Unions and Marxist groups join forces to Get-Out-The-Vote

With a little more than a month to go before the Nov. 2 elections – and the stark reality that their days of influence and handouts may be numbered – organized labor unions have pledged more than $100 million to defend pro-union candidates, most of whom are liberal Democrats.The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) plans to kick in about $50 million. Former rivals, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the AFL-CIO have united and committed a combined $88 million to defend eight Senate and 34 House seats, located in 26 states.The SEIU, which richly benefited […]

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Surviving grief: From desperation to healing

When Linder Berman attended a “Calm My Anxious Heart” Bible study years ago, she had no idea that the lessons she learned through that study would soon be put into practice in her own life.  I originally sat down with Linder to write an article about her son Paul’s death three years ago at the age of 22. What I didn’t know was that God had something greater in store. During our hour-long interview, I was able to learn how a Christian, truly grounded in God’s word, dealt with the gamut of emotions that come with the grieving process. In […]

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Executive chef learns to serve

Jean-Claude Mille learned to cook in France at his grandmother’s knee. She had taken  him in as a child after his parents divorced. Jean-Claude remembers the love for Jesus that she instilled in him- a love that led her to dream of him entering the priesthood. Once he decided Catholic seminary was not for him, it was their shared love of cooking that replaced her dreams for his future work.“She was the one who taught me to cook and many of the recipes I use today are ones I made with her,” he shares.For Jean-Claude, cooking came naturally and he […]

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Self-worth in a world of shame and abuse

“I remembered that life: the suffocating feeling of being trapped, with no end in sight; wanting the money, needing it, but wishing there were some other legal way to get it. The constant pressure to smile, and pretend you want nothing more than to fulfill every wish and fantasy of a stranger, when all you really want to do is lie around your apartment in sweat pants, watching mafia movies like Goodfellas and Casino – imagining you could live some other life.” “I remembered, and all I could do was pray: that the women behind those very walls, feeling as […]

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1,000 Reasons to Smile

All eyes were on Haiti during the beginning of 2010 when a violent earthquake shook the nation and tested the resolve of the Haitian people. With over 400,000 people killed or injured and over 2 million left homeless, the country is still very much in the early stages of recovery. And yet, amid the turmoil that occurred, the spirit of the Haitian people is stronger and more determined than ever before. One organization that is deeply involved and committed to the Haitian people is The Knights of Columbus. Teaming up with two other major organizations, Project Medishare and the American […]

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Voters rebuke Obama on health care

On one of the hottest days in Missouri, voters showed up in droves Tuesday, showing more interest in casting their ballot for or against Proposition C, than to vote for primary election candidates. The end result: Missourians resoundingly supported Proposition C – which rejects President Obama’s new health care law’s “individual mandate,” requiring all Americans to purchase health insurance. State Sen. Jane Cunningham, who sponsored the referendum – also known as Health Care Freedom Act (HB1764) – credits the Tea Party movement and citizen groups with the victory, and hopes the vote will send a loud and clear message to […]

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The Gospel: It’s not just for the lost!

I will never forget the day God opened my eyes to the understanding that the Gospel is not just for the lost; it is for the found too! When those scales fell from my eyes, what I saw overwhelmed me. For years, including many of my years in seminary, I thought the Gospel was simply a truth that was essential for getting the lost saved. How wrong I was! It is needed as much by the Christian as it is by the unbeliever.Dr. Kennedy first introduced me to this radical concept nearly 10 years ago. He asked, “The Gospel saved […]

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Marriage on trial: Reactions to the Prop 8 decision

On Aug. 4, U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker struck down California’s marriage amendment. The case will be appealed, and it is expected to go to the Supreme Court.Of all the reactions, the White House response appears to be drawing fire from both supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage. “The president has spoken out in opposition to Proposition 8, because it is divisive and discriminatory. He will continue to promote equality for LGBT Americans.”Obama, who campaigned as a supporter of marriage, has tried to walk a fine line with a key segment of his donor base, which is actively trying […]

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The Gathering of Men in Palm Beach Florida : Outreach breakfast with Michael Franzese

Every month I am amazed at the stories and people that God sends my way. Writing for The Good News has given me the opportunity to meet some incredible people that have amazing stories and ministries honoring God. This month’s stories really opened my eyes to some of the ministries and organizations that cater specifically to men who are looking to serve God and their community. Between the Knights of Columbus (spoken about in a different article in this issue) and another amazing group that I will share with you here, I have learned how necessary these organizations are in […]

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What do my kids hear?

Children who grow up in a house of screaming parents often grow up to be screaming parents themselves. The volume and words a parent uses around their children and to their children has an impact on them. But what about the more subtle things we say? What about the things we say on our mobile phones, when we forget the kids are in the back seat listening? What about the things we say when the kids are in the other room, listening? And they are listening!What do my kids hear when they hear me? What are the lessons we teach […]

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