Next Generation

College Do’s and Dont’s

Anxiety. Excitement. Happiness. Sadness. Dread. Fear. Expectation. Hope. The transition to college can be overwhelming, to say the least. It is that initial step out of the comfortable nest, the beginnings of adulthood, a taste of the real world beyond the previously-known smaller sphere. There are so many unknowns, so many possibilities. As you enter into this new season of life, here are a few bits of advice that can make the journey more meaningful and perhaps more manageable. Don’t overload your first semester schedule. Going off to college may be the most dramatic change you have been through up […]

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How to Pray Effectively

Have you ever wondered why God was not answering your  prayers, or at least not as quickly as you would like or not in the way you expected? I have on many occasions. There are several things to consider when praying. 1.God answers prayers in ways we do not expect. God’s ways are not our ways. God sees the end from the beginning and knows what is best for us. The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you […]

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Would You Reach Out to Me?

You may be familiar with the story of Ashley Billasano – the shocking headlines and details gripped readers of print and online papers worldwide and left them asking “Why?” Billasano – a striking 18 year old girl from Texas – took to her twitter page on November 7, 2011 and poured her heart out to her 500 followers regarding allegations of sexual abuse and forced prostitution. In a compilation of 144 tweets, she described how her life had been forever changed by not only the abuse, but also the struggle she was encountering to see justice prevail.  After spending six […]

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How to Have Great Relationships

Relationships take work! The more significant the relationship is in a person’s life, the more effort and energy it takes to keep it moving forward in a healthy direction. For example, a person who is married would naturally invest a lot more time and energy with a spouse than he would in talking with his next door neighbor. And because he spends more time with his significant other, there are greater chances for misunderstanding to take place, offenses to form or for disagreements to arise. If these challenges and obstacles are not handled correctly, they can actually put a wedge […]

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Got Questions?

Question – Is self sex okay? – Kevin, 25 Kevin, This is a great question and one that many godly Christian leaders have wrestled with and have differing opinions on. To be honest with you, there is not a clear answer in the Bible whether or not masturbation is right or wrong. However, we can take principles from the Bible to navigate “gray areas”, including self sex. According to Jonathan Daugherty, founder of Be Broken Ministries – a Life helping the sexually addicted, “Masturbation, if seen purely as a physical function, is not sin. It is simply an orgasmic release. […]

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Generation Why?

What about this generation, typically referred to as Gen-Y, post baby boomers, the millennial generation, roughly born between the mid-70’s-90. Where do you stand? Oh I’m sure if you’re a boomer like me, your head has spun a few times at the sight of a Gen Y-er. I mean c’mon, what’s with the tattoos, nose rings, triple ear piercings and other unmentionable piercings? And then the electronic appendages, oh yes, it is a rare sighting to spot a Gen-Y subject that doesn’t have something hanging off his or her body to connect them to their flavor of the month. How […]

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Ready for a Season of Change?

I live in Northeast Indiana where there are four distinct seasons. It is an exciting time of year because we are currently leaving summer behind and entering fall. The leaves on the trees are changing colors, the air is getting cooler and each day seems to get shorter and shorter. Eventually, fall will end and be ushered in by winter. Just like the different season changes in Indiana, God takes His children through season changes. I am reminded how Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness and then one day out of the blue God spoke to him in a […]

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Got Questions?

People say that the Bible is not in its true form due to the fact that it has been edited and translated over the years. How can we trust or know that what we are reading is truly what God intended it to be? Many Believers in Jesus Christ and skeptics have wrestled with the authenticity of the Bible throughout history. However, there have been numerous discoveries through the centuries that have led us to believe that the original biblical manuscripts that were written were not mistranslated and are completely trustworthy. Ancient manuscripts or hand written works of literature were […]

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Don’t Let Fear Immobilize You

A couple of years ago, I had a conversation with my grandma about traveling around the world to experience amazing cultures, natural wonders, cities and people. She told me she had never been on a plane and would never get on one either! I asked, “Why grandma?” Her response was, “I am afraid to fly on planes.” I thought about what she said and it saddened me greatly. I imagined all the wonderful destinations she would miss out on, the new friends she would never meet and memories she would not experience. Her understanding of the world would be limited […]

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