Editors Picks

Want To Get Into Full-time Ministry?

Every week no matter where I go, I hear business men and women that want to make the jump from full-time work to full-time ministry. What does that really mean? What is full-time ministry? Doesn’t Jesus want us all in full-time ministry? Some say, “I feel called to devote my whole life to telling others about Jesus and can’t wait till I can do it full time.” Others say, “I feel called to be a pastor so I can help others know Christ more.” And the best is “I just want to work at my church. I’ll do anything.” Here […]

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In Remembrance of a True Hero of the Faith – St. Patrick

The true St. Patrick was a great hero of the faith. Unfortunately, many celebrations in his name to honor the day of his death, March 17, discredit his memory. Patrick was a great Christian. He was very bold for Christ. He exemplified what the Lord can do through someone who is committed fully to him. He was a Celtic Christian a few hundred years before Roman Catholicism was introduced into Ireland. Thomas Cahill, author of the book, “How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe,” […]

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Who is On the Lord’s Side?

By: Penni Bulten “Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, ‘Are you for us or for our adversaries?’ He said, ‘No; rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the LORD’” (Joshua 5:13-14). As Joshua discovered, God transcends the question, “Are you on our side or on our enemies’ side?” He also transcends the American version of the question: Is God a Republican […]

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Obamacare Changes

What is different between pre-Obamacare plans and post-Obamacare plans? The new plans, for people who don’t have subsidies (see last month’s article), are generally more expensive; in large part that is because they cover much more. Here are many of the key changes: The new plans and old plans both have out-of-pocket maximum costs, but in the new plans all covered services are part of the out-of-pocket costs. This means that copays, and Rx premiums, which usually were not considered part of the out-of-pocket costs, are considered such in the new plans. The new plans all cover maternity. The new […]

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Jesus Christ, Victor over the State

By: Penni Bulten Jesus was constantly turning the tables on iron-fisted hypocrites who undermined the rule of law, especially two groups who regularly tried forcing him and everyone else into their molds: religious legalists and bureaucratic statists. Statists The Herodians, sometimes teaming up with hypocrites among the Pharisees, tried to trip up Jesus (Matthew 22:15-22) with the question: Is it lawful to pay tribute to Caesar or not? His answer draws the line: Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to him. Government claims only its own privileges, not God’s nor anyone else’s. Legalists Legalists […]

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Happy New You!

(Scroll down to leave a comment on the new you) Before we launch out on yet another New Year, it is important to take some time to reflect on the past year. Have you taken the time to consider all of the many blessings God has given to you, both temporal and spiritual, over the past 365 days? To be sure, each year has both its ups and downs, highs and lows, but through it all, we know that our God is good and all things are ultimately working together for our good. “And we know that in all things […]

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Never Stop Learning

With the rising cost of tuition, books and living expenses, going back to college is no easy feat. However, with the advent of technology and the expansion of cheaper alternatives, finding a way to learn has never been easier. Foreign language In this day and age, neither classroom experience nor Rosetta Stone is your only way to learn a new language. Languages can be learned virtually through programs such as Pimsleur, Fluenz, Berlitz and DuoLingo (free!). Additionally, you can supplement your education by watching, listening to, and reading foreign television shows, movies, music and literature (all of which can be […]

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The Grand Design of Life: Evolution’s Worst Enemy

How life – which is marked by astonishing complexity and intricate design mechanisms all working together in an invisible harmony – began is considered the “mystery of mysteries” for secular theorists. The properties required for life – even in a single cell – are so uniquely complex that no super machines made by man can compare. Every living cell produces energy with amazing efficiency. They go through remarkable growth and developmental stages, repair themselves and have many unique methods of reproduction to perpetuate their existence on planet earth. And each cell has its own amazingly complex information system programmed into […]

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The Wonder of Time

Human experience is marked with by time. There are popular expressions such as “racing against time” or “running out of time” that are familiar figures of speech. We are connected to time, because it gives an order to life that depends on a beginning and an end with intervals of time trapped in between. Every human being on Earth experiences this. We are born destined to die. This is a sad truth for atheists; however, Christians no longer fear death. Our faith tells us that, in Christ, we are set free from the bonds of time. Outside of time We […]

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