Home Life

Summer Priorities for Parents

The heat is on! Which means that summer has arrived. As parents, you are now faced with the daunting task of figuring out what to do with your kids during what will seem like endless days for you and fast paced days for the kids. Now that the kids are out of school, it is no easy task trying to figure out how to fill their time and keep them busy without destroying the house, trashing the back yard and hanging the cat upside down from the tree while you are at work. Are there enough activities during the day, […]

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The Gospel > Complementarianism

If you are like me, you are probably wondering what in the world the word complementarianism means! If you looked for it in your Bible you would not find it. In fact, it is not in my dictionary or spell check. Many words we use today do not appear in the Bible and yet they do reflect truths and principles from the Bible. Male and female roles If I had to “label” my understanding of male and female as God created them I would say I am complementarian. But here is the deal. If you would have asked me about […]

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Father’s Day Gifts Your Dad Actually Wants

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and we all struggle with trying to find the right gift for dad. The tie is too cliché, so what should you get him instead? The real challenge is finding a gift that your father will enjoy and actually use, so here we have a list of items that the patriarch of your household probably already wants. Keep in mind that no two fathers are exactly the same, so not everything on this list will be right for everyone. Read through, use your judgment and find what your dad is really is really […]

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The Modern Knight’s Code of Chivalry

As a child I was exposed to Disney princess movies, toys and coloring books. My friends and I learned to expect boys to leap off their white horses, draw their swords and prepare to defend our honors at a moment’s notice. However, as we grew up, it became clear we had been disillusioned. With age, the image of the valiant knight gave way to the sex-crazed savage portrayed in today’s modern commercials, TV shows and movies, and just like that – we all gave up on our hopes of finding a real-life Prince Charming. There were no longer dreams of […]

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He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

Husbands love your wives… the end. If only it were that simple right? So what makes you feel loved? Dr. Gary Chapman thought this was such a vital question that he wrote an entire book about it entitled The 5 Love Languages. The book centers around figuring out what makes you and your spouse tick when it comes to feeling loved. Needless to say, it was a best seller in both the mainstream and Christian markets. Why? Because we are indeed a people searching for love, acceptance, encouragement, appreciation, acknowledgement and even applause from time to time. Thousands upon thousands […]

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Your Body Does Not Belong to You

Father’s Day is approaching and it is time to speak to the men. (Hint: this article will be totally helpful to women as well, but do not tell the men that!) To all the men out there, especially you guys who are near or over 40, the days when you felt like an invincible warrior may seem so long ago. But there is great news for you! You can feel vigorous and alive, strong and powerful, and full of energy all day long, just like you did in the “glory days” of your teens and twenties. There are some very […]

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Your Brain On XXX

Pornography has been around for a long time. However, now with the coming of the Internet it is becoming epidemic in scope. It is no respecter of gender, age or any other socio-economic demographic. It is free, private and easily available in unlimited variety. Some people see no problem with pornography. Others think it is just a matter of moral or spiritual differences in people. This article will look at pornography from the physiological, neurological and relational perspective; what you could call the practical problems of pornography. Brain neurochemistry and pornography The human brain operates on chemicals and electricity to […]

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Good News for Hurting Moms

“It is with great pleasure and joy, that it is hereby declared, that you are the best mom in the whole entire history of the world. Happy Mother’s Day!” This is an extreme example of a Mother’s Day card gone terribly wrong. However, it is one of thousands of cards speaking to moms everywhere and assuring them they are the best. Peruse the drugstore and read the glowing and flattering phrases; “Thank you Mom, you are the best! You add love to everything you do! You are the greatest mom! You are unselfish, patient and gentle!” I am thankful for […]

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Separation – Pros and Cons

A question that occasionally comes up in the counseling room during couples counseling is, “We are thinking of separating, what do you think we should do?” In marital counseling, as a general rule, I am not a big fan of separation. While there are some legitimate times to separate, this intervention must be used with structure if it is going to be a part of saving the marriage. Why are you separating? For many, separation accomplishes nothing for two main reasons. One is that either spouse is not honest about the reason for the separation. The other is that there […]

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Healthy Indulgence

What is your first impression when you think of health food? Do you think of all the good things you must give up? Or maybe you think of boring rabbit food. Certainly you’re not thinking of enjoying the things you’re used to. However, there are ways to stay healthy while at the same time enjoying some of your favorite indulgences. What does it mean to indulge? It means “to yield to, satisfy, or gratify desires or feelings.” Is this entering some forbidden territory for a Christian? Aren’t we supposed to crucify the desires of the flesh? It is a common […]

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