Reading Versus Engaging

You are reading this. But are you engaging with it? What’s the difference, and why does it matter? In the context of spiritual formation, the question takes more significant shape: “Is it enough to simply read God’s Word, or must one actually engage with it to grow in their faith or be transformed by it? Now you start to see where this becomes important! This seemingly minor distinction has tremendous repercussions in the life of any believer, as well as in the areas of evangelism and discipleship.   The Science Neuroscience tells us that the more ways something is learned, […]

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Thanksgiving Thoughts

I get nostalgic around Thanksgiving. A few years ago, the holiday had me thinking back to my childhood on the mission field in the Middle East. Thanksgiving in Israel Those were dangerous times. We were evacuated three times amid gunfire and threats, my Dad was arrested in Iraq, and he was even kidnapped by Palestinians. We had to leave this missional minefield, but my parents figured out how to continue the ministry via correspondence courses.   The power is not in the sower, the power is in the seed This is when I began to understand the power was not […]

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How To Talk About Mental Health

We’ve all been talking about it, but not enough.   We must talk about it I lost another friend to suicide recently. This friend’s struggles with depression, public failure and the stress of being a high-profile leader were all indicative of him being a high risk person. I keep asking myself what could have, and should have, been done better. Maybe he’d still be here if things were different.   “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ― C.S. Lewis   Even though it’s been a few months, I’m still […]

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Empowering Laity in the Church

Connecting a group of people to its purpose starts with leaders. We’re tempted to talk more about the sacred. However, if God is redeeming all things, we must reframe how we invite others to a fresh Theology of Work. This forces some of us into a tense moment of dichotomy. If we, the Church, are a visible and recognizable entity living out the Father’s love in every city, it requires much of us. When a local congregation understands its true character as a holy priesthood, its most important contribution is its witness to the Kingdom of God, counteracting the world’s […]

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On Passion And Purpose

As Kim and I entered a new season of life, we took a mini-sabbatical to pray and consider what it may look like. We spent time seeking His will. We asked the Lord to maximize our gifts, provide discernment to pursue the highest and best opportunities, to put us in places where we can meet the unique and lasting needs of people, and find a joyous place of wholeness in our marriage and ministry. We committed ourselves to a season of building young leaders and serving great leaders. This is true for our positions within OneHope, locally in the city […]

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Where Are The Peacemakers?

I’m heartsick that so little has changed since writing this as evidenced by Charleston and Charlottesville and most recently Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. Violence is familiar to me, having grown up in Beirut, Lebanon and spent most of my life traveling to the neediest places on earth. Many times I have experienced the scourge of deadly warfare. Headlines are full of racially-charged tragedies. And while the circumstances are different, the underlying causes that perpetuate a culture of distrust and hysteria, that escalates and threatens to shove society into the oncoming traffic of anger and hate remains the same.   […]

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Thank You Ravi: A Tribute

I’ll never forget meeting Ravi Zacharias for the first time.  Before I met him in person, I had been following his work. As a budding missiologist, I appreciated watching a modern-day apologist deftly leverage his platform to unify instead of polarize. It was intriguing and refreshing to hear a voice speak truth drenched in grace. I especially appreciated Ravi’s ability to help us make sense of the headlines, especially global. He was able to infuse timeless truths into what was happening in the world on a daily basis. Somehow, even though he was imparting deep insights, he was able to […]

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9 Principles for Biblical Leadership

I’m grateful to be working alongside incredible leaders like José  Bernardo who is a Vice-President at OneHope overseeing all of our Lusophone countries. He is one of the greatest organizational leaders and strategic thinkers I have ever met. Of course, he shares our passion and vision to engage the next generation with God’s Word. This is a powerful biblical expository on the leadership principles necessary to influence and impact the next generation, especially for those who have committed to helping fulfill Vision 2030. When Jesus announced that His journey to Jerusalem would lead Him to suffering, death and resurrection, the mention […]

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Faith Online

Word travels faster in our world than it ever has before, thanks to technology. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is leveraging digital means to stay connected. Nightly news hosts film specials from their living rooms, social media influencers encourage social distancing, and the Church utilizes online platforms to conduct services. If you’re a parent or guardian, you are likely helping your child navigate online learning. While keeping up with schoolwork is important, technology can also be used to increase Scripture engagement during this prolonged time spent at home.   The Bible App for Kids The Bible App for Kids, created […]

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The Best Time To Invest

From the day a child is born until they turn 18, there are about 940 weeks. When they’re little, the days seem long, but as they grow time seems to speed up. Our influence lessens and grows with the passing of each week. We recently did a major study with Barna on the major factors influencing the spiritual growth of a child during the formative ages of 6 to 12 years old. We found that where a child and family spend their time plays a major role in determining the child’s future. “The key is in not spending time, but […]

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