Audio Bibles for American troops

Faith Comes By Hearing, the world’s foremost Audio Bible Life, is honoring America’s military through the Military BibleStick project. “We felt burdened to bring the Word of God in audio to our troops,” said Morgan Jackson, the Life ‘s international director. “So, we developed a special, portable Audio Bible for the military, loaded it with the entire New Testament and sent them to chaplains who contacted us and requested them.” Chaplains who requested them have now distributed more than 10,000 Audio Bibles to service members in Iraq, Kosovo and Afghanistan. “Audio Scriptures are perfect for military men and women to […]

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Christian groups challenge order allowing minors access to Plan B

The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) is hoping to prevent over-the-counter distribution of the so-called morning-after pill to minors. ADF has filed a motion challenging a March federal court order that required the Food and Drug Administration to allow Plan B, which many doctors believe can cause an abortion, to be sold to 17-year-olds without a prescription. “The life and health of women, especially minors, is more important than the political agenda of pro-abortion activist groups,” ADF Legal Counsel Matt Bowman said. “Minors are least of all in a position to make an informed decision about the life or death of […]

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How much is a woman’s life worth? In Michigan, only $10,000

Abortionist Alberto Hodari has been fined $10,000 by the State of Michigan for the 2003 abortion-related death of Regina Johnson. The consent order, which recently became public, was issued on March 4, 2009, more than five years after Johnson’s death. “Now we know what a woman’s life is worth in the State of Michigan once she walks into an abortion clinic,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “This paltry fine has reduced Ms. Johnson’s life to that of chattel. Animals are bought and sold for more than this.” In exchange for the consent agreement, counts of negligence and incompetence against […]

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Prison Life opens first field office in Africa

Crossroad Bible Institute, a non-profit prison Life that focuses on biblically-based reentry education for those in prison around the world, has opened a new distribution center in Ghana. This will be CBI’s eighth international distribution center and the first on the continent of Africa. Reverend David Kwadwo Ofosuhene, a native of Ghana, is the director of the new center. As one of the world’s poorest countries, Ghana’s prisons lack appropriate sanitation, food production areas and medical care. In addition, the prisons hold almost double the number of people they were built to hold with many prisoners waiting years before a […]

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Luis Palau shares the Gospel with Scotland’s Highlands

Luis Palau spent two weeks evangelizing in Scotland at more than 60 outreach events in a dozen towns throughout Scotland’s Highlands. Most of the sparsely populated towns impacted by the campaign have not witnessed such a large scale effort since Palau’s previous Scottish campaigns that ran from 1979–1981. “You can definitely sense the secularization and lack of church attendance,” said the Argentinean evangelist, who is the grandson of Scotsman Robert Balfour. “I have asked young people, ‘Do you go to church?’ and they look at me like I’m from another planet.” But just as he noted 30 years ago, Palau […]

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Ban of human-animal hybrids sought

Sen. Sam Brownback, R.-Kan., has introduced legislation to prohibit the creation of human-animal hybrids. If enacted, the Human-animal Hybrid Prohibition Act, S. 1435, would bar the creation of beings made from the genetic material of both people and animals. Without a ban, such hybrids could be created for research purposes in laboratories. A British government agency has approved the creation of hybrids for research in that country. “This legislation works to ensure that our society recognizes the dignity and sacredness of human life,” Brownback said in a written statement. “Creating human-animal hybrids, which permanently alter the genetic makeup of an […]

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David Crowder*Band releases new record called ‘Church Music’

GMA Dove winners and former MSN “Artist of the Year” David Crowder*Band will release their fifth studio album, “Church Music,” on Sept. 22 from sixstepsrecords and EMI CMG Label Group. Aptly titled, the band hopes their self-produced recording will prompt listeners to recognize the continual evolvement of music within the church as well as transport them into an awareness that we exist within the very presence of God, therefore allowing “church music” to happen anywhere. “I hope this album serves as a reminder of music within the Church, of its richness and its broadness and the tension that exists in […]

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Unborn babies have memories, study says

Unborn children have memories, according to a new study from the Netherlands. Researchers at two medical centers found unborn babies at 30 weeks gestation show short-term memory, according to The Washington Times. By the time the unborn children reach 34 weeks of development, they “are able to store information and retrieve it four weeks later,” The Times reported. The results were based on a study conducted on 100 women and their unborn children. Scientists gave the women a series of buzzes on their stomachs for one second each with a “fetal vibroacoustic stimulator” at five points during the final eight […]

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Pollster say Christians lack understanding on key issues

Christians don’t have a thorough knowledge of the Fairness Doctrine, hate-crimes legislation or the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), according to recent research by Wilson Research Strategies. CEO Chris Wilson said the data examined suggest that Christians don’t fully understand the negative impact of these policy proposals on the ministries they support.  “The recent change in control of both the White House and Congress has reintroduced the possibility of the Fairness Doctrine being revived,” he said. “Ministries would avoid any commentary that could be interpreted as relating to political or policy issues or risk action by the FEC. Stations would feel […]

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