
We Need You Dads

Dads have a lot on their plate right now. So many have had their work disrupted by COVID. Many have been trying to juggle working from home and helping with homeschool. Some have even been furloughed or let go.  One thing we all hope that you realize through this season, and every season, is how much we need you. There are so many things that dads do that have such a big impact on their children. Their leadership and love of their family is so important through this unsettled time. They can be the strength that brings security to their […]

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15 Local Foster Youth Shattering National Graduation Statistics

Filling out applications to pursue her extravagant dreams, unwanted memories flooded Beatrice’s thoughts from her past. Beatrice, a foster youth at Place of Hope who is graduating from Palm Beach Gardens High Shool, explained how filling out FAFSA and scholarship applications, although exciting, is also a heart wrenching process for her and all of the other foster youth who desire to attend college. As the students do not have an array of information on their immediate family, they are unable to answer a vast amount of questions on these applications. Given the troubling situation foster youth face at this exciting […]

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Calvary Christian Academy Hosts “Drive-In” Senior Graduation

Calvary Christian Academy (CCA) seniors drove to school one last time the evening of Friday, May 22 for a “drive-in” graduation experience that marked the end of their high school journey. Each senior student had the opportunity to walk across an outdoor stage and have their moment of recognition while maintaining social distancing protocol. The Class of 2020 and their closest family members and friends parked their cars on a large grass field to experience the live ceremony. To hear and see the program, they tuned into an FM frequency on their car radios and turned their heads toward the […]

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What Stands in the Way Becomes the Way

I like you, open my email daily and find worthy writers’ devotionals and musings. I often click “delete” for lack of time. I remind myself that I should read my Bible first, then if I have time, read the ponderings of others. This week I came across famous quotes and stumbled upon a quote by Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” I read it a few times, and the COVID virus came to mind. My mind rambled on like one kicking a stone along a worn path, and […]

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While Finishing School At Home, Make Room For Fun

As we are heading into the most unusual end of the school year any of us have encountered, there are a few things that will help us as parents. We have been homeschooling for a while now and are probably at a point of getting antsy. For many of us, as things start opening up, it could create new challenges. Worry not about tomorrow First, we need to remember to take one day at a time. Matthew 6:34 reminds us not to worry about tomorrow… we just need to focus on today; tomorrow will take care of itself. Marathon, not […]

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In Uncertain Times, You Set The Tone

(Scroll down to leave a comment on what kind of tone do you set with your kids) The last few weeks, parents in our communities have faced some unprecedented things. There has been widespread fear for our health and the health of our loved ones. Panic to prep our households in case of quarantine. Long lines and craziness at stores. We are now facing school closures, work closures and for some reason toilet paper is nowhere to be found. Where were you? For our children this may be their “Where were you on 9/11?” moment. This level of upset may […]

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An Open Letter For Parents

To my teenager, I just finished reading about another victim of our social media era. You don’t know her, but you probably know other girls like her. Jessica was a teenager in Ohio who texted a photo of herself naked to her boyfriend. This photo was forwarded to other students in other high schools in her city. Jessica was so humiliated and so devastated by the violation that she committed suicide. She felt she couldn’t go on living with that photo of her naked body posted on the web for all to see for the rest of her life. As […]

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How to Teach Your Child to Love

This being the “Love Month” the topic of love is worthy of discussion … even in a parenting article. In fact, teaching children the proper understanding of love might be one of the most neglected areas of parenting. And, that neglect might be very damaging for a child’s future success in life. At first glance it sounds very worldly to challenge a parent to raise a child to “be a great lover.” But should we let our children gain this expertise by encouraging them to watch television shows like The Bachelor or The Bachelorette? This is what the world around […]

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Stop, Look And Listen = You Matter

Whether you’re talking to a child, a co-worker or the love of your life, when we stop, look and listen to them, we’re giving them our full attention, which says YOU MATTER! All three actions are keys to having meaningful, connected conversations which in turn leads to significant, connected relationships.   What does it mean to stop? Stop means purposefully ending whatever you’re doing to give someone undivided attention. Close the laptop, lay down the phone, put it on silent, remove the earbuds, stop folding the clothes and turn off the television. STOP means to remove yourself from anything that […]

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Be Refreshingly Uncommon

My dad told me a long time ago, “Find out what everybody else is doing and don’t do it.” I have found this little bit of advice to be beneficial at times. As a pastor sometimes I observe other pastors and preachers and I read about church leadership, church growth, vision-casting and fundraising, and I do the exact opposite. Be refreshingly uncommon at times. For example, my wife and I see a marriage counselor and have no problem sharing that publicly. How can I counsel couples on the importance of checking in with a counselor when I’m not willing to […]

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