Next Generation

Locking Arms to Serve Our Community

On January 17 when the alarm clock sounds, some Americans will sit up grudgingly to face Monday morning, then plop back onto the pillow in relief when they remember it’s a federal holiday. But at Palm Beach Atlantic University, students will hop out of bed anyhow, not wanting to be late for Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. We expect about 300 students to climb onto buses heading out to various volunteer service sites organized by the University’s office of “Workship.” That’s PBA’s award-winning community service program, so named by combining the words work and worship. From the founding […]

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Is It Truly More Blessed To Give Than Receive?

“More blessed to give rather than receive?” You’ve got to be kidding! What kind of a statement is that? That’s ridiculous! Of course it’s more awesome to receive than it is to give. That’s what we’ve been taught all our lives. That’s what makes us feel good isn’t it; getting more things?   What’s your appetite? But what if it were true? It’s kind of like eating vegetables. Once I was taught to eat them I eventually liked them. Then I really liked them. Then I discovered that I felt better when I ate my vegetables. It actually made me […]

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Resurrecting Advent

I love the days leading up to Christmas. Visiting family, enjoying great food, and seeing the anticipation for Christmas grow in my grandchildren are a few of my favorite things about this time of year. However, what I enjoy most is the celebration centered around Christ’s birth. Every year there seems to be an uproar over when it’s considered too early to begin the Christmas season. Some put away the fall decor and break out the Christmas tree weeks before Thanksgiving. Others wait until the Thanksgiving leftovers are long gone before even considering making the holiday transition. While some prepare […]

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Classical Ed. Builds Skill of Answering Questions

Megan Donley, now a lawyer working to defend religious liberty, will never forget visiting Palm Beach Atlantic University when she was a high school senior. She sat in on a class of the Supper Honors Program and became enthralled by the vibrant discussion among the students and their professor.  “It was just such a fertile atmosphere for discovery of ideas,” she said. That did it. Megan was hooked. She applied to PBA, was accepted into the Honors Program, and in 2004 she dived into the unique Honors curriculum made possible by a generous gift from Frederick M. Supper, a prominent […]

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Schools, The Next Great Mission Field

I’ve seen the world – traveling to over one hundred nations through my work as the president of OneHope – and I’m convinced of one thing: children and youth in South Florida need God’s Word just as much as children and youth in the most desolate areas around the world. While the cultures and contexts I’ve seen over the years are vastly different, the primary need is the same: the next generation needs to experience the Gospel in a personal way and be discipled by their community as they continue to grow.   In our own backyard A few years […]

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The Next Generation Needs You

(Scroll down to leave a comment on how you cam help the next generation.) We may only be a little over a year into this new 2020s decade, but I think we can all agree it has surely made an impression so far. As seasoned Christians, seeing all that’s going on in the world may be disheartening, but we ultimately know that these are the labor pains that must pass before Christ returns and makes all things new. He is our hope to face tomorrow and why we persevere with purpose. However, today’s children and teens struggle to have this […]

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Class in Session: Teen’s Mental Health

I’ve often said to my team that research is revelatory. Research removes assumptions and reveals what’s truly going on beneath the surface. As children and teens in Broward County and around the country settle back into their school routines, I’m reminded of the potential of the next generation – their ability to be creative and their zeal for causes that are making a difference. Generation Z, today’s teenagers, have grown up with technology in hand, and it’s changing the way they see and interact with the world. Behind the TikTok posts and the lighthearted YouTube videos they create something harmful […]

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What am I doing here?

What am I doing here? I find myself way over my head as I’m reminded with more frequency that there are cultural differences in our worldview and to stay in my own lane. So I try to limit my pontification, but that’s not easy for someone like me. I’m reminded that my mind easily wanders in and out of song lyrics perhaps to detach myself that I’m not alone in my craziness of thought, even for a moment? That’s life. Humm…. “That’s life”   “That’s what all the people say You’re riding high in April, shot down in May But […]

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Kindred Spirits Help Others

In 1 Corinthians 16 we learn the Apostle Paul saw a great door of opportunity for his upcoming work, but he also saw significant obstacles in the way. I want to tell you about two hard-working business students whose stories explain much about overcoming obstacles, taking advantage of opportunities and extending opportunity to others.  A pair of kindred spirits These two students never met, for they were generations apart, but I see them as kindred spirits. The first was Theodore R. “Ted” Johnson, who was born into a middle-class family in 1901. He worked his way through college and joined […]

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Pastoring Our City

While it’s undeniable that the pandemic is having adverse effects on the social, emotional and spiritual health across every sector of the marketplace, our community’s educators have been disproportionately affected. Not only have teachers, principals, administration and support staff had to care for themselves, deploy new technology and pivot to new methods of classroom facilitation, but they have also had to ensure their own safety and that of their students in the midst of regularly changing guidance and CDC mandates. Fast forward 14 months to today and things have yet to return to any real sense of normality for those […]

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