
Does Grace Make You Lazy?

The gospel doxologically declares that because of Christ’s finished work for you, you already have all of the justification, approval, security, love, worth, meaning and rescue you long for and look for in a thousand different people and places smaller than Jesus. God does not relate to us based on our feats for Jesus but on Jesus’ feats for us. Because Jesus came to secure for us what we could never secure for ourselves, life does not have to be a tireless effort to establish ourselves, justify ourselves or validate ourselves. He came to rescue us from the slavish need […]

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Waste Not Want Not: Preventing Food Waste in the Home

Since the beginning of 2013, an estimated 18 billion pounds of food has been wasted in the United States. Based on these findings, by the end of this year, there should be approximately 72 billion pounds of food wasted in the United States alone. The average American consumes nearly one ton of food in a given year. (Nowadays, “average” weight for an American male is 180 pounds and 160 pounds for an American female.) If food waste prevention measures were taken, the amount of wasted food could potentially feed 7.5 million people in one year. It has become a commonplace […]

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Saint Patrick: The slave who set his captors free

This month, we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. But do you know who Saint Patrick is and why we devote an entire day to his honor and remembrance? Taken captive Patrick was only 16 years old when he was captured from his family’s estate in Scotland and taken to Ireland. It was the fourth century and Ireland was steeped in paganism, a nature-based cult lead by druids. There Patrick was sold as a slave to Milchu, a cruel druid priest. As a captive he learned Celtic culture, language and religion. However, it was the God of Christianity that Patrick turned to […]

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Easy Ways to Go Green

Christians are often looked down upon by the secular world because of a historically held belief that humans “reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth” (Genesis 1:26). While this is true, both Christians and non-Christians alike have sometimes misconstrued this verse as having a mandate to exploit the earth and its resources as we see fit. In Leviticus 25:23-24, God clearly states that, “The land is mine and you reside in my land as foreigners and strangers … you must provide for the redemption of the […]

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(Scroll down to leave a comment on this awesome change from mid-day to midnight) “When the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ which means, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ And some of the bystanders hearing it said, ‘Behold, he is calling Elijah.’ And someone ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink, saying, ‘Wait, let us see whether Elijah will […]

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Press On to Possess Perfection

Around the New Year, people naturally take time to reflect on what happened over the past year, the good and the bad, and wait with excited anticipation for a new year, a clean slate and a fresh start. But for many, the recent storms they have endured or the mistakes they have made have left them feeling overwhelmed and depressed. Instead of moving forward into the new season with confident expectation, their set of circumstances has derailed them. They are no longer excited about life, but are stuck on the sidelines in a thick cloud of condemnation and defeat. Does […]

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Out With the Old…In With the Newlywed

On October 20, 2012, I married the love of my life. As my beautiful bride walked down the aisle I was absolutely beaming. I thought to myself, “She’s perfect, thank you Lord.” Marriage is an incredible blessing and I truly feel like a man who has received favor from the Lord and found a treasure (Proverbs 18:22). But in the midst of the joys and blessings marriage does have its challenges. Most of what happens after you put those rings on is what you make it. For my bride and I it has only been about three months since saying […]

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Give Me Law or Give Me Death

Les Miserables profoundly pronounces the contrast between law and grace. The most powerful scene in the 2012 movie release is Inspector Javert’s song right before he kills himself. Javert embodies our natural addiction to law and our natural aversion to grace. Committed to the rigorous inflexibility of the law, Javert has been given grace time and time again from the very one he has mercilessly hunted for decades, Jean Valjean. The grace of Valjean haunts and radically disorients Javert. Javert sings: “Who is this man? What sort of devil is he, to have me caught in a trap and choose […]

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The Problem with Theistic Evolution

A historical scientific discovery shook the world in the year 2000. Finally, the elusive code of human life was deciphered. The amazing DNA molecule unraveled. All 3.2 billion units (base pairs) would be identified with a colossal effort spanning over 10 years of intensive analysis and a cost of over 3 billion dollars. It involved an international effort that included England, France, Australia, Japan and host of other countries. Dr. Francis Collins, physician and geneticist, was the director of the project at the National Human Genome Research Institute. The researchers had successfully completed a rough copy in 2000 that would […]

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Man & Monkeys: Part 2

Question: If the DNA of a chimp and a human are 98 percent similar, doesn’t this support the theory that humans evolved from apes? A picture of two half-faces, one of a human infant and the other of a baby chimpanzee, adorned the front cover of the October 6, 2006 issue of Time magazine. Written across the magazine in large and distinctive red letters was the provocative title, “How We Became Human.” Directly following, in small print, was, “Chimps and humans share almost 99% of their DNA. New discoveries reveal how we can be so alike…” However, when we understand […]

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