Next Generation

Historic 50th Class Urged to “Dream Big” at Palm Beach Atlantic University

Last August, Palm Beach Atlantic University started the semester in a seemingly typical way. Hundreds of new students arrived with their parents, moved into their dorms and wore the traditional sailor hats personalized to help “break the ice.” Professors resettled in their offices after the summer break and the buildings on the east side of campus looked fresh with a new coat of paint, a signature blush-beige that complements the terracotta barrel tile roofs. Focused on upcoming classes and getting the hang of college life, most students didn’t realize that they were making history as the 50th entering class to […]

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Church United: Fourth Year of Collaboration

As a new year begins, the Church United story enters into year four of our mission to unite churches of our region for the purpose of seeing God’s kingdom descend upon South Florida. For the last three years pastors and ministry leaders have been connecting and collaborating together in their common desire to share faith, give hope and extend love. If 2018 taught us anything, it proved that we really are stronger together. As one local pastor put it at last year’s Love South Florida night of worship and celebration, “Church United is moving deeper into our hearts.” Looking towards […]

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Don’t Squander Your Summer

In our house it always feels like we come crawling into summer time like someone who just finished a marathon…one they didn’t train for. We are all absolutely exhausted but SO looking forward to a break. Dreams of a beautiful summer of family bliss dance in our heads as parents, but how often is that really the case? One of two things may happen: either we get to August wondering what in the world happened to the summer days, or we get to the end of June wondering when they can go back to school (or both depending what day […]

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Youth and Next Generation Leaders Take Center Stage at Church United

As Church United, we believe a mission to own the lostness, pain and brokenness of our community must include a mission for youth. Without a strong focus on reaching the next generation, we will miss perhaps what could be the greatest domestic missions opportunity in our nation’s history. Research points to the reality that over one million youth at least nominally in the church today will choose to leave each year for the next three decades. Thirty-five million youth raised in families that call themselves Christians will say they are not by 2050. However, we believe the story is far […]

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Storms Inside Me

  This winter break, I, along with 450 other student ambassadors, embarked on a ten-day expedition to Israel. It was an experience I will never forget, and even more importantly, it taught me just how important Israel is to God. In total, eleven buses were filled with college students from all over the U.S., who had applied through their schools to become student ambassadors with a program called Passages to Israel. Along with thirty new friends, who quickly became family, I was on bus #9, one of eight students brought by faculty member Dr. Andrea Hazim, representing the Elev8Life educational […]

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God Is Uniting The Church for The Sake of Mission

    As a result of research, prayer and the movement of the Holy Spirit, we believe that we are at a pivotal moment in the life of the Church in South Florida. By all accounts, the next 30 years will represent the largest missions opportunity in the history of not only America, but also our very own South Florida. We are witnessing the largest and fastest numerical shift in religious affiliation in the history of our communities. Pew, Barna and independent research all agree that even in the most optimistic scenarios, Christian affiliation in the U.S. will shrink dramatically […]

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Scotland and Marjory Stoneman Douglas

I recently invested a morning with middle school students in Dundee, Scotland. Having been welcomed into their new school, we discussed life, aspiration and faith. I told them that they could ask me any question and I would tell them the absolute truth. They wanted to know why we, in America, have school shootings. They wanted a discussion concerning the recent tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. They wanted real answers as to why we have guns in America. This reality does not compute in Scotland.   Wanting to give them an explanation, I discussed the reason why we […]

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Nick Vujicic Brings Hope and Healing

“As a kid, I never thought that anything good could ever come from my broken pieces….you know, I went to school and kids would look at me and be like ‘what happened,’ and I go ‘cigarettes’ (audience laughs),” Nick Vujicic, evangelist, author, speaker, and president of Life Without Limbs, said with comic relief. At the March 11 Church by the Glades “Hope & Healing” special event for the Parkland community of first responders, teachers and students, Vujicic used his life experience and humor to help heal the pain still felt in the aftermath of the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman […]

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Is Bible Prophesy Being Fulfilled in Our Time?

There’s an item in the news that caught my attention and made me wonder if Bible prophesy is possibly being fulfilled in our time. Having written a book almost twenty years ago that compares the major views Christians hold on the return of Christ, I think we must be wary of “newspaper exegesis.” Don’t read into every current event some aspect of the return of Christ. Nonetheless, the book of Revelation says this about “the beast of the earth,” a major helper to the beast, who is the Antichrist to come: “It also forced all people, great and small, rich […]

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Celebrating 30 Years of Reaching Children

If you grew up in the church like I did, you’re familiar with the lyrics of a sweet song often played during the altar call, when people were invited to come forward and indicate their decision to follow Christ … “I have decided to follow Jesus / No turning back, no turning back.”   It’s a song for the beginning of your relationship with Jesus … but it’s also a song that carries you along the way. “The world behind me, the cross before me … No turning back, no turning back.”   As OneHope remembers and celebrates 30 years […]

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