
How Did Man Live So Long Before the Flood?

In Genesis Chapter 5, something bizarre is happening. This chapter is dedicated to preserving the record of the generations of Adam, so that there would be an accurate record of the promised Seed; the lineage of our savior, Jesus Christ. It also indicates that man lived long ages approaching a thousand years and, of course, this is something unheard of today. There is a pattern established where we see the major patriarchs carrying the promised Seed through Noah’s lineage. Genesis 5:3-5 states: “And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his […]

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Thanksgiving on a Budget

The leaves are turning, the evenings are cooling, and the holiday spirit presses us all to more friendly moods and actions. Thanksgiving is that time of year to gather, show love for one another, and offer thanks for all the blessings given to us throughout the years. It is a time of peace, happiness, and good food. The following are recipes that are sure to leave both your guests and your wallet happy! May this year’s holiday season bring joy and love to you and yours. Basic Garlic Mashed Potatoes Serves 12 2 pounds of Russet potatoes, medium diced Garlic […]

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Is Tithing for Today?

Commentary Does the Bible teach that tithing (giving 10% of our income/increase) is the essential and enduring requirement for Christian giving? Christians through the years have supported this based on various scriptures, reasoning that since the Old Testament patriarchs like Abraham and Jacob gave tithes at certain times, then the practice must be God’s abiding standard. Since tithing appeared before the law, it must transcend the law. This argument, however, has many flaws and, after careful review of scripture, we discover that there is no formula or percentage for how much we ought to give. Giving is a matter of […]

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Killer Complacency

The dictionary’s definition of complacent is “to be contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned, especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies.” Sadly this describes far too many in the church today. They have grown so comfortable with their spiritual standing that they have become complacent, to the point where they are living out a Christless Christianity. Complacency vs. content Complacency is never good; contentment is another thing altogether. The Holy Spirit inspired the apostle Paul to encourage us: “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, […]

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Finding Hope in the Election

Fellow Americans, election season is upon us. Attack ads are in full force, armchair politicians are slinging mud all over Facebook, and Jay Leno is having a field day with so much new material. Both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions have come and gone, and commentators are chomping at the bit for upcoming debates between the vice-presidential and presidential candidates. In Tampa and in Charlotte, a common theme was heralded from the convention stage regardless of gender, race, or political preference: the notion of the American dream. James Truslow Adams coined the phrase in 1931 in his book The […]

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The Biblical View of Pangea

Does the Bible support the view of a “Pangea” single-continent at some time in history? An accepted theory in today’s scientific community is that, at one time in earth’s history, all of the continents formed one super continent. Alfred Wegener, a German geophysicist, theorized in 1912 that the earth’s continents could fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, and that they are currently drifting apart at very slow rate. He concluded that there were significant similarities in the geological features of the continents on either side of the Atlantic Ocean; specifically in plant fossils. This theory is called continental […]

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True Freedom

Freedom is a wonderful word. In fact, freedom or liberty is at the heart of what it means to be an American, “where at least I know I’m free.” In the height of any election season, protecting the various American freedoms is rightly at the forefront of the political debates. But have you ever asked yourself, “What is true freedom? Is freedom simply the accumulation of my various civil rights? Is freedom merely an outward experience or more of an inward experience? Am I truly free?” True Freedom There’s a famous scene in the movie Braveheart where William Wallace (played […]

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Settled Pilgrims

There is a recurring theme in Scripture of the people of God as pilgrims. Much of the narrative of Bible is built around the framework of nomadic journeys. There is the story of Abraham and his journey from Ur to Canaan, and the story of the Exodus when the Israelites journeyed out of Egypt and then traveled through the wilderness for 40 years before reaching Promised Land. Annually, the Israelites had to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the feast days. Then there is the story of the Babylonian captivity and the return to the land 70 years later. Even Jesus […]

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The Power of Teens in Politics

If you wanted to change the world, who would be the best people group to convince of your cause?  The answer might surprise you: teenagers!  Hitler knew this well, and used it to fuel his regime of insanity and violence. He sought to spread Nazism throughout the world by indoctrinating and mobilizing middle school boys. Young people are capable, idealistic and passionate. They really believe that they can change the world. Throughout history, young people have been a powerful force of change in political climates, whether in China’s Tiananmen Square or on the University of California at Berkeley campus. Even […]

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Does the Bible Talk About Dinosaurs?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by Christians who attempt to fit dinosaurs into biblical history. Many Christians are amazed to learn that dinosaurs, as well as dragons, are mentioned in God’s Word. In the book of Job, one of the oldest books of the bible, there is an excellent description of a very large animal that can easily be described as a large dinosaur. These dinosaurs are classified as Sauropods and are noted for their large size, massive bodies, long necks and tails, small heads and thick pillar-like legs.  One of the popular and most complete […]

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