
What’s your treasure?

The adventure film National Treasure has been a favorite of mine since I first saw it in 2004.  It is loosely based on the myth of a secret code inscribed on the back of the Declaration of Independence by its signers.  The deciphering of this secret code would lead the treasure hunters, led by Ben Gates (Nicholas Cage), to the discovery of a fantastic collection of treasure that, for centuries, had been protected and passed down by the Knights Templar and Freemasons.  I am convinced that films like National Treasure and the hugely successful Indiana Jones series are so popular […]

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What if prayer was important?

We talk about prayer.  Most parents reading this article would say that prayer and communicating with God are extremely important.  Many who are still reading know the verse in Jeremiah that says God knows the plans He has for us (Jeremiah 29:11). Readers may also be familiar with the verse in Psalms that says we are each fearful and uniquely made by God so that we can fulfill His specific plans for us (Psalms 139:14).  That being said, do we as parents actually include the training of prayer in our parenting curriculum?  Do we teach our children to pray?   […]

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Florida school district quashes religious expression

The Santa Rosa County School District has drafted a policy that prohibits students from asking God’s blessing during high school graduations. The policy also prohibits district employees from participating in privately sponsored off-campus religious events or baccalaureate addresses.  Moreover, faculty and staff are required to stop prayer at privately sponsored after-school clubs. The ACLU drafted the model policy, which was agreed to by the district and entered into the legal record by a federal court. Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel, said his group has filed a preliminary injunction to stop the order.  He said the policy violates the free […]

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Awaiting armageddon – The attack on Israel

  I do not know what it is about Islam and liberalism that causes both to turn logic and truth upside down, but we have been witnessing it in different ways recently.  First there was the “humanitarian” flotilla running the Israeli blockade of Gaza and then there was the appalling anti-Semitism of Helen Thomas, formerly of the front row in the White House press room.  Suffice it to say that the so-called Palestinians are not living in a state of “occupation.” They have repeatedly been offered a state of their own, but have refused it for some six decades. They […]

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Local authors and writing opportunities

  Talk to one writer about the process of writing and you’ll think that it is an incredibly difficult undertaking, with every word on the page the result of painful deliberation. You’ll learn that novels must be painstakingly outlined in advance with nothing left to chance, and that a blank page is a daily affront that must be addressed. Corner another writer and it becomes just as clear that words simply flow out onto the page as if inspired by another.  Characters spring forth as virtual strangers who say and do things that are a total surprise to the author. […]

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Baptists’ earthquake recovery partnership

  As part of its ongoing earthquake response efforts in Haiti, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has signed a memorandum of understanding–representing an official partnership–with the Convention Baptiste d’Haiti. Emmanuel Pierre, general secretary of the Convention Baptiste d’Haiti, and CBF Executive Coordinator Daniel Vestal, signed a memorandum of understanding representing an official three-year partnership between the Convention and the Fellowship. Gedeon Eugene, standing, is the Haitian group’s executive director and was also present for the signing.  CBF Executive Coordinator Daniel Vestal signed the agreement with leaders from the Haitian convention in Atlanta in May. The organizations agreed to a three-year development […]

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The impact of a stranger

  I was recently invited to take part in what I believe has been the most rewarding outreach event I have ever attended. Led by Steven and Cheryl Price, Military Outreach Life or M.O.M., is an outreach not only dear to their hearts, but is one that affects the hearts of all who become involved. M.O.M was started several years ago when Cheryl’s son, Brian, who serves as an avionics technician in the Air Force, asked for some homemade treats from back home.  Cheryl, who is the Missions Leader at First United Methodist Church in Coral Springs, began doing small […]

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A journey through domestic violence

Domestic violence is a term we have all heard before. However, with domestic violence growing into one of Americas major health concerns, it may be surprising to learn that not only is it the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the U.S., but there are only 1,500 shelters for battered women – compared to almost 4,000 shelters available for animals.  Contrary to what most people think when they hear the term domestic violence, it isn’t just a physical act. This violent confrontation can also come in sexual and psychological forms and is […]

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Great Commission coming to ONE place

  In his youth, Paul Kantorski spent eight years preparing to become a Catholic priest within the Maryknoll order; he planned to continue their almost 100-year mission to reach out to those around the world most in need. When his life’s path changed, little did he imagine that God would bring the mission field to him.  Men and women from almost every conceivable tribe and tongue are detained on immigration charges at airports and ports around the country, only to end up here in South Florida at the Broward Transitional Center.   At the weekly service, Arabic, Creole, Romanian, and […]

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Letter from the Publisher

  Neighbors are people that we see every day. If you think about it, they do a lot for us. They keep us from being the only house on the street. They fill up the mall and the grocery store so we don’t have to shop there alone. But they affect our lives in bigger ways than that, making a difference in ways that tend to go unnoticed. Because these are behind-the-scenes heroes. We’re talking about the homemakers whose full-time job is to bring up children who will know God and serve Him with all their heart. The quiet folks […]

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