1. Drink plenty of water
Before bed, when you get up, and throughout the day, as it will help you detox more quickly.
2. Be aware of “morning after” cravings
The morning after a large, late meal, you will wake “feeling” hungry. If you have had sugar, you will want more. Resist that devil and it will flee!
3. Go for a walk or exercise
Fresh air is best, but if you can’t go outside, just do something to get your blood pumping. This may be the last thing you feel like doing, until you start and feel your head and body clearing, so force yourself to get moving.
4. Get some extra rest
There is no better way to recover from your “transgressions” than sleep.
And here’s a final tip for “dressing for (wellness) success” at holiday events:
Wear clothing that is comfortable but somewhat tight-fitting in the waist. Of course, be modest, but choose an outfit that will help you feel “stuffed” more quickly. Loose clothing, including the just-plain-evil “stretchy pants”, is an absolute no-no. And never, ever open the top button on your pants before or during a meal. Think about it; if you are purposely making way for your body to hold more food, then you have already overeaten.
Hey, it’s the holidays so let’s be real: we are going to indulge in some extras. But why not do so with some wise planning and self-restraint, so you can save yourself the frustration of post-holiday blues, unwanted pounds, and unhealthy habits that may plague you well into the new year? It’s the season of temptation, so be careful out there!
Dr. Jeff Hazim is a Chiropractor and nutritional counselor practicing in Pompano Beach (TheBrowardCenter.com), and Executive Director of “Biblical Health Television”, the only TV network devoted to Biblical Health (BiblicalHealth.tv). Weekly Radio Broadcasts: BlogTalkRadio.com/BiblicalHealth.