
Summertime When the Livin’ is Easy

“Summertime when the livin’ is easy…” are lyrics that can grab your attention like no other song can about this chilled but hot, fun season. For some, the idea of going on a summer vacation fills you with unchecked joy. You’ve been fantasizing the months between June and August with the keen expectancy associated with a four-year-old who’s eagerly anticipating his turn at the merry-go-round. Whether you’ve planned it, dreamed it or even mapped it, there are never enough choices as your dreams may set the tone in your search for the best summer vacation destination. Of course, a lot […]

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The Challenges of Being a Single Dad

Single parenting is a very difficult job, so many of us need clear guidance. And the Bible does speak to us from cover to cover. “Good,” you reply. “I’ve been looking for some help. Give me some verses aimed at single parents that tell us what to do with our kids.” Unfortunately the Bible doesn’t always answer questions in the way we ask them or give us truth in the categories or format we want. There are no “Ten Commandments” in Scripture that exclusively address single parents. What should we make of the absence of biblical commands specifically for single […]

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Sharpening Your Edge for Renewed Success in School or the Workplace

“Hmmmm, I think I’ll stop in there and see what’s happening.” Driving by that same retail store on the way back and forth to work, I began noticing something fresh. New activity and new life was erupting. The building was painted with a new attractive color scheme, the landscape was upgraded, signs promising special sales were now waving and flopping for everyone’s attention, and the parking lot had more and more cars every day. But, two months ago that store seemed to be dying. What happened? I’ve noticed this same phenomenon on an individual level as well. It happened to […]

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Building a Strong Foundation for the Next Generation to Stand on

I once heard a pastor say he hopes and prays for the parents that our ceiling would be our children’s floor. If you take a minute and think about that, you really are building a foundation for the next generation to grow up on. Of course, as a father I always want my children to be better than me, to make fewer mistakes than I did, to have more wisdom, to do better in school or even remember school. Thinking of how to do that as a father is probably one of the most fearful and difficult things to make […]

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The Financial Reality of Living to 100

We live in a nation that has become one of the most prosperous in the world. Great advances in medical science and healthcare, extensive social welfare programs to those less fortunate, a military that protects us abroad and domestic, freedom in our capital markets to start a business and work with equality and great opportunity — we are fortunate to live in the U.S. We are also reminded that the success of this country has not come without challenges. Inherent in those are a series of financial challenges that one could argue are the price of success, and the longer […]

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FPEA Florida Homeschool Convention in Orlando Supports and Guides Families

There are currently about 2.2 million homeschoolers in the United States. It is growing incredibly and is more and more visible locally, according to Sue Puchferran, a member of the Home Education Foundation Board of Directors. Still for parents and students who are new to homeschooling, it can be intimidating. Newcomers may wonder where to start, how to get involved, how to purchase curriculum and many other concerning questions. Fortunately, the Florida Parent Educators Association comes along side new and veteran homeschool families to help them make the best decisions possible for their children’s education. This is partially achieved through […]

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Calvary Chapel: One Year Later

The past year has been an unprecedented one for Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale and its regional campuses. It was one year ago that Pastor Bob Coy resigned his position as the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel. A month later, after much prayer and seeking God’s will for the future of our church, the Board of Directors appointed me lead pastor. Many people have asked how our church has been doing since then, and I thought it would be best to tell our story in a way that will benefit others and bring glory to God.

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Mothers in a Multi-Cultural Family

Mothers in a multi-cultural family are heroes. These moms cherish the wealth that cultural diversity can bring and bravely face the inevitable clash of beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviors. They intimately know it can be exasperating in a different way. As one multi-cultural family mother said, “Most of the people in the world who drive me nuts… are in my family.”Another mother called it, “Genuine blind love.” Different research studies estimate that within 20 years white-Caucasian people will no longer be a majority in America. Even more stunning, EthniFacts Research claims this was already the case in August 2014. How […]

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Responding to Poor Grades

School is about to come to an end. Summer break is just around the corner, and sandwiched in between school and summer are the end of the year report cards. This can be the greatest day of your child’s life, or it can be the end of the world for some children. Everything that they have learned comes down to one of five letters of the alphabet. Ten months of their time and effort is reflected by one piece of paper stuffed into a yellow envelope. And what does this report tell parents? Pass or fail? Academic success or failure? […]

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Memorial Day: It’s Not Just About the Barbecue and the Beach

I love Christmas and Easter. I am grateful for the birth and earthly sacrifice our Heavenly Father rendered that we may spend eternity with Him. But daily there are sacrifices our countrymen are giving that have bought our freedom nationally, and rarely if ever do I see it celebrated in the fashion it deserves. Memorial Day is one of my favorite holidays. It’s not about the barbecue. It’s not even about the beach or the beer or just another Monday off. Memorial Day is about those who paid the price for our freedom, those precious men and women who served […]

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