
Broward Health Recognizes EMS

EMS Week at Broward Health During EMS Week 2023, held May 21-27, Broward Health Medical Center held a cocktail reception honoring those in the EMS profession and the important work they do in our communities. For more Out & About, visit https://www.goodnewsfl.org/topic/news/local/

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Over $100,000 Donated to Nonprofits for Mental Health Related Services

BBX Capital Foundation presented over $100,000 in grants to seven Broward County nonprofit organizations that provide supportive services to local residents with mental health or co-occurring diagnoses during a Grant Presentation Reception at South Florida Wellness Network on June 20. BBX Capital Foundation partnered with Broward Behavioral Health Coalition (BBHC) who helped coordinate the event and identify the organizations who received the grants. BBHC is Broward County’s local behavioral health managing entity, which is responsible for the contracting, monitoring, clinical quality oversight and performance improvement of the state-funded behavioral health services.  The mental health support nonprofits The seven non-profit organizations […]

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CFC Supports Human Life Protection Amendment

As the deep-pocketed abortion industry and its allies push to enshrine abortion on demand into the Florida Constitution through a multimillion-dollar ballot initiative campaign, Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida has announced its support for the competing Human Life Protection Amendment citizens’ petition effort. CFC and Human Life CFC Florida Founder and Executive Director Anthony Verdugo said in an email, “The ballot initiative campaign launched last month by Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and other organizations seeks to reverse all the gains made by the pro-life movement in Florida over the last several years. Not only would their pro-abortion amendment repeal the […]

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Helping Your Child with Big Emotions

We have talked about the fact that in parenting the days may feel long but the years go by so quickly. We have but a few summers with our children before they are off to college, 13 or less to be exact, where we can be intentional to pour into our children. We can use these months to give them memories as a family, with intentional fun together and vacations, but we can also use these moments to train. One of these areas we can focus on is handling big emotions. We may have more time to observe these moments […]

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Connecting with Kids

Summer offers families the chance to slow down and reconnect – something I know we look forward to all year long. My family heads to upstate New York every summer and it’s a long-standing tradition filled with precious memories that I know make an incredible impact on our ability to connect as a family.   Connecting through traditions Whether you are heading to North Carolina, the Northeast, or staying local and enjoying things like the beach, there is an opportunity to build tradition with our kids. For 4KIDS Foster and Adoptive Families this idea can often be challenging as we […]

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Sunsets make you think it’s the end of one thing and the beginning of another; it’s an in-between. I’ve been thinking of late about the in-betweens in our lives. The more I think about it the more I realize that our lives are littered with in-betweens. I also realize that there are different types of in-betweens, some more significant than others. Perhaps you have found yourself in an in-between. Have you ever been in-between a job, a career or a relationship?  Perhaps you have found yourself traveling and were in-between cities or even continents. In-betweens bring with them a whole […]

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Movie Premier Shines A Light on the Dark World of Child Trafficking

Regal South Beach hosted a Red-Carpet Premiere of The SOUND OF FREEDOM last week. The movie, which opened in theaters on July 4, features the incredible true story of federal agent, Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel), who journeys into the darkest of places, risking all to rescue a young girl from child traffickers.  risks all to end trafficking of minors. To End Child Trafficking Produced by Angel Studios, this well-scripted film raises awareness about human trafficking and creates an opportunity to bring many voices (ours) to share and speak out against this terrible evil industry, and put an end to it! […]

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ICEJ Celebrates Israel’s 75th Anniversary

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) celebrated Israel’s 75th anniversary all month long in May. ICEJ celebrates Israel’s 75th How did they celebrate? The ICEJ published Every Generation’s Story: 75 Years of American Christian Engagement with Israel, comprised of the testimonies of 18 Christians spanning over 5 generations to highlight the fact that for 75 years now, Israel has been a blessing to millions of Christians who have been able to travel there and experience their Bible come alive. On May 7, welcomed over 225 guests and 25 cosponsors to an evening of world-class musicians and keynote speaker Hananya Naftali from […]

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Campion’s Vision to Rebuild a Mission Hospital in Nigeria Connects Communities Across Continents

“In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success” (Proverbs 3:6, TLB). This is the life verse of Don Campion, co-founder and president of Banyan Air Service, Inc. and his wife, Sueanne Campion, who have spent the last 15 years rebuilding the mission hospital compound in Egbe, Nigeria, where Don was raised in rural West Africa. Their efforts have made such an impact in that community that leaders conferred on Don the Chieftaincy Title of Alatunse of Egbe Land, meaning “Restorer of Our Village,” literally crowning him as a chief. And […]

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