
Bound No Longer

I was fourteen the first time it happened. Her name was Mary and she lived next door to me. Our “relationship” lasted six months until I moved out of state. Becoming involved with Mary awakened in me feelings I never knew I had. While I knew this relationship was different, I never felt that I was different from anyone else. To me, it was just who I was. Yet I never believed that I was born this way or that I couldn’t change, I just chose not to change because in the arms of another woman is where I found […]

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Why to Invest

Investing. This topic generates more discussion and controversy than virtually any other in the financial arena. Almost everyone wants to know how to make the most money with the least risk. But for believers, the question should not be where to invest, or how to invest, but why to invest. Should Christians speculate with money, or does God direct us to give our entire surplus to the needy? Which investments are compatible with Christian principles, and which are a compromise? Does speculation in the stock or commodities market constitute gambling? What is the scriptural justification for investing? When to invest […]

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The Gathering

There’s a great responsibility that comes with gathering people. Everything we do (and don’t do) communicates something. Here are a few things that can be pretty important and what they communicate. 1. Prepare the space. What we communicate by doing it: “I value the fact that you’re here. I appreciate that you’ve taken time to be present, and I am willing to make sure your experience is a good one.” This isn’t allowing people to be lazy or encouraging them to be consumers. It’s simply saying, “You’re important enough to prepare for.” This can include sweeping the floor, cleaning the […]

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Healthy and Happy New Beginnings

Over half of the United States population makes resolutions for the New Year but only 8% are successful in keeping them. Losing weight is the most common resolution but is also the least likely to be accomplished. For the New Year, in hopes of helping you stay healthy, happy and fit, here are some fresh recipe ideas to keep you on the right path to achieving your goals. Sweet and Tangy Salad Yield: 8 servings 1 Large Pineapple, cored and chopped 2 Ripe Mangoes, chopped 2 Large Cara Cara Oranges, segmented 3 Bananas, sliced ½ Cup Pomegranate seeds ½ Cup Sliced […]

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How to Break Your Resolutions

Have you broken your New Year’s resolutions yet? Come on, be honest! Did you ever wonder why January 1st compels you to determine to lose weight, start exercising, eat better, stop drinking, watch less TV, spend more time with the family, make more money, be more productive, or break off that wrong relationship, but then quickly leaves you flat? It’s because January 1st is no better than May 27th, in the same way that “Monday morning” is no better than Thursday afternoon! There is nothing magical about January 1st; in fact, it’s not really even the start of a new […]

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Still Single?

“Why are you still single?” Verbalized or not, the question lingers in social settings, particularly in Christian circles. For those in the Reformed tradition, the correct theological answer to this question lies in the belief that God is sovereign over all things. We finite humans cannot explain the coexistence of God’s will and man’s responsibility this side of heaven—and that’s okay. After all, as Dutch Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck noted, “Mystery is the vital element of dogmatics.” However, when it comes to the role of human responsibility, the new year is as good a time as any to examine ourselves […]

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Showing Love To Those Who Serve Us

Do you ever stop to consider how you represent your faith to the world around you? We can sometimes forget that we represent more than just ourselves as we move through life. We also represent every other person who bears the name of “Christian.” If people see that we are hateful, hypocritical, unforgiving or judgmental, they won’t simply attribute those failings to our own personal character flaws; it will mar the reputation of Christianity itself as they see it. A double standard? As Christians, we are called to live in such a way that sets us apart from others and […]

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Guide to Better Public Speaking

There are many situations in life when talking in front of an audience cannot be avoided. Oral exams, presentations or graduation make many of us feel stressed and nervous. The fear of public humiliation is a common reaction when talking about performing a public speech, but the association between the two can be broken. Here are some tips to help you to gain confidence and speak better. 1. How to prepare yourself for your speech A presentation is not a poem. Memorizing your speech or reading it straight off of the page will make your presentation very unnatural, as well […]

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Seven Tips To A Healthy, Stress-Free Christmas

Holiday stress isn’t just uncomfortable, it’s sickening. It literally makes you physically ill if you let it—and many people do. I know that because I’m a pain management doctor and I counsel patients on how to minimize their Christmas-time stress to minimize their pain and other symptoms. Are you ready for a surprise? In this article, I do NOT dwell on self-evident tips, like (1) get your Christmas shopping done early (DUH!); (2) stick to your budget (DUH!); (3) don’t over-eat (DUH!); and (4) get enough rest, pray more than ever, and exercise (DUH, DUH, DUH!). Like most people, you’ve probably heard […]

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Something about the title of this article probably interests you. The word “outcast” may have caught your attention, but probably not in a positive way. It’s the kind of interest you have when you drive by the scene of a horrific car accident. You pretend you do not want to view the details, but inside you long to see every bit of the horror. What do you think of when you read the word “outcast”? Do you envision the person in your neighborhood that looks different from you? Do you picture the woman on the busy intersection median boldly soliciting […]

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