
Fort Lauderdale Missionary Serving in Syrian Refugee Crisis

Syria is experiencing the biggest exodus of people since the Rwandan war 20 years ago. While the brutality of the war in Rwandan was horrific, thanks to the Internet and ISIS, the atrocities of this war in Syria come to us via graphic social media images of beheadings and drowned children washed up on European Mediterranean beaches. It will take some time to forget the pictures we’ve seen. At least we should pray it does. But one Fort Lauderdale resident, Lisa Collins, who is serving as a missionary in Hungary, has witnessed the human struggle first hand as part of […]

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The Power of a Simple Gift

Samaritan Purse’s Operation Christmas Child program is simple; you could even say it is simple enough for a child. You take a box, pack it for the gender and age you choose, and they place it in the arms of a child. They call it The Power of a Simple Gift. It’s easy to underestimate the impact of a shoebox of toys, school supplies and hygiene items until you start to hear the stories from the other side of the gift. There’s the little boy who prayed for something he could share with his parents and seven siblings. A pretty […]

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More Ways to Support Israel

  As current events are placing Israel in a more difficult and dangerous situation each day, many people wish that they could do more to support the Jewish State. The following list illustrates a number of simple ways to bless Israel, as well as build considerable support for Israel within your church community.   Go there and bring others with you The one thing better than standing with Israel, is to stand in Israel. Your presence in the country, along with the friends you encourage to travel with you, is a blessing for several reasons. You will gain insight and […]

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More Ways to Support Israel

As current events are placing Israel in a more difficult and dangerous situation each day, many people wish that they could do more to support the Jewish State. The following list illustrates a number of simple ways to bless Israel, as well as build considerable support for Israel within your church community.   Go there and bring others with you The one thing better than standing with Israel, is to stand in Israel. Your presence in the country, along with the friends you encourage to travel with you, is a blessing for several reasons. You will gain insight and understanding […]

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The Hundredth Anniversary of a Tragedy

  A hundred years ago around this time a terrible massacre was taking place against Christians. It was the Armenian massacre where literally hundreds of thousands of Christians were slaughtered just for being Christian by Muslims in what is now Turkey. It is eerily similar to the crisis of today where ISIS and Boko Haram and other radical Islamic groups are killing Christians just for being Christian. Masterminds of ISIS are scheming of new sadistic ways to kill their enemies, to videotape it and post it on the Internet. The 20th century was the most anti-Christian century on record. It […]

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Competing Claims on Global Warming. What Should We Believe?

As we navigate the uncertain waters of the 21st Century, we hear alarming reports of impending disaster as a result of the polar icecaps melting under the onslaught of the global warming phenomenon that some scientists are predicting and, in fact, may already be well underway. Others dismiss this theory out-of-hand and see it as a ploy to expand government control and increase taxes. As world citizens with a healthy concern for the environment and an interest in promoting social justice and a sustainable planet, how then should we react to these competing claims? As in most current issues that […]

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Laughing All The Way to Tehran

  A majority of Americans believe that Iran cannot be trusted to abide by a nuclear agreement. There is very good reason for this as Iran has a long history of breaking its international commitments, is the world’s foremost sponsor of terrorism and has consistently lied about the scope and intent of its nuclear program. In fact, in the final days of the negotiations that concluded on July 14 with the signing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iranian leaders gave every indication that they were as committed as ever to the destruction of Israel and of the […]

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Many Reasons to Support Israel

When asked why a person supports Israel, most Christians respond with Genesis 12:3, the biblical verse where God tells Abraham that He would bless those who blessed him and would curse those who cursed Him. While certainly a pertinent scripture, it cannot alone satisfy either the more curious or the antagonist. There are actually many reasons why Christians support Israel and the Jewish people, and an advocate should be ready to articulate them all. Personally Millions of Christians have visited Israel and its holy sites and seen their Bible come alive in profoundly life-transforming ways. It only stands to reason […]

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Save The Children Expelled From Pakistan

(WNS)–The Pakistani government has closed the offices of international charity Save the Children in its capital, Islamabad, locking the building’s gate and telling all foreign nationals to leave the country within 15 days. Officials with the charity say they have no idea why the government has taken action against them. “Save the Children was not served any notice to this effect. We strongly object to this action and are raising our serious concerns at the highest levels,” the organization said. “All our work is designed and delivered in close collaboration with the government ministries across the country, and aims to […]

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Cross International Sends Aid to Nepal Following Second Earthquake

Cross International, a relief and development organization based in South Florida, has sent three Interagency Emergency Health Kits (IEHKs) to Katmandu for distribution to remote areas of Nepal in the wake of the second earthquake. According to Jim Cavnar, president of Cross International, each IEHK is weighs one ton and contains medical supplies need to treat 10,000 people for 90 days. IEHKs are United Nations-approved, pre-prepared packages containing medicine, medical supplies and low-tech medical devices that are specifically designed to help doctors and nurses combat diseases in the challenging conditions of disaster areas. The medical supplies are very important now […]

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