
Use Those “Time Eating” Christmas Gifts to Teach

We often receive questions asking about all forms of video games. Parents of the past would ask, “Don’t these video games become addictive and cause kids to waste many precious hours of time? We bought a Play Station for our kids for Christmas, but I’m considering taking it back. I’m also thinking we should not have these temptations in our home.” In today’s day and age not only is it Play Station, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, there is constant access to gaming on their phones as well.   Content It is not necessarily the electronic device that is the problem. There […]

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The Origin of My Best Christmas

All of my life Christmas has been one of the most exciting times of the year. Beginning with intense expectancy on Christmas Eve, I anxiously awaited the gifts I would receive from my wonderfully, overindulgent parents. This excitement carried over to Christmas morning when I would open my presents. But these emotions always subsided shortly after the unwrapping of the gifts. My parents always gave me the presents I asked for. But, after we cleaned up the paper wrappings, ribbons and boxes, we all went back to business as usual. Somehow I knew there just had to be more! While […]

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Are You in Reactive or Proactive Mode?

New Year’s resolutions can often last into early February, but intentional planning can make a huge difference. Here are some tips for you to be a more effective person and leader in 2020. Next year is going to be so great, in part, because you took some time to think through a simple personal plan for yourself and your family. Spontaneity is great, but so too, is having some sort of relationship/family plan. Good leaders make good plans that give others a real sense of purpose and accomplishment. If you asked a son, daughter or spouse what the family wants […]

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Gratitude Is Taught

Have your kids caught the virus? It’s the most contagious and one of the most dangerous viruses a person can catch and it is “heir” born. Most of our culture has it. Are your kids negative and ungrateful? Some of that is because they’re still children. Much of it is because they are very impressionable. It doesn’t take much to cave into the impressions this culture leaves that more is better. Gratitude is necessary They can catch it from the culture, but they can also learn it from their parents. Ingratitude is caught in a home where gratitude isn’t taught. […]

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How To Use Storms For Good…

Are storms good for anything? Jesus sure thought they were. On more than one occasion He sent his Disciples directly into a storm. Jesus used storms as great learning tools, and as parents, we can certainly follow His example. Since storms are unavoidable, it is important for parents to take advantage of the training opportunities that come with storms. How Jesus uses storms for good On one occasion Jesus went with His disciples into a storm (Mark 4). When the storm began to sink the boat, the Disciples went to the front and woke Jesus up from a nap.  “Don’t […]

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We Have Lost Something Important!

Today’s family has lost something, and it’s a huge loss. Not to worry though. It can be found. The members of today’s typical family have lost their connection to each other. They have little in common other than the same address. Unfortunately, today’s family members have unplugged from each other. To meet a natural need to be plugged in somewhere, today’s children are plugging into the outside world and working desperately to stay connected. I don’t even think they know why. The answer is, however, it’s the only connection they have.  Texting, Instagram, Snapchat … have become a relationship substitute.  […]

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Choose Wisely

How do you know which way is right? That is a significant question, isn’t it? Where do we go for answers? How do we know which way is right? How does the next generation learn to think for themselves rather than be guided by the latest trends? As parents, how do we give them a compass for life’s direction? We are entering into an election season. Many ideas and statements will be made by the candidates. How do we know which is right and which is wrong?   In one of the final scenes of the third movie of Raiders […]

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Florida Christian College Fairs Held Locally in September

Representatives from Christian colleges across the country will visit four local high schools in September to speak with graduating seniors, juniors and parents. The fairs will be hosted by Westminster Academy in Fort Lauderdale on Monday, September 9 from 9 – 11 a.m. and at Jupiter Christian School from 1:30 – 3 p.m. On Tuesday, September 10, the college fairs will move to Atlantic Christian Academy in West Palm Beach from 9 – 10:30 a.m. and Calvary Christian Academy in Fort Lauderdale from 5 – 6:30 p.m. Christian College Fairs College Fairs can be a terrific opportunity for you as […]

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Till Death Us Do Part?

Whether we’re married or not, most people can recite the traditional Christian wedding vows; I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow. I have to admit that although I dated my husband off and on for nine years, I had no idea of the challenge or significance of the vows I […]

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Good News Wants to Know… Who was your favorite teacher?

It’s hard to believe summer will be drawing to an end soon.  As students head back to school in August, Good News Wants to Know… Who was your favorite teacher, in what subject and why?   My favorite teacher was in Junior High School. He was a physics professor named BoBo Anderson. He was able to take a very challenging course and make it fun and interesting. He pushed his students in a way to challenge us to think outside of the square. As a result, we advanced far above what a normal classroom teacher could accomplish. We visited Cape Canaveral in […]

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