Next Generation

Faith Online

Word travels faster in our world than it ever has before, thanks to technology. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is leveraging digital means to stay connected. Nightly news hosts film specials from their living rooms, social media influencers encourage social distancing, and the Church utilizes online platforms to conduct services. If you’re a parent or guardian, you are likely helping your child navigate online learning. While keeping up with schoolwork is important, technology can also be used to increase Scripture engagement during this prolonged time spent at home.   The Bible App for Kids The Bible App for Kids, created […]

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The Origin of My Best Christmas

All of my life Christmas has been one of the most exciting times of the year. Beginning with intense expectancy on Christmas Eve, I anxiously awaited the gifts I would receive from my wonderfully, overindulgent parents. This excitement carried over to Christmas morning when I would open my presents. But these emotions always subsided shortly after the unwrapping of the gifts. My parents always gave me the presents I asked for. But, after we cleaned up the paper wrappings, ribbons and boxes, we all went back to business as usual. Somehow I knew there just had to be more! While […]

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Kanye: Let Rappers Cry Out

But some of the Pharisees among the crowd said, “Teacher, rebuke your followers for saying things like that!” He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!” But as he came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, he began to weep. Luke 19:39-41(NLT) Kanye West, controversial megastar rapper, has produced and released a new album called Jesus the King, and yes, it’s all about Jesus. This is the same Kanye who not so long ago declared, “I am a god, I don’t think there’s much more explanation…I am a god. Now what?” […]

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Redeemed Road Kill

The culture has many complaints against Christianity. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Perhaps the top complaint is that we are hypocritical, saying one thing and doing another. This, of course, is true for everyone, which is why we still need our Savior after we have been saved. But the complaint that we think we are superior to others just doesn’t hold water. True Christians do not think themselves superior, just saved. True Christians do not seem themselves as better than others, just bought by […]

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Students Share Their Faith in the South Pacific

Students and leaders from Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church traveled to the island nation of Fiji for two weeks in July on their 2019 Fiji Student Missions Trip. After two semesters of enriching Evangelism Explosion (EE) training, students were encouraged by this opportunity to respond to our Savior’s Great Commission and share their faith in the South Pacific coordinated through the D. James and Anne Kennedy Center for World Evangelism in Fiji. Director of Student Ministry Caleb Koornneef, said, “The highlight of the trip was seeing God use our students to help equip local pastors and lay leaders be able to […]

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Nicholas Perrin Joins Trinity International University As President – TIU Serves South Florida for Three Decades

Nicholas Perrin serves as the 16th president of Trinity International University, elected to that position June 6, 2019 after a unanimous vote from the Board of Regents. “For decades, TIU’s distinctive voice has been a gift to global evangelicalism,” Perrin said. “I look forward to the challenge of amplifying that voice in a clamorous world that – now more than ever – needs to encounter the word of God afresh in every area of life.” Perrin has served as the Franklin S. Dyrness Professor of Biblical Studies at Wheaton College. His academic specialties include Jesus and the Gospels, with special […]

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A Mission for Youth

I remember exactly where I was sitting at the back of that crowded gymnasium. Surrounded by hundreds of other teenagers, I awaited the final session of a week-long church summer camp. As a 14 year old who grew up in church, I knew how these things worked. The final session would be filled with moving worship, a passionate altar call and many tears. I was at an interesting point in my life. Most of my Christian experience up to that point could be summed up in three words: “going through motions.” I knew a lot about Jesus, but I didn’t […]

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Making History

The book of Acts tells a story about a group of people who changed the world. These ordinary people sparked an extraordinary movement known as the Church. Driven by a unified vision, they discipled and deployed every Christ-follower to be an agent of grace — to spread faith, hope and love everywhere they went. Every Christian, no matter who they are or what they do for a living is indeed God’s “Plan A” to bring renewal and restoration to the spiritual lostness, social pain and cultural brokenness we see all around us. Today, we believe the Church — God’s people […]

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Kingdom Tipping Point

A tipping point is when a small series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change. As Church United, we are busy behind the scenes uniting pastors, churches, leaders and organizations towards the goal of a seeing a gospel tipping point take root across South Florida. We’ve come together around evangelism, church planting, education and next generation engagement. However, none of these things will create a tipping point or start a movement without you. If you’re reading this, you are the most important piece of the story God is writing in our community. […]

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Bringing Clarity to 21st Century Missions

“When everything is mission, nothing is mission.” This Stephen Neill quote elicited a positive wave of wows, yesses, and amens from a ballroom full of ministry partners as I delivered our State of the Ministry address. It resonated with the room full of partners, pastors, missionaries, staff and friends because we can all see that each generation, denomination, and region the Church is operating under a different definition of missions. We’re passionately working to try and serve all the people and meet all the needs. The truth is, while we can do anything, we can’t do everything. Jesus made it […]

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