Next Generation


For over 150 years, Milligan University has prepared men and women to be servant-leaders. Our focus on scholarship, community, and faith inspires students to make a difference. Nationally Recognized Academics U.S. News ranks Milligan among the top 12 regional universities in the South, and among the top two in value. Our business, education, engineering, and nursing programs, among others, are well respected and recognized. Connect the Classroom to the World Our professors design projects to address real issues. Engineering students purify water for rural communities. Chemistry and biology students improve antibiotics for cystic fibrosis patients. Ministry students visit innovative churches […]

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Ocean’s Edge University Equips Christian Leaders

How Ocean’s Edge Equips Leaders Our heart at Ocean’s Edge is to equip the next generation of leaders to find their purpose and fulfill their calling. We exist to bridge the gap in education and discipleship to raise up leaders who passionately love God and have a heart to grow in their giftings. If you are a college-age student looking to grow in leadership, and desire to be invested in by leaders who care about you, this is the place for you. We provide the opportunity to get a degree through our partner schools while being equipped and trained with […]

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The Church in a Digital Revolution: Navigating Digital Missions

I was recently talking to a friend whose father pastors a megachurch in a majority world country. She and her husband had just left to plant a new church focused on the next generation. She explained, “We can’t lead the way my dad did. The very nature of the church has to change.”  She shared the story of a young lady named Camilla, who reached out to her through Instagram and expressed her suicidal thoughts. They met over coffee, and Camilla talked for over an hour about her struggles. Then, she asked if she could be prayed over. So there […]

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What You Should Know About Gen Alpha

As the world continues to advance technologically, the gap between generations is shrinking rapidly. This has a significant impact on how the Church and organizations reach and connect with the younger generations. Generation Alpha, the generation born between 2010 and 2024, is growing up in a world that is vastly different from the one most of the older Gen Z kids experienced. It’s exciting to see the next generation, Gen Alpha, growing up. While there’s still a lot of research to be done to understand them fully, we can approach this as an opportunity to learn and grow together. By […]

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InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Gala Recognizes Graduates

Alumni from three decades mingled with current students, staff, and faculty, during the InterVarsity South Florida 2023 Gala in April at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. Seventeen students were recognized as graduating Christian leaders on campus with individual blessings and prayers during the alumni commissioning and cord ceremony that concluded the three-hour signature event. Barry University alumna and current Business faculty Clara Stroude Vazquez, as well as Chief of Culture and Inclusion at the Miami Heat, shared how to keep it real and contribute to Christian community to keep growing in love and godly character. InterVarsity Pastor InterVarsity-FIU alumnus and Calvary […]

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God’s Mandate to Teach Our Children

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:4-9 God’s Mandate for Parent and Child It is difficult to imagine any […]

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I am fascinated by leadership and always have been. It’s no wonder I seem to be asking with more and more frequency as my frustration mounts, who and how many are going to step up as Jesus Christ disciples and as boldly? Christ is certainly held up as a supreme example of leadership and exalted for the undeterred openness of righteousness, inspired by Father God. Remember, Jesus called the Pharisees a “brood of vipers” (Matthew 12:34). Harsh words. The Pharisees had great religious influence — wouldn’t it have been a better strategy to tone it down a bit? But Jesus […]

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Tell the Whole Story of the Jewish People, Not Just That of Victimhood

The Jewish holiday of Purim recently concluded, and Passover is about to begin. Both holidays acknowledge that threats of annihilation of the Jewish people were stated goals. In Purim, a Persian minister issues an evil decree to murder every Jew. In Passover, the Jewish people were enslaved and later attacked by the Amalekite nation shortly after the exodus from Egypt. Today, when Purim and Passover are celebrated, we rejoice because yet again good triumphed over evil. This is our story.   The Holocaust, too, was a horrible episode in the history of the Jewish people, but there is more to […]

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Spontaneous Revival

Signs of revival are appearing across our land. It began with an outpouring at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, on February 8, 2023, when a regularly scheduled chapel service spontaneously transformed into 15 days of nonstop worship, confession, repentance and prayer, drawing tens of thousands of people from across the world to witness a move of the Holy Spirit. The sparks flew from there to more than 20 college campuses as the world witnessed Generation Z’s fervor for an authentic encounter with God. During this awakening, Jesus also showed up in the Super Bowl on February 12th. As millions of […]

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Students ‘Pouring into Others’ Can Impact Whole Families

Imagine yourself in the evening setting pictured here. The moonlight paints a glowing stream across the Intracoastal Waterway; you feel a gentle breeze, but more than that, you sense the touch of God’s Spirit. As the praise music fades, you join your friends in silent prayer. Master of Divinity student Isaac Sherry expressed it this way:“Worshiping God in an environment that’s so beautiful, you look up and see the stars. You think, ‘Wow, God! You really are so good. You made all this, and you still love us. Like, that’s wild.’” Believers of all kinds enjoy that precious service of […]

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