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Resources to Combat Three Enemies

The Christian life is one of great peace but also great conflict. A Christian is someone who is at war with three great enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil. The devil and his attack In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul dealt with the sinful flesh in chapter four, the influences of the world in chapter five, and the attacks of the devil in chapter six. And he explains that the devil is the evil behind all the evil. The devil is the Christian’s great adversary. But what should Christians know about him, and how do they […]

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The Gospel Ministry

Over the past decade there has been a great resurgence of the gospel in church ministry. As one writer put it, “There has been an explosion of gospel-centeredness.” On the whole, this is a very encouraging development. And yet there’s a danger that the word “gospel” can simply turn into the latest buzzword or church-growth trend where the word is used so much that it loses its meaning and value. So, what does a healthy and effective gospel ministry look like in a church? How can church leaders and church members tell if their ministry really is gospel-centered? In the […]

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A Case of Mistaken Identity

In a culture obsessed with self-image and success, it is natural to see our own self worth in terms of our own achievements. It is easy to believe that our value is defined by our abilities, that the smarter, richer and more powerful we are the more important we are. However, this way of seeing ourselves is very different from the way God sees us. God’s Word takes this narrative and turns it completely upside down. For God, nothing is everything.   They story of Sisyphus The entire book of Ecclesiastes paints a vivid picture of the futility of human […]

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We Never Outgrow The Gospel

As a pastor of a church plant, I am often asked how we gear our church services; are we aiming at the unbeliever or the believer? In other words, what people are asking me is whether I focus on saving the unbeliever or strengthening the believer. My answer is always the same: “Yes!” Because every worship service is geared toward sinners, the preaching of the gospel is intended to reach both the unbelieving sinner and the believing sinner. Both groups are in constant need of God’s grace: the grace of rescue, the grace of revival, the grace of reconciliation and […]

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Daniel’s Delight

In reading through the book Daniel, it never ceases to amaze me just how easy it would have been for Daniel to stay out of the lion’s den without ever neglecting his duty and his devotion to his God. The jealousy of Daniel’s rivals in the Babylonian government drove them to set a trap by getting the king to issue an edict that anyone who prayed to any god or man (other than the king himself) would be thrown into the lions’ den. Daniel was well aware of the plot his rivals had hatched against him; he could have continued […]

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I’m Bored

“I’m bored.” What parent hasn’t heard those words from their children? But sometimes the children aren’t the only ones saying it. Many adults have said the same thing to their spouse or to themselves. Boredom is closely linked to a lack of contentment in life. They are both feelings about the inability to enjoy the moment, the current phase of life. A person like this is constantly looking for the next thrill or adrenaline rush. Happiness is somewhere in the future with the next achievement, accolade, possession or promotion — never now. This person leaves other family and friends wondering, […]

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Enjoy Your Life!

Does Christianity take the fun out of life? There are some people who tend to think so. They have this idea that following Jesus means the end of joy rather than the beginning of joy. In their opinion, the God of Christianity is sort of a harsh cosmic killjoy, just trying to keep people from really enjoying life. This couldn’t be further from the truth.   God wants you to enjoy life Remember where God placed Adam and Eve? God didn’t put them in a barren desert and tell them to endure it; he put them in a garden of […]

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Nothing About You Is The Gospel… And That’s Good News

How often have you heard the gospel equated with a positive change in a believer’s life? “I used to __________, but then I met Jesus and now I’m ___________.” It may be unintentional, but we make a serious mistake when we reduce the good news to its results, such as patience, sobriety and compassion, in the lives of those who have heard it. These are beautiful developments, and belief in the gospel does produce such fruit. But the results should not be confused with the gospel itself. The gospel is not a means to an end; it is an end […]

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I Stand Corrected

Nobody likes to be corrected. Yet, correction is often like bad tasting medicine; it doesn’t make you feel good in the moment, but it can help you to become better in the days to come. Solomon put it like this, “It is better for a man to hear the rebuke of the wise than to hear the song of fools” (Ecclesiastes 7:5 NIV). The song of fools is figurative for being serenaded with flattery. So, in other words, both correction and compliments are good, but when it comes to developing your inner life and character, correction has more value.   […]

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Who Is This Man?

In what is commonly referred to as the “love month” due to the celebration of Valentine’s Day, I have a word of unimaginable comfort for you from the One who loves you more than you could ever imagine. “But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, ‘This man welcomes sinners and eats with them’ ” (Luke 15:2 NIV). Who is this Man? Who is This Man who welcomes sinners and eats with them? He is none other than God incarnate who left the throne room of heaven, took on the flesh of man in the form of a […]

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