Natural Health Tips for Tight Times

We know it is too expensive to get sick, but is it too expensive to stay well? Healthcare expenses continue to absorb a larger and larger percentage of our budget, and financial times are already difficult enough. Costs are rocketing out of control, and even though the Supreme Court has put a period on the argument about who will be required to buy health insurance, the controversy over healthcare remains. With more and more people looking to cut corners, the question prevails: how can you stay healthy on a tight budget? Does living a healthy lifestyle cost too much? When […]

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Who’s Really Training Your Children?

Should the Lord tarry, this time in history might come to be known by future generations as “The Darker Ages.” Especially over the last 50 years, there has been an ever-increasing influence of the antichrist spirit in our society as evidenced by how the majority of our prevailing institutions posture themselves against God. These “vain philosophies” are an amalgamation of the “politically correct” positions of the educational system, the healthcare (disease care) and food industries, the liberal news media, the government and the entertainment industry. All of these institutions have adopted anti-God worldviews, and scripture warns us against yoking ourselves […]

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Living Sacrifice

Salvation is free; following Christ will cost you everything. This is a health column and this is a health message. But I need us to go on a short journey first. Imagine for a moment that we are in a typical courtroom. There is a judge, a jury, some lawyers, and of course, the person on trial. This defendant is a true criminal. His could be any crimes, but for our example they are extremely ugly ones. This criminal sold drugs to children in schoolyards, and when being chased by police he killed an innocent woman and her baby after […]

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Time for a Healthy Change

It’s time to “come out of Babylon” in regard to your health and the health of your family.  Get ready, as you are about to be reminded of who you are, so that you can access the power and inspiration of the Spirit and stop participating in this world’s “gentile” madness. In the first article in this series, “Think Different” (March 2012), I warned you to stay alert and challenged  you to act differently from the world in all areas, not just in matters of morality and relationships, but also regarding health and health-related decisions.  In part two of this […]

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