Franklin Graham: Grateful for Those Who Will Never Back Down

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon convene for its fall term, with a number of significant cases to consider. Cases that have come before the current court relating to religious freedom have turned up mixed results—even with the conservative justices appointed by the prior administration. It appears as if the court is willing to somewhat protect the religious rights of institutions, but on very narrow grounds. And it’s extremely troubling that the justices have failed to rule on behalf of believers who have been persecuted by state and federal agencies for their personal faith and Biblical convictions. This summer, Barronelle […]

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Prayer For Afghanistan

(Comment below your prayer for Afghanistan.) On August 22, 2021, Franklin Graham, President and CEO or Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, asked people to pray for Afghanistan with him on his Facebook live. You can view this video at the following link: What follows is a complete transcript of the prayer from the Facebook video.   Opening remarks Greetings. Thank you for joining me for this time of prayer for Afghanistan. This is a very critical time in the history of Afghanistan and our country. There are about 15,000 Americans that have been left behind in […]

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Franklin Graham: Standing Strong for Christ

(Comment below on what it takes to be standing strong for Christ.) In this day when the immoral pressures of our decadent culture are growing stronger and more belligerent by the moment, it’s encouraging to see those who are standing strong in Christ. That’s certainly true in the field of higher education, where the new administration in Washington is doing all it can to reverse policies put in place under President Trump to protect Christian schools grounded in Biblical convictions. The extraordinary push by the brazen LGBTQ lobby with the backing of the current administration (especially Health and Human Services […]

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Franklin Graham: Hope in an Age of Lawlessness

(Scroll down to leave a comment on this lawlessness) On April 28, my hometown of Boone, North Carolina, was shaken by a horrible tragedy that took the lives of two of our county sheriff’s deputies, Sgt. Chris Ward and K-9 Deputy Logan Fox, who were ambushed when they answered a call to check on residents. In the days following, we saw an incredible outpouring of sympathy and respect for our law enforcement men and women. When the bodies of Sgt. Ward and Deputy Fox were transported from Winston-Salem back to Boone, law enforcement personnel from numerous counties and towns, along […]

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Franklin Graham: God’s Word Is Always True

Two years ago, we held an evangelistic Crusade in the seaside town of Blackpool, England. Nine thousand people came to hear us proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hundreds made confessions of faith! This was in spite of intense opposition from the LGBTQ community, which objected to the advertising message on public transportation buses. The ads simply said “Time for Hope.” The gay activists were successful at the time in pressuring officials to remove our ads from the sides of the buses. However, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association coordinated with the Lancashire Festival trustees to take the matter […]

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Franklin Graham: We Stand on the Gospel

How do YOU stand on the Gospel. Leave a comment below. As I write this, the United States Senate is deliberating one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation in my lifetime. If it becomes law, the outcome will be a full-frontal attack by federal authorities to remove any vestige of Biblical Christian faith from the public square. Labeled the Equality Act, this despicable bill is anything but that. Instead of equality, it could forever tip the scales of justice against the Judeo-Christian beliefs that have undergirded our nation — and most of Western civilization — for centuries. Christians, churches […]

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Franklin Graham: The Voice of God Can Never Be Canceled

Leave a comment below on cancel culture. Madness is sweeping across our country.  I am referring to the ever-widening spread of what has been dubbed cancel culture, the suppression and intolerance of people whose viewpoints differ from what our godless society has deemed fitting and appropriate.  Not surprisingly, the overwhelmingly left-wing cancel culture has aimed its most vicious verbal darts squarely at Christians who hold a Biblical worldview founded on the authority of God’s uncompromising Word.  Let me give you just a few examples, though there are many.  In the city of Boston, a Chick-fil-A food truck serving the campus […]

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Franklin Graham: Christ’s Light Outshines Any ‘Dark Winter’

(Leave a comment below on what Christ’s Light is doing for you during this dark winter.) Our nation’s 46th president, Joe Biden, has warned that we will be facing a “dark winter” as the COVID-19 virus continues to spread across America.  The Dark Winter The impact certainly has been enormous. Hundreds of thousands have died since the first case of the virus was reported last January in Washington state. Since then, hospital ICU units have been overwhelmed, frontline health care workers have been pushed to their limits, many churches have been unable to meet for worship and our daily lives […]

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