
It’s a Wonderful Life

In Frank Capra’s 1946 Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life, the main character, George Bailey, has lived his entire life with an underlying discontent that only occasionally rears its ugly head. One Christmas Eve, however, years of frustration are magnified by unfortunate events that occur, and George erupts—despairing of hope. Similarly, the single adult may become accustomed to the normalcy of singleness, to be reminded only now and then of her sad estate—particularly while walking through the frozen foods section at the supermarket to find the “pizza-for-one” staring back at her. These momentary twinges come and go, but the fact […]

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I’m Not Okay, Is That Okay?

“How are you doing?” How many times have you been asked that this week? What was your response? If you are like most people, it was probably, “Just fine, how about you?” But what if you weren’t fine? In fact, what if you were sad, angry, depressed, anxious or felt terrible physically? The sad reality is that too many Christians think they are not allowed to not be “okay” all the time. Emotions Are God Given The reality is that emotions are part of who you are just like your genetics and thoughts. God designs them for a purpose in your life. […]

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Who is Leading Your Life?

Has God put a dream in your heart or called you to do something significant but, for whatever reason, it has not yet come to pass? Maybe God has called you to become a pastor or a missionary to another country, but you have waited and waited to no avail. Or, maybe you feel called to have your own business or even get married and have a family, but every time you think it is about to happen, something prevents it from taking place. Don’t get discouraged! Many times, God takes us down a different path to our final destination […]

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10 Steps to Setting Achievable Goals

Colleen Webb Good News Christmas is around the corner, and it’s time to drag the boxes of decorations down from the attic and start hanging the lights! For many, this is also a time for reflection on the past year, and our lives in general, as we wonder where the time has gone. As the year races to a close, this is a great time to hold a personal performance review. It is the prelude to goal setting for a fresh start; a new beginning for a new year. Often it doesn’t take much for us to acknowledge that we […]

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A Barrier to Honesty

One of the chief vehicles for dishonesty in my own life has been my involvement in “accountability groups.” For those who have been spared them, an “accountability group” is a single-sex small-group Bible study on steroids. A group of friends arrange for a time each week to get together, ostensibly to encourage one another by upholding standards of personal righteousness in a confidential context. Instead, the members spend most of the time picking each other apart, uncovering layer after layer after layer of sin in a coercive and sometimes even competitive fashion. You confess your sin to your friends and […]

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10 Health & Fitness Tips for the Holidays

The holiday season is right around the corner and now is the time to prepare for a healthy holiday. Preparation is the key to avoiding unhealthy pitfalls during the holidays. Every year I hear and see the same pattern from many of our patients, I like to call it “the great disconnect.” This happens when you disconnect from all the healthy things that you have been doing so well all year long. The diet goes out the window, the exercise plan is nonexistent, and the word “health” is not in your vocabulary. This behavior might last for a few months. […]

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A Theology of Christmas

“Keep Christ in Christmas!” This motto is often championed during the holiday season by well-meaning folks who paste it on the back of their vehicles or post it on their Facebook pages. But what does it really mean to live that motto out? Does it simply mean not shortening the word to “Xmas?” Even in text messages? Does it require you to rid your house of anything related to an overweight man in a tight red suit? Is it giving gifts to the underprivileged children overseas instead of your family and friends? How do you “Keep Christ in Christmas?” And […]

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Recommended Podcasts

An ongoing “discussion” (more like a friendly war, really) here at the Good News offices is Apple vs. Google / iPhone vs. Android. Whichever technology brand you are loyal to, make sure you’re using your smartphone to actually make you smarter by subscribing to one or more of the podcasts below. Northpoint Community Church – Andy Stanley Andy Stanley is the Senior Pastor of Northpoint Community Church near Atlanta, Georgia, and is the son of renowned pastor Charles Stanley. Known for his conversational teaching style, Stanley delivers sound biblical truth in a way that is relatable and applicable for the […]

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Disarming Karma

The amazing thing about grace is that it has no limits or boundaries. It is free, unconditional and unmerited. Biblical grace is a contradiction to almost everything that American society thinks should happen in the world. But the world continuously promotes the idea of anti-Christian karma and, most of the time, it is easy to just smile and agree with this proposition. Why? Because the truth is that even most Christians are afraid of grace because it takes control out of their hands. Karma makes sense while grace seems irrational. Karma and the Disciples Karma made a lot of sense […]

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Buying a Home: Blessing or Burden

The home purchase decision is probably one of the most significant financial decisions a person will ever make. We must consider carefully if home ownership is within God’s timetable and will for us. We must face the following realities before making this decision. Owning a home may be the American dream, and is a privilege and a blessing, but is not always a prudent financial choice. Many young married couples have an expectation to be in their own home with new furniture and appliances within the first year of marriage, when it took their parents 10 to 20 years to […]

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