
CBMC Holds Regional President’s Council Dinner

On October 4, 2022, CBMC held the South Florida Regional President’s Council Dinner at The Signature Grand in Davie. Attending were 100 business leaders, executives, business partners and Marketplace ministry leaders as well as CBMC USA President David Myers and incoming CBMC International President, Chris Simpson and other CBMC USA leadership. The event provided the South Florida business community with the opportunity to visit and share in the CBMC USA initiative One Ministry/One Mission/One Million to connect with one million men by 2030 and CBMC South Florida’s mission to connect to 2000 men by 2024. The night included sharing CBMC […]

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Avoiding Disputes, Litigation and Alternate Dispute Resolution

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. This month, William “Bill” C. Davell and Paul Lopez, COO of Tripp Scott. of Tripp Scott PA, answer your questions on avoiding litigation. __________________________________ Bill Davell: We’ve heard about so many cases where things go wrong in a business or contractual relationship and issues end up in court – where you can never be sure of the outcome – or one party simply ends up being shortchanged. How can we avoid ending up in litigation or just as bad, not getting […]

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Father Knows Best

“Kids rarely listen to their parents but seldom fail to imitate them.” Those words were on my mind shortly after the completion of our Tuesday night Bible study. That, in turn, shifted my attention to a very talented songwriter, singer and storyteller who left us during his prime. As talented as Harry was, it was difficult for his songs to be played on AM rock stations, since they were mostly stories that expanded beyond the usual 3 to 4-minute recording. They included such hits as “Taxi,” “A Better Place to Be” and “Mr. Tanner.” His most popular recording, released in […]

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Aristotle said, “He who cannot be a good follower, cannot be a good leader.” As Christians we claim to be followers of Christ. But how do we carry that out in our daily lives at home, work, church or within any group situation?   What is Followership? Followership is how we perform in the workplace, church and personal lives. As we look at the different types of followership, we can identify ourselves and others by behaviors. When I first heard of learning about followership, the first thought I had was this was simple for Christians, after all, are not all […]

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Roots of Recession: The Arrogance of Our Age

“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow [a]we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit,’ whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.’ But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to […]

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2022 Winds up with Inspiring Faith-Based Films

Faith-based films touch and change lives; inspire and encourage believers and provide a special opportunity for an uplifting experience for our families. We have already been blessed by numerous faith-based films in theaters during 2022, including “Lifemark,” “Running the Bases,” and many others. But we are ending this year with an exciting line-up of a wide variety of films coming to theaters. Groups from churches and other organizations can make going to see the films in theaters a fun and inspiring activity as well as an outreach, since people who are hesitant to come to church might accept an invitation […]

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Franklin Graham: Our Unchanging God

It was a distinct privilege to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ this summer in London, where my father first preached in 1954. Thousands came to hear the Word of God, and His Spirit worked to bring hundreds to saving faith. We praise God! While in England, I was invited to appear on the TV program “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” broadcast by the BBC to a large audience. I have been with Piers in the past when he was with another network, and he certainly can ask some penetrating questions. Among the topics we discussed was a Gallup poll […]

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Inside the BLUE margins

Two and a half years ago our nation was hit with several storms, one being a pandemic, but during the pandemic there was political polarization and civil unrest. Both the political polarization and the civil unrest, I believe, acted as rocks, grinding against one another creating sparks of flames that would literally set our country on fire. The pandemic would serve as the gas that would ignite the blaze into flash fire. All this pain, all this unrest along with a political divide that was palpably felt in every inch of the social spectrum created a level of anxiety among […]

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Is Jesus a Republican or a Democrat?

Have you ever had someone ask you a question that left you at a loss for words? Recently, I had such a question. What made the question even more surprising is that it came from a Generation Z type individual. I did not think this was a top ten area of interest of that generation. Here is the question, maybe you’ve heard it before: “Is Jesus a Republican or a Democrat?”   Generation Z This Generation Z individual that I am talking about is a college student and a first-time voter. At first thought, I felt I had to say […]

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