Dig Deep

Clean in Spite of Dirt

In an old Dennis the Menace cartoon, Dennis is holding a handful of beautiful flowers and he asks Mr. Wilson, “How can something so pretty and clean come out of the dirt?” When you think about it, that question applies to every Christian. I have a word of encouragement for you taken from these magnificent words from John, the beloved apostle: “. . . the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7 NLV). Cleansed Notice that John did not say that Jesus’ blood “will cleanse us from all sin” or “shall cleanse us from […]

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Strength In Weakness

How do you view your weaknesses? Do you boast in them? Weaknesses and hardships are not typically something people boast about, but they can be. You wouldn’t naturally think that your weakness is an asset, that your trial is a gift or that your problem can actually make you more effective in life, but it’s true. The Apostle Paul once had a “thorn in the flesh,” some weakness that was harassing him, but he learned how to boast in it and be content with it, and you can too. The problem of weakness One of the problems of weakness is […]

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Overcoming Regrets

Have you ever said something or done something that you regret? Have you ever wished you could go back and change the past? Have you ever felt trapped in wanting to undo what can’t be undone? Often the failures of yesterday become the regrets of today. So what is regret and how do you overcome it? The regrets of life In the English language, regret is often used as a synonym for being sorry, but regret is one step further than remorse over the past; regret is a rehearsal of the past. Regret is a rewinding of the tape, imagining that […]

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Hope South Florida

HOPE South Florida is the Front Door to Hope for the Homeless There are currently over 200 homeless families on a waiting list for shelter in Broward County alone. Most of these families are single mothers with children. These families in crisis are our community’s modern day widows — every one of them in need of hope, housing, and restoration through loving community. Different from the man on the side of the road or the off ramp to I-95, these families are the forgotten face of homelessness. Thankfully, that’s where the work of HOPE South Florida begins. Read More Click image […]

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The Credibility of Christianity

Is Christianity really credible? Or is Christian faith just a blind leap in the dark? Is Christianity a reasonable position to take? Or is it simply a convenient crutch that millions of mindless people use to get through life? Many people consider Christianity to be anti-intellectual. They say things like, “Well if it works for you to believe then great but not us modern scientific minds.” But here’s why Christianity is the most rational approach to life possible. The basis of Christian faith You may find several people who are skeptical to Christianity saying, “There are times when I just […]

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Finding Hope in the Faithfulness of God

There are times in the lives of all believers when they may face doubts and discouragement. No matter what the reason for one’s disappointment, the Bible offers guidance as well as examples of others who have experienced the same. But today, we can find considerable encouragement not just in the biblical stories of the Israelites of old, but in the story of God’s faithfulness to their descendants today. The faith of our fathers The Puritans were so encouraged by the story of the ancient Israelites that they took from it direction for themselves. They yearned for freedom from their “bondage” […]

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One of God’s Best, Like Peter, Fell.

Why did Peter, of all people, deny Christ? Peter was the leader of the early disciple movement…always at the front. Bring it forward 1975 years later? Why did Bob Coy have a moral failure? More people have come to Christ in South Florida by this man’s ministry than by any other person in South Florida. There is a connection here. It shows us one simple thing, that there are none righteous not even one. So, before you point the finger at brother Bob, realize that all of us are moral failures at one point or another. The tragic thing is […]

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Had A Great Fall: The Recurring Story Of Mega-Pastors And Mega-Sinners

I first met Bob Coy 25 years ago when I was home from seminary on a summer break. He was the guest on my dad’s TV talk show, “FeedBack.” He made quite an impression. The subject was evangelism and this young, fiery, hilarious, transplant from Las Vegas stole the show. In his jeans and T-shirt, he stood out on the panel of clergy wearing their Sunday best. He was whimsical and passionate, and it was no surprise to me how in a few short years he would build the largest congregation in Fort Lauderdale, a city infamous for church plant […]

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