How to Find Joy

Have you ever had a day when it felt like you just couldn’t catch a break? Recently, I was coming back from a trip, and when I arrived home, I realized I had left my wallet on the plane. After driving back to the airport and waiting for what felt like hours in the lost-and-found line, I was thankfully able to get my wallet back. On the drive home, as I merged onto the highway, I didn’t see a median. Thankfully, I was okay, but I totaled my car. Three and a half hours later, the tow truck showed up. […]

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How to Lead Through a Recession

I recently met with a few leaders who, like myself, led organizations or ministries through the pandemic. We discussed how hard we had to push ourselves for over two years and how, even though most of our organizations performed well despite the crisis, the experience left many of us feeling burned out. Then, without taking a breath, we began talking about the oncoming recession.  As leaders, we don’t have the luxury of always anticipating good times; we have to continually be prepared for any possible tragedy. This is especially true when it comes to a recession; leaders must always be […]

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What is Web 3.0?

Over the past few months, I’ve been increasingly asked to share about Web 3.0. Though my thoughts on this topic are still raw and not fully developed, I truly believe that the Church needs to be considering, praying, debating, analyzing, and really wrestling with this kairos moment that is now upon us and will soon envelop the whole world.  We must make an effort to understand the time and age in which we’re living. I always go back to what the great theologian Hans Küng wrote: “Enormous tasks, both familiar and unfamiliar, confront a Church which sees itself as part […]

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At the end of every year, I commit myself to a time of prayer to discern a word from the Lord to focus on in the coming year. I find that word can sustain and act as a guiding light for me as an individual, Kim and I as a couple, and even for OneHope.  Last year, my word was accelerate. As a visionary, I was looking forward to another energizing word like that. Instead, the Lord surprised me as He began to impress the word remember on my heart. Soon, I began to notice the word everywhere – in […]

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Hope Against Hope

I think a lot about hope. You could say it is the most defining word in my life. I run an organization called OneHope, and I coauthored a best-selling book with hope as a central value. My favorite quote is from St. Augustine, “Hope has two beautiful daughters: their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” What happens when no amount of anger or courage will seemingly change the reality of the present situation? I wake up every morning with two vicious realities: people […]

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What Nicodemus Can Teach Us This Easter

It’s sometimes easy to let certain holidays pass by without taking the time to deeply observe them every year. Easter is one of those holidays that, if we aren’t careful, can be more focused on the kids finding all the Easter eggs or finding the right outfits for the family to wear to church than making sure we take time to meditate on Jesus and His sacrifice. At the start of this year the Lord placed on my heart the word remember. I’ve found that as Lent progresses, and we approach Easter, the action of remembering is most crucial. Recently, […]

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Polycentric Leadership

Polycentric Leadership. You may have never heard the term before, but it may just describe how you strive to live out your professional career by serving in multiple, diverse centers at the same time. For me, that looks like being the president of OneHope, while also dedicating time to other pursuits like co-authoring a book with John C. Maxwell about transformational change, teaching graduate studies through Southeastern University, helping an entrepreneurial start-up, and serving as an advisor for several Global networks and movements. Each of these opportunities I’m pursuing correlates with one of my strengths or passions.  Leaders of all […]

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Nothing Matters More

Serving a global ministry like OneHope, I’ve had the opportunity to hear hundreds of incredible testimonies from young people all around the world who have experienced the life-changing message of the gospel. Each story I hear reminds me of the necessity of reflection, of taking a moment to look at our past and thank God for seeing us through. What Matters More? My good friend, Pastor Mayo Sowell, recently brought a prophetic reminder to the OneHope team from Philippians 1:18, and I believe it has application to all of our lives. The verse reads: “But what does it matter? Nothing […]

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Three Things to Leave Behind in 2021

We’ve been through various collective, societal experiences this year, including the continued effects of a pandemic, global supply chain issues and what they’re calling the ‘Great Resignation.’ Cultural reality is constantly shifting. To accommodate, we must leave behind mindsets and habits that hinder us from moving forward and revise long-standing routines or risk becoming burnt out. Three Things Left Behind As we enter into a new year, let’s be intentional about abandoning these three things:   Our Desire for ‘Normalcy’ I’ve heard friends and peers share their hope for a return to normalcy. Most wish to go back in time […]

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Resurrecting Advent

I love the days leading up to Christmas. Visiting family, enjoying great food, and seeing the anticipation for Christmas grow in my grandchildren are a few of my favorite things about this time of year. However, what I enjoy most is the celebration centered around Christ’s birth. Every year there seems to be an uproar over when it’s considered too early to begin the Christmas season. Some put away the fall decor and break out the Christmas tree weeks before Thanksgiving. Others wait until the Thanksgiving leftovers are long gone before even considering making the holiday transition. While some prepare […]

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