
What’s Your EQ?

We all know that IQ measures intelligence, but are you aware of EQ? EQ is our emotional intelligence. In the best-selling book, Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman documented the research indicating that IQ intelligence only accounts for about 20 percent of a person’s success in life. So what accounts for the other 80%? Researchers believe a big piece of the puzzle is Emotional Intelligence – the capacity to ACQUIRE and APPLY emotional information.   People with strong emotional intelligence are more effective and successful in their career, make healthier choices, have more influence, make better decisions, make better grades, and they have […]

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Establish A Routine To Help Kids Thrive

We have mentioned that our kids have been the unsung heroes of this time period. Their entire sense of normalcy has been tossed out. Things they have done day in and day out since early childhood have stopped. They can’t go play with friends. They can’t go to church. They can’t even play at playgrounds. The good news for us as parents is that there is one main thing we can do to help them, especially as we head back into the school year. Kids thrive in routine; they feel secure when they know what to expect. Even though school […]

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Palm Beach Atlantic University Community Sees God’s Hand in Presidential Selection

Dr. Debra A. Schwinn dove into her presidential role May 4, hearing the biblical echo for such a time as this: a call for bold leadership to face new challenges. An experienced educator, researcher and physician, Palm Beach Atlantic University’s ninth president had come with a passion and track record for collaboration and innovation. She had most recently been associate vice president for medical affairs at the University of Iowa, and last fall she had turned down other career opportunities in medicine, saying, “it became very clear that God was calling me to Christian universities.” With “the innovativeness of PBA, […]

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Recommendations on the Judicial Races in the August 18th Election

It is the election season, and at this time of the year, I get lots of people calling or emailing me about ‘who these judges are’ who are running for re-election or for a judicial office the first time.  Judges make it to the bench in two ways: they are appointed by a sitting Governor after being screened by a local Judicial Nominating Commission or they are elected to that position by you, the electorate.  Sitting judges must run for re-election, or retention, every six years.  The Code of Judicial Conduct precludes judges while campaigning are precluded from talking about […]

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Our Father Is Still In Control

Wow, parents…we have made it to August!!! For that we should be high fiving and patting ourselves on the back. Next up… the fall! The beginning of school year, or not, or yes, or we don’t know yet. While things may still be seemingly out of our control, we first need to remember they are not out of our Father’s control. We can be still in that. And regardless of what your family decides to do, or the district decides, one thing we can control is what and how we communicate things to our kiddos. What are they seeing in […]

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Ginger Martin and American National Bank Strengthen Community During Pandemic

South Florida’s community banker, Ginger Martin, president of American National Bank (ANB), championed the cause of South Florida churches, nonprofits and small businesses during the mad dash to secure funding through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) beginning in April. When COVID hit and the world was shutting down, there was a lot of fear. The CARES Act originally left it unclear who qualified and how it would work. With businesses closed, church giving on the decline and nonprofits forced to cancel fundraisers, quick approval of the PPP was a lifeline for many. “Ginger and Amy Mahaney, her chief loan officer, […]

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The Tale of Two Families

I was recently blessed to share the mission and history of Live the Life South Florida with a group of people outside of Florida. A wise man approached me afterward and said, “Good job, but remember, you tell them, and then you tell them again.” I laughed and thought, how very true. Studies suggest that repeated statements are perceived as more truthful than statements made less frequently. In simple terms: Frequency breeds familiarity, and familiarity breeds trust. Not only do consumers remember an account that gets repeated, but they are also more likely to believe it, and think it is […]

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Refocus Your Family

Usually when we think of July, we think of celebrations, cook outs, fireworks, beach days, maybe even family vacations…but this year is different. These times for our country are so tumultuous, so uncertain. We can’t however, continue living in a state of survival mode in our homes. We are going on month five of living in what seems moment to moment, and February’s normalcy seems like a life time ago. So what can we do? We can try as a family to shift our focus.    Faith The first thing we can focus on as a family is our Faith.  […]

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CBMC Fosters Authentic Relationships in the Marketplace

Men are challenged in the marketplace and often struggle to find community. The Christian Business Men’s Connection (CBMC) provides that community to help men grow professionally, spiritually and personally, explained Steve Solomon, area director of South Florida CBMC. Founded in Chicago in 1930 just two years into the Great Depression, CBMC expanded to Fort Lauderdale in the 1950’s to present the Gospel and develop Christian business and professional men to carry out the Great Commission. In recent months, South Florida CBMC has expanded to include groups in 22 cities reaching from Fort Pierce to South Miami. Perhaps their most well-known […]

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Life’s Ledgers: What’s your Balance?

Our core expectations for close relationships are affected by all of our previous close relationships, whether with parents, siblings, former spouses, lovers or friends. At certain periods in our life significant people, or even life itself through specific events that affected us, ran up a series of debits or credits in terms of what you needed. Time passes, we walk through life’s revolving door, marry and hand our bill balance over to our spouse. Our spouse gets a credit or a debit for what others did or did not do. If my account has many positive experiences from the past […]

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