Business & Finance

Taxed Enough-The Journey of America’s Tea Party

America’s Tea Party movement has been dubbed many things since it materialized in the early months of 2009. On the positive side, The Economist describes the movement as “America’s most vibrant political force.” In contrast, recently a Newsweek journalist said the movement was “dominated by conspiracist kooks.” And then you have those who might be taking the movement completely out of context, by stereotyping Tea Party members and other supporters as “racists.” Whatever one feels about this newfound populist movement, the reality is that its members and rallies are growing in number. People are beginning to take notice. Tea Party […]

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Blessing of money management

Americans as a whole are addicted to debt.  We borrow, our businesses borrow, and our state and federal governments borrow.  Most of the attention about debt has focused on the federal budget deficit, which is expected to be $1.2 trillion next year.  But consumer debt is on the rise as well, and personal bankruptcies are skyrocketing.  U.S. News & World Report is reporting that consumer credit has topped $2.4 trillion, and household debt stands at 110 percent of annual disposable income, up from 76 percent in 1986.  All of this adds up to one thing…bondage.  God has a better plan […]

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Debt keeps Christians from reaching potential

If Americans had followed biblical financial principles, they could have lessened – or completely avoided – the worst recession in decades, two prominent Christian money-management specialists said. “Debt may not be a sin, but it is certainly a curse,” said Randy Rowechamp of Crown Financial Ministries. Dave Ramsey, author of “Total Money Makeover” and other money management books, agrees. “There has been a common myth spread across America that debt is a tool and should be used to create prosperity, but God tells us something different,” Ramsey said. “According to Proverbs 22:7, ‘The rich rules over the poor, and the […]

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Ten new ways to save money

We all spend money every day. Of course, it’s true that God gives some more financial resources than others, but we are all called to be found faithful with as little or as much as He has entrusted to us at this time. And, we are told clearly in Luke 16:11 that faithful money management is the beginning of being entrusted with true riches. A big part of financial stewardship is controlling the outflow of funds that you receive to ensure that your expenditures reflect your values and priorities. There are two distinct categories of funds that you receive each […]

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Debt could lead U.S. into economic crisis

Deficit spending and government debt are reaching a level that could culminate in another economic crisis as big as the one that hit the United States last year, Minnesota’s Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty told “One of the main things I’m very worried about is this administration and the Democratically-controlled Congress running on a pathway to bankruptcy,” Pawlenty said. “I mean, we have a reckless amount of deficit and debt in this country. The Obama administration and this Congress are exponentially growing that.” The $787 billion stimulus package pushed by the Obama administration and congressional Democrats was supposed to salvage […]

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Ways To Teach Children About Money

Parents are the best example our children will have of how to make money, manage it wisely and use it to fulfill God’s purposes. They watch us very closely and more often will “do as we do” rather than “do as we say.” We should openly discuss the family finances in their presence. We must acknowledge God’s ownership of everything we have, from salary to possessions to talents and gifts. Our children should see us tithing and giving as well as praying for God’s provision for the family’s needs. And we must not forget to praise God when prayers are […]

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Persevering through the storm: Managing debt in a tough economy

Since the end of 2008, Americans have become familiar with the term “bailout.” Banks and financial institutions dropped one after another, the automotive industry is in shambles, and all we can do is watch in total dismay as the financial stability of our country continues to spiral downward. So why has this happened? Greed? Yes. Thirst for power? Certainly. Corruption? Obviously. All have played their part in the problem, but the main issue is debt. We have bought into the notion that debt is necessary in our society and that we need it or else we cannot build up our […]

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How do I prepare my children for the financial responsibilities of COLLEGE?

It’s a time-honored tradition that is a dream come true – and a potential nightmare. How do parents enthusiastically prepare their children for college and their first taste of independence, while also warning them about the pitfalls that can lead to financial disaster? Students who get an early handle on their income and spending can avoid the stress of being unable to pay off bills and having to work more and more hours to meet financial obligations. While they may have what seems like a large amount of money from student loans, financial aid, hard-earned savings and financial support from […]

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