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Just As He Said

(Scroll down to leave a comment on everything that Jesus has said that came to pass. ) We celebrate Easter at the end of this month, the day a dead man named Jesus got up and walked out of the grave. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified, dead and buried, to pay the penalty for the sins of all those who would put their trust in Him, by grace through faith. And on that first Easter morning, the ground began to shake, the stone was rolled away and the King of kings and the Lord of lords walked […]

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The Bible and Marijuana Use

In the ongoing debate about the legalization of medical marijuana, I propose the following considerations in an effort to counterbalance the propaganda of some who think that this so-called mild hallucinogen might be relatively harmless. What if the euphoria of marijuana intoxication were not all-that innocent? What biblical principles — if any — should be considered in the consumption of cannabis beyond the pathological effects of this often smoked plant on the human body which — for Christians at least — is a temple of God (I Corinthians 6:19) not to be desecrated? Is there something qualitatively different about the […]

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The True Fairy Tale

When you open up the Bible, you’re not opening up a textbook; you’re opening up a storybook. After all, the bible starts off with, “In the beginning.” A beginning presupposes that there’s an ending. And if you have a beginning and an ending, then you have a story, but the Bible isn’t just any story; it’s the story behind all your favorite stories. It’s the true fairy tale. C.S. Lewis was right when he said, “In the story of Christ, all the other stories have somehow come true.” But how is this possible? Thankfully, John the Apostle summarized the great […]

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Unplanned Parenthood in the Christmas Story

The Christmas story is a story about how the unplanned pregnancy of an unwed teenage mother was God’s plan for the world. Think about it; Mary wasn’t planning on having an angel tell her that she would miraculously be with child at a young age. And in a culture of honor and shame, you can just imagine the questions that went through her head: What are my parents going to say? What are my friends going to think? What will my fiancé Joseph do? It’s important to remember that Mary was impoverished, and her only hope for financial security was […]

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Build a Foundation with Bible Memorization

  People today are busy. We go non-stop 24/7 and are pulled in a million directions. We need strength, wisdom, and hope. We are at times desperately short of reliable information to raise children and live with a happy heart in a happy home. We need to look no further than the Bible. It is unchanging; it is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We would be hard-pressed to carry a Bible everywhere, and Bible scripture memorization is the next best thing. Memorization helps us to have a firm foundation; plus, we find that fear, panic, and anger no longer […]

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Nationwide Initiative Draws People Back to Church

  Almost 30,000 churches nationwide as well as over 1,400 churches internationally are participating in a strategic program in September to intentionally draw unchurched and dechurched people in and to help them to make lasting connections in the local church. What is the distinction between unchurched and dechurched people, you may ask? Simply, the unchurched are the ones that have not grown up in a Christian environment, have not been raised in Sunday school, and may have only a superficial understanding of the gospel and how it relates to their life, their relationship with God, and their eternal destiny.  Dechurched […]

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Transitioning Through the Seasons of Life

    Schools are starting back up after the summer and the fall season is upon us. Fall is one of my favorite seasons. Most people have a favorite season and one that they don’t look forward to. One thing for sure regardless of how we feel about any season they will constantly come around. This is also a reality of life. We live life in seasons of constant change. Just as we can’t stop the seasons of the calendar, we can’t stop the seasons of life. Every season brings a new change we must learn how to deal with. […]

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An Emotionally Healthy Lifestyle

Emotions are an important part of being human. The question is how should you understand the emotions and handle them appropriately? You don’t want to play on the emotions or downplay the emotions. You don’t want to make the emotions all-important, but you don’t want to make them unimportant either. So, how do you legitimize your emotions without being emotionally led? How do you live an emotionally healthy life? In Psalm 13, David models two critical aspects of emotional health: emotional honesty and emotional stability. Honesty and stability There are some people who think, “If I’m going to be emotionally […]

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When The Theology Of Grace Is Challenged

  The message of grace has been a sweeping movement in the Christian world and is gaining traction. No matter what background a person happens to come from, it is shaking things up in a good and big way. Yet, recent scandal in the life of one of “graces” biggest proponents, Tullian Tchividjian, (former Senior Pastor of a Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church) has caused many skeptics to question the message’s validity. While controversy may be difficult, it’s benefits may be many. One being that God often uses conflict as an opportunity to remove dross from the silver of our faith. […]

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