No Longer a Crisis Parent

When I first arrived at Sheridan House, I spent some time with my predecessor about the duties of the executive director of the ministry. Driving home from the office, I felt somewhat discouraged. It seemed the job description indicated I would have to spend all my available time “putting out fires.” Crisis everywhere The next six months proved my expectations correct. Feeling like a fireman, I was simply putting out one fire after another without having any time to do prevention work. I began to feel that either I was incompetent, or the job could not be done.   An […]

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Graduation Season Reminds Us Time Marches On

It’s that time again…Graduation season. The close of another school year and time marches on. If you were on social media at all during the last month, your feed is flooded with caps and gowns but also it seems moments of reminiscence from all parents. There has been many a lament for time moving too quickly.   Take stock As I feel those same feelings, I am forcing myself to remember a few things. First, am I taking stock of the time that I have left. Whether this is preschool graduation, or you are looking at the college season, we […]

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Learning How to Make the Right Decisions

“But how do you know how to make the right decision?” was the question from a thirteen-year-old boy living at Sheridan House. He had just made yet another bad decision with some friends at school. His consequence was to cut grass that afternoon, rather than play racquetball with the other boys. That was a great question. And that is why we do not only give kids the discipline to follow through with their decisions. We also give them the template for how to make those decisions.   In the past we have discussed the need for parents to make their […]

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How to Motivate a Child to Do Their Best

More times than I can count I have heard a frustrated parent say, “I know my child can do better, but he just doesn’t seem to try!” Parents want to know the answer to the same question: How do you motivate a child to do their best? There are a few questions parents need to answer before they work on motivating the child. As a parent, what is my motivation for motivating my child? Do I want my child to do his best for me (the parent’s self-esteem) or for his self-esteem? Am I interested in seeing great effort or […]

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How a Simple Apology Can Demonstrate the Significance of Easter

Easter is the most pivotal moment in our Faith, remembering the sacrifice our Heavenly Father made so that we may have a relationship with Him. This is an unimaginable sacrifice for us as parents to wrap our heads around. As Christians, teaching this to our children is necessary, but how? In the past we have talked about many ways for us to talk to our children about Easter. We have talked about the “Resurrection Eggs,” which help parents of small children walk through the Easter week in a creative and age-appropriate way. We have mentioned “Resurrection Rolls,” another age appropriate […]

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How to Keep Your Parenting Balance

Much of life is about balance, finding a balance between work and play or maintaining a balanced budget. In the Parenting on Purpose process, nothing is more important than the balance between relationship and discipline. The Right Parenting Balance The right disciplinary program gives a child the ability to discipline himself eventually. A right parent-child relationship gives the child the motivation to say “No” and makes the child feel secure even when he hears the word, “NO.”   Avoid extremes Discipline without relationship teaches a child to fear “getting caught.” At its worst, discipline without relationship teaches the child to […]

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Teaching the Discipline of Self-Improvement

The start of a new year usually begins with a few resolutions. Whether they actually follow through on the resolutions or not is a separate issue. The thought of self-improvement and the discipline involved is a great training lesson for children and teens. The fact that I actually have in me the discipline to improve myself is an understanding that has been totally lost. When you ask today’s child, teen, or young adult what they would like to change this next year, they will almost always talk about a possession. Instead of changing themselves or improving themselves as a person, […]

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All I Want for Christmas Is…

“All I want for Christmas is…?” The answer to this question could determine the success or failure of your Christmas experience. As a parent the question is: What do we really want for Christmas? Don’t we want something that will last for generations to come? Something powered by more than batteries. I have never heard anyone say, “We have a great family tradition of giving each other video games for Christmas. It’s been an awesome part of our Christmas for generations.  It’s what brings us back home each year.” All I Want is… There are many electronics we could get […]

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It’s Time to Teach Time

This article, that was written by Mom and Dad, is so timely as we wrap up the first quarter of school and head into the second. It resonated with me deeply as I was the one helping a child “catch up” on a research paper this last week. I hope it is a good reminder for you as you organize the second quarter of your family and the holidays! -Torrey Roberts Time for time teaching Mothers across America have been heard to say, “I hope you know we will never go through this again!” This phrase has been shouted right […]

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Turn Your Family Time Back On!

Recently, while waiting for a traffic light to turn green, I glanced over at the car next to me and noticed an incredibly sad scene. A mom was driving with three kids. It had the potential to be a great family outing, but for one thing, each person in the van was engaged in his or her own electronic activity. Each except the youngest, who was glued to something on the ceiling. Only after the light turned green did I see that he too was into his own electronics. He was focused on his own iPad screen.  Dysfunctional Family Time […]

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