Graduation Season Reminds Us Time Marches On

graduation season
Dr. Bob Barnes and Torrey Roberts Sheridan House Family Ministries

It’s that time again…Graduation season. The close of another school year and time marches on. If you were on social media at all during the last month, your feed is flooded with caps and gowns but also it seems moments of reminiscence from all parents. There has been many a lament for time moving too quickly.


Take stock

As I feel those same feelings, I am forcing myself to remember a few things. First, am I taking stock of the time that I have left. Whether this is preschool graduation, or you are looking at the college season, we need to ask…  what am I doing with my time left? 

We have said all along we need to be intentional with our time as parents. It always feels like this time of year is a harsh wake up call to how quickly our time with our children truly moves. We should use that emotion as a motivator to think through our parenting goals. Evaluate how we are doing with those goals and process through what we are going to do with our time remaining.



If you are heading into elementary school, maybe this is the summer we are going to focus on chores and learning how to follow through on tasks. If your child is heading into middle school, this is the summer to really pour into making wise choices in friends and pouring into your relationship with them. If you have a high schooler, maybe this is the summer to evaluate what “life skills” they are still needing to master. Things like budgeting, credit cards, even simple things like laundry and cooking are tools our kids need to know before heading to adulthood. 



There are two very important areas that we can focus on especially during the summer are our child’s relationship with God and their relationships within the family. We all want our children to leave home with a strong sense of both who they are and “Whose” they are. This is achieved by focusing on these two relationships. A sense of belonging in a family happens by intentionally pouring in relationally. As we have said many times, make time for fun! Turn off the screens, you too mom and dad, and have fun together. Game nights, dinner on the beach, camp outs on your living room floor (air full blast), whatever fun looks like to your family. Pouring into your kids spiritually isn’t as daunting as it sounds. For younger kids, buy a new fun family devotional to read this summer. For big kids, maybe you find a Bible study that you all do together.

Most importantly, one of the truths we talk a lot about at Sheridan House is it’s never too late. We can always be better tomorrow than we are today. Even if you are looking at the final summer before college, it’s not too late. Take stock of what you want your child to know before leaving your home and be intentional about it.


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