Good News, Indeed.

On Dec. 10, 1992, the NHL awarded H. Wayne Huizenga an NHL franchise, later named the Panthers. The Florida Panthers made history Monday night, June 24,2024 in front of more than 19,000 fans at Amerant Bank Arena in Sunrise, Florida, beating the Edmonton Oilers 2-1 to win their first Stanley Cup. This year marked the Panthers’ third time playing for the Stanley Cup. In 2023, the Panthers fell to the Las Vegas Golden Knights and in 1996 and to the Colorado Avalanche. South Florida now has one of everything when it comes to titles from the four major pro sports leagues in […]

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We like to celebrate. Whether a birthday, a graduation, a marriage or a job promotion. Life is a long game if you’re lucky, and small or large victories, while traveling a long and winding road, are important means of motivation. So a curious question: Do we learn more from success or failure? To celebrate or not to celebrate? Harvard Business Review: “We argue that success can breed failure by hindering learning at both the individual and the organizational level. We all know that learning from failure is one of the most important capacities for people and companies to develop.”  So […]

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Matching Dollars

“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it…” (Genesis 1:28).  The first thing God asked us to do was multiply. In other words, divine multiplication has been around since the beginning of time. God wants to partner with you to multiply in every area of life.  Grow the kingdom.  Some see that as an implied command; others may view that as implied pressure? The first is quite clear “Grow the Kingdom….” What does scripture say about God and pressure? “But he who received the seed on stony places, this is […]

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Take It Easy

In preparation for this month, I endeavor to take a break from the depressing world news. It will still be there while I take a breather and look to the lighter and brighter side of things.  I like to watch and listen to classic videos of the late Reverend Billy Graham; that voice, his echo chamber delivery, the tall handsome silhouette behind the microphone and the well-delivered word and wit so distinctly Billy Graham. Taking it easy From time to time, I share the videos with friends. Unfortunately, most are in black and white, and they are a bit spotty due […]

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2020 Christian Business Conference & Expo

After months of planning and meetings, I’m reminded of the once popular television program, the A-Team, and that familiar smile at the end of each episode: “I love it when a plan comes together.” “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV). For a first 2020 Christian Business Expo hosted at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, Saturday, January 11th, it was simply amazing for a first […]

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Oh What A Thrill!

On Wednesday, December 11, 2019 we were in the Nation’s Capital, Washington, D.C., at invitation of the Office of the Vice President of the United States Mike Pence. And you may ask, why?  Well, I was invited by the proverbial “friend of the friend” to attend a Bible study, and having so many friends to whom I owe so much for pouring their hearts of faith into my being these past six and a half years… if they want me, they have to welcome my friends so to speak. That was my arrogance creeping to the surface before becoming a […]

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God Was Working Overtime

Little did I know at the time but God was doing His thing and working overtime on me. And at that point in time, in 2006 I was just concluding a 30-year plus tenure of the founding Publisher of the Regional National Editions of Playbill®️ The National Theatre Magazine. My closest associates and friends were from the Theatre world as one would expect, and I had attended the 2005 Christmas Pageant at First Baptist Church of Fort Lauderdale and in industry vernacular I was WOWed! Mind you I was a jaundiced veteran of well over a hundred Tony Award®️ winning […]

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Merry Christmas

I think back with great reverence and a bit of childish mischief thinking what the fabled Andy Rooney would have to say about things like Christmas. “One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don’t clean it up too quickly.” And “The Christmas tree is a symbol of love, not money. There’s a kind of glory to them when they’re all lit up that exceeds anything all the money in the world could buy.” – Andy Rooney. Kind of bland for a curmudgeon like Andy Rooney, so I’m thinking […]

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We Can Do More And Better

I often ponder; where do I start? That’s how I start most days, setting priorities. My reflex response when asked “how am I today?” or “what’s new?” You know, greetings people exchange with one another. My response is generally, “Another day of opportunity!” I’ve been saying that for decades. Why is that? Is it honest, or is it boastful some may think?  Should I care? Each day is another opportunity. God allowed me another day of rest and another day to begin again. I feel accountable. This is how I approach life and 2024. We start off life learning how to walk and learning how […]

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Where Is The Outrage?

Tomorrow? I am reminded there are no guarantees about tomorrow; that’s His call not mine, so I find myself in a lot of reflection since October 7th, and I can’t seem to shake it. Where is the outrage? Where is the passion? I often find myself wrestling with what I believe to be utter hypocrisy – probably nothing bothers me more than hypocrisy. Somehow, we understand and can justify outrage. If you believe in the Bible, you have deep conviction, not passive conviction. If you believe that Israel is the “Holy Land,” and you gather yourself with great pride to […]

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