decades, a war has been raging against Biblical Christianity that goes under the seemingly innocent name of “progressive Christianity.” It has cropped up in the halls of seminaries, infiltrated the pulpits of thousands of churches and been propagated by a godless liberal media. It is bent on casting doubt and undermining the foundational principles of God’s Word. Many of the Apostle Paul’s letters were written to churches that were experiencing serious doctrinal errors. One of his sternest was penned to the church in Galatia, which is part of modern-day Turkey. In it, he launched into a stern rebuke for […]

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Franklin Graham: Pray for Ukraine

As I write this, the greatest military conflict in Europe since World War II is raging in Ukraine, as fighting with Russian forces continues across a nation the size of Texas, with 44 million people. It has been a brutal conflict, with thousands killed and many more injured. The bloodshed has led to a humanitarian crisis with more than 3 million refugees fleeing into Poland, Moldova, Romania and other European countries. More than 2 million others have been displaced within Ukraine. We have been responding in the Name of Jesus Christ. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has been on the […]

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Franklin Graham: Crime and No Punishment

Scroll down to comment on crimes with no punishment. When two New York City police officers were ambushed and killed in January, thousands of officers, standing shoulder to shoulder, gathered solemnly to honor their fallen comrades. Downtown Manhattan was a sea of blue, as police cars stretched for miles. Officers from across the nation as well as several foreign countries joined in the moving scenes outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The widow of Detective Jason Rivera wept as she spoke of her husband. He was 22, and they had been married only three months. But she also clearly called out the […]

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Franklin Graham: Lift Up Your Head

Scroll down to leave a comment on how you keep your head up to God in dark times. We all know the terrible toll that the COVID-19 virus has taken on countries around the globe. The pandemic has taken more than 5.5 million lives worldwide, including more than 850,000 here in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 has become the third-leading cause of death, behind cancer and heart disease (obviously not counting abortion). As horrific as those totals are, the disease has not only attacked our health but also our society. Illicit drug […]

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Franklin Graham: The Antidote to Fear

Scroll down to leave a comment on how trust in the Lord acted as an antidote to fear. Christ’s followers can trust in the care of our sovereign Lord As we enter into this New Year, I sense that fear has a grip on our nation and our world in a new and profound way. While American families gathered for a hearty Thanksgiving meal, news broke about a new strain of the COVID-19 virus. Named Omicron, the heavily mutated strain was discovered in South Africa, and it wasn’t long before it was found in numerous other countries across the globe, […]

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Franklin Graham: The Light of Christ Shines in a Dark World

The world into which Jesus was born 2,000 years ago was a troubled one. Joseph and Mary’s 100-mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register for a census was due to an empire-wide decree issued by Caesar Augustus. The imperial edict was primarily for the purpose of taxation, which imposed an enormous burden on the working class. Rome had been ruling with an iron fist for more than 100 years. Their army had captured nation after nation, and every city throughout Judea was firmly under their dominion. Poverty was commonplace, and the constant threat of famine and drought had taken […]

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Franklin Graham: The Gospel Can’t Be Stopped

(Leave a comment below on a moment where the Gospel gave you hope.) Imagine a nation wracked by killer plagues, divided by cultural factions, rife with corruption and immorality, and all too eager to blame and persecute Christians. A nation whose rulers have rejected almighty God and enthroned themselves. Did you think I was talking about our country and our times?  Actually, I’m thinking about Rome during the early years of the church.  “The greatest threat to our nation is sin.” In the New Testament era, the Roman Empire was a superpower that would soon be headed down a slippery […]

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Franklin Graham: Living as People of the Cross

(Leave a comment below on what you feel it means to live as a “person of the Cross.” ) Like many Americans, I was appalled and sickened by the images of desperate Afghan citizens clinging to the undercarriage of a C-47 transport plane at the Kabul airport as they sought to flee the return of the Taliban’s brutal rule. When the news came that 13 American service members had died at the hands of a suicide bomber, my heart broke. I could only think of wives and husbands, parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles, who would never […]

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