
What is Web 3.0?

Over the past few months, I’ve been increasingly asked to share about Web 3.0. Though my thoughts on this topic are still raw and not fully developed, I truly believe that the Church needs to be considering, praying, debating, analyzing, and really wrestling with this kairos moment that is now upon us and will soon envelop the whole world.  We must make an effort to understand the time and age in which we’re living. I always go back to what the great theologian Hans Küng wrote: “Enormous tasks, both familiar and unfamiliar, confront a Church which sees itself as part […]

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Special Delivery

Yes, I played cowboys and Indians as a child; yes, I always wanted to play the first because, reasonably enough, a gun is preferred to a bow. Yes, I shot the Indian many times, who was played by my best friend Raúl. And yes, he always went unscathed during my search and destroy missions, which meant the battle continued for many months until we matured into flipping baseball cards. Yes, I am guilty. But if the truth be told, a cowboy was not my first preference. What I really wanted to be was a pony express rider, but there was […]

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The Heart of Worship

The truest model of worship is love Himself — Jesus. It’s evident that Jesus loves through the eyes of His Father, yet the only way He knows the heart of His Father is by being in the secret place, deepening His knowledge of God.   Love As we read in the Scriptures, we see that our first act of worship is love. The way that Jesus walks stems from that understanding of love. Christ Himself says it in Matthew 22:37-38, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your […]

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You Have What You Tolerate

Throughout my life I have made it a practice to count among my close friends several men who were some years my senior. I have gleaned much from their experience and wisdom. Most of them have moved on to their eternal rewards as the years have passed by. One of these men who I didn’t get to know until his dying days was Jack Evans. This successful CEO of a major corporation and former mayor of Dallas, Texas, lifted me up each time I was with him. Jack coined a saying that still hangs on wall plaques in the offices […]

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Apologetics Conference and New Degree

In his book-filled office at Palm Beach Atlantic University, Dr. Brandon Rickabaugh uses an expanding plastic sphere as he describes neural networks connecting in the brain. While Brandon speaks, an icon of Jesus Christ reflects the light on the bookcase behind him. It’s a juxtaposition quite natural to Brandon and to the others scheduled to speak in a PBA apologetics conference Oct. 28-29. These scholars find harmony, not conflict, as they consider the Christian faith in light of the sciences. “All of the evidence from philosophy, neuroscience, computer science and psychology gives us reason to believe that the soul exists,” […]

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The Way We Were

Finally, it’s time to board the airplane. After waiting in the airport for about 2 hours, we were ready to board the flight so we could get a few hours of sleep. About 30 minutes into the flight the captain came on the intercom and said that we would be cruising about 34,000 feet, and there were good and clear skies ahead of us in our journey to Fort Lauderdale. My wife and I had just finished our second week of back-to-back trips to take two of our young adult children back to school. As I settled into my seat, […]

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School Is Back in Session… How Is It Going?

School has been back in session for a few weeks. By now, the start of your child’s academic year is either progressing extremely well with no issues; it has been a rough start or a mixture and blend of all experiences (perceived as positive or negative). Whether the start of the school year is going as you expected or not, there is an opportunity to evaluate the academic strengths and areas of growth. As parents we can help our child(ren) be engaged, equipped and empowered to achieve their own unique level of academic success.   A Need to Nurture, not […]

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Do you know where you’re going?

Normally I offer what some may consider nonsensical in contrast to the big picture. I offer this story that may be second or third hand, but the message is the important thought that I’m confident is direct and authentic. Where is God going with us? When Billy Graham was 92 years-old, he was struggling with Parkinson’s disease. In January, a month before his 93rd birthday, leaders in Charlotte, North Carolina, invited their favorite son, Billy Graham to a luncheon in his honor. Billy initially hesitated to accept the invitation because of his struggles with Parkinson’s disease. But the Charlotte leaders […]

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The Gift of Work and Rest

Because we celebrate Labor Day this month, I wanted to write a word of encouragement regarding God’s gift of work to mankind. Work is not, as many mistakenly believe, a result of the curse. Before Adam and Eve sinned and rebelled against God, they were given the great gift of work. As image-bearers of God, they were called to co-labor with the Lord to expand the cause of His Kingdom, for His glory, and for the flourishing of all mankind. Sadly, as a result of their sin, work was cursed with thorns and thistles and became much harder to perform […]

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Which Voice Are We Listening To?

This current age and time is distinctly unique because there are so many influential and significant voices. Social media, televised news, written publications, local and national social trends, and even our own conscience speaks daily several times throughout the day. When leading worship or ministering the Gospel in any way, we directly combat these voices with the Truth! Ministering the Truth is such a vast task, to say the least. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, God’s Word is inspired by God and profitable for reproof, correction, and righteous instruction. God’s Word is true from Genesis to Revelation. With this concept […]

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