Year and review 2009: Signs and wonders

Religious Influence in DeclineAccording to a 2009 Gallup survey, two-thirds of Americans think religion is losing its influence on U.S. life. 67 percent of Americans think religious influence is waning, while just 27 percent say it is increasing. That perspective demonstrates a continuing downward trend, Gallup said. But the 27 percent figure is still higher than the record low, set in a 1970 poll, when just 14 percent of Americans thought religion was increasing in influence. STDs on the RiseRates of chlamydia are at a record high, and rates of syphilis rose for the seventh consecutive year, according to the […]

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Religion and America in 2009

Someone once said that statisticians are the worst form of liars. In fact, that someone said it in a way much too colorful for a family publication! Nonetheless, demographics and surveys sometimes give us a glimpse into the life of the body politic, and 2009 provided no shortage of such glimpses. Here are a few of them: Paint It BlackAs part of Black History Month, the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life released a new analysis that paints a detailed religious portrait of African-Americans. The analysis finds that African-Americans are markedly more religious than the U.S. population […]

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Man conscious during 23-year ‘coma’

The case of a Belgian man who was diagnosed as comatose for 23 years but was, in fact, conscious the entire time illustrates the need to treat such patients with dignity, a pro-life bioethics specialist says. A recently released scientific paper reported on Rom Houben, who was paralyzed in a car accident in 1983 and determined to be in a coma or persistent vegetative state (PVS), according to the Daily Mail Newspaper. A re-evaluation three years ago by neurological expert Steven Laureys found Houben was aware of what was happening around him but had no control of his body. “Medical […]

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Ethicists say think before forwarding

Blessed are they who hit the “delete” key instead of “forward” when it comes to mean-spirited e-mails of questionable veracity, several Christian ethicists have suggested. Christians have a responsibility to tell the truth and to tell it in love, they agreed. They suggested several guiding principles: Administer the “smell test.” Christians should ask if any e-mail passes the “smell test” before passing it along, said Bill Tillman, holder of the T.B. Maston Chair of Christian Ethics at Hardin-Simmons University’s Logsdon Seminary. If “something just doesn’t smell right about this,” delete the message, he suggested. Passing along stinky e-mails that fail […]

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Reawakening America through past principles

Black Belt Patriotism: How to Reawaken America,the New York Times bestselling book by Chuck Norris, dives into the teachings of the founding fathers of the United States and how their beliefs and principles can help rectify many of the problems going on in society today. The actor, martial arts expert, and conservative activist details an eight-point plan that he believes can help get America back on track, based on the teachings of those who founded our country. The beginning of the book quickly examines different factors that are affecting America today, and the following eight chapters discuss in detail each […]

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